The Frankman
That SHOULD be the angle if WWE is smart.I thought Cena taking a break was due to his arm being a fucking mess?
That SHOULD be the angle if WWE is smart.I thought Cena taking a break was due to his arm being a fucking mess?
Kane won at WM. That's all that matters.
Wow, SquashMatch is angry. Look at that rant.So hes leaving but still goes over? Why not have him lose, have brock bury everyone and bring Cena back as the savior of WWE. That being said if Cena leaves now, Brock buries everyone, Cena comes back to put brock in his place again, and Brock destroys him AND may work. But for that to work Cena would need to be on the shelf again and that wont happen. Vince is a fucking idiot. If Brock wins he is the monster of monsters, instead he is just another guy. This is like WCW, no standouts, not even Cena. If Cena is going to go over why the job to Tensai? Its fucking stupid. Even if Brock takes Cena out tommorow Brock still lost and cant get to the top level in the eyes of the fans. WWE has no long range planning whatsoever. If brock buries the roster then Cena has to go over again at Summerslam. Him going over twice is stupid as fuck and does nothing for Brock at all. FUCK THIS COMPANY. TNA, now is your chance. Fire Bischoff, hire Heyman and give us something that makes some fucking sense. Hell Vince should fire his writers, bring back Russo and filter him, and bring in someone like Hart, Steamboat or some other legend to the booking team who actually understands fucking wrestling. Fuck you Vince you money hating son of a bitch!
....Are you implying he'll Heidenreich him?The only thing Kane is going to warm up is Randy Orton's seat.
The LAW player never works for me.
The LAW player never works for me.
I read "sitting" as "shitting."Here's the highlights from the PPV
....Are you implying he'll Heidenreich him?
Are you crazy? Are you really trying to fuck with Kane Kliq?!?! he can go back to being the loser he truly is. Taker was always the better half.
Vince just couldn't resist making himself feel better by making the wrestler look superior to the mma fighter. 5 million to do this.
Doesn't work for me in Firefox, but does in Chrome.
Truly goes to show that WM is just not worth it when the real deal is the month afterwards, I left WM28 with disappointment even though Cena lost, I leave extreme rules chuckling because Cena won, what a bizarre twist.I'm laughing my ass off
I thought this was a great PPV, even with Supercena
What's up with all you Kane marks? Randy Orton is clearly better than him. He won.
I use Chrome.....and it doesn't work. But it works in IE....which I hate worse than Cena.
Are you crazy? Are you really trying to fuck with Kane Kliq?!?!
Orton only won in gimmick matches with weapons, Kane beat Orton clean, I think we know who is the better man here.
Wow, SquashMatch is angry. Look at that rant.
Guys, having brock put cena over is a way to win brock over a bit in the back. He's gonna need to earn respect in the locker room after some of the stuff he did/said.
Kind shocked there is one to begin with. No reason to mark for someone who can't defeat his other half at Mania.
Bork Laser was as stiff as FUCK though. Jesus...This is also true. We'll see what tomorrow holds, but Lesnar's character CAN do a lot from this situation, where I hadn't really thought about it much before.
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Now we are getting Brock vs HHH, because HHH has to shove his ass in anything he thinks might be popular.
Seriously, probably the best PPV they put on all year. They did pretty much everything right. I have no complaints.
But that's a match that has NEVER happened before!Now we are getting Brock vs HHH, because HHH has to shove his ass in anything he thinks might be popular.
The face was hilarious. Anyone screen cap it?Listening to LAW right now. They really like The Big Show's facial expressions and work.
This company is full of shit, but everyone should have known he was going to win when Brock set his demands.LORD FUCKING TENSAI GOT A PIN ON CENA, BROCK DIDNT
Wait, HHH is coming back? I thought the point of the ending to WM was we were getting rid of his and Taker's geezer asses
The face was hilarious. Anyone screen cap it?
So who were the people who doubted me when I said Cena was going to beat Lesnar?