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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45


oh you "decided" and suddenly think youre accepted around these parts buddy?

go pay your dues in the corner and get burried a few times first, then watch some hentai with frankman and spindashing and may be we will think about it

Spin only watches furry hentai

All joking aside, Edge & Christian always were better then the Hardy Boyz, even way back when.

.....I like them both
oh you "decided" and suddenly think youre accepted around these parts buddy?

go pay your dues in the corner and get burried a few times first, then watch some hentai with frankman and spindashing and may be we will think about it

it's funny because you make spindashing sound like a sexual act.

go watch some hentai with some spindashing in it. frankly you guys seem like the sort of people that are welcoming, maybe it's all the bitching about DB having to pay his dues when he's clearly over.

but yeah, if i was part of a popular thread on gaming side, and it was pushed into community and then someone new showed up, someone who rarely posts in gaming side, i'd think it pretty damn weird too. but 'twas just mania timing.

All joking aside, Edge & Christian always were better then the Hardy Boyz, even way back when.
is claiming otherwise a thing?


Jon I see what you're trying to do.

All I see is a winner, a winner being attacked by that Phony CM Punk.
Always was. Poor Dudley Boys though, nobody every picked them :S

I watched wrestling pretty much in isolation back in 1999/2000. huh. i thought it was just teenage girls and fat women that liked the Hardy Boys over Edge and Christian.

the Hardy Boys were a great tag team, don't get me wrong, they had great chemistry, but E+C had better in ring psychology and were entertaining outside of the ropes too.

I hope that's all 'well duh'.


As we mentioned earlier in the week, Ring of Honor had a number of issues with their iPPV transmissions over the weekend. On Sunday, the promotion missed out on broadcasting three matches due to a brownout in the area wiping out their feed.

As a make good to their fans, the promotion has posted two of the three matches online for free. The third may also be posted.

ROH Showdown in the Sun Day #2 - Kyle O'Reilly vs. Adam Cole:


ROH Showdown in the Sun Day #2 - Young Bucks vs. All Night Express in a street fight:





They missed the spot where I got in Matt Jackson's face, said "fuck you" and he knocked my hat off. It was while he was beating on Kenny King near the entrance and just before they put him in the shopping cart.

the hell is your problem sandman? You're going to get pummeled.

You better have those divas pics btw


Listened to the Fire Burns on my way to work .. I miss this theme. Don't get me wrong I like Cult of Personality but I love Punk's old theme


So not worth it
I'm quite okay with Cult of Personality. This Fire was getting stale after 5 years.

One person who is in dire need of a new popworthy theme though? This guy:


So not worth it
Christian's theme (Btw, it's "Goooo!") is by far the best one in WWE at the moment. (Guys like Booker and Rock not included as active wrestlers btw).

Jericho's is still amazing.

Don't shoot me for saying it, but Cena's theme is so fitting as well, probably the only good thing about Cena at all atm. The intro, followed by BOOOOOOO/YAAAAY from the crowd, just perfect.

I like Kofi's alot too. Sure, he's african and it makes no sense, but it's a great theme.

Now, 2nd only to Christian's theme is Mark Henry's. So fitting of his character. "SOMEBODY'S GONNA GET THEIR ASS KICKED". If I was in the ring when Henry entered to that song I'd run away really. That guy is out to get me.

Cody's is quite good as well, bit generic, but that intro is great. Same goes for Ziggler tbh, his previous one was better.

Barret's new theme sucks, he should've stuk to End of Days, the Corre one he kept using.

Also, still good, McIntyre's theme, though they almost never play it anymore.


I'd rather see the strap on Henry than Sheamus.

But I'd rather put it back on Bryan than either of the two.
Christian's theme (Btw, it's "Goooo!") is by far the best one in WWE at the moment. (Guys like Booker and Rock not included as active wrestlers btw).

Jericho's is still amazing.

Don't shoot me for saying it, but Cena's theme is so fitting as well, probably the only good thing about Cena at all atm. The intro, followed by BOOOOOOO/YAAAAY from the crowd, just perfect.

I like Kofi's alot too. Sure, he's african and it makes no sense, but it's a great theme.

Now, 2nd only to Christian's theme is Mark Henry's. So fitting of his character. "SOMEBODY'S GONNA GET THEIR ASS KICKED". If I was in the ring when Henry entered to that song I'd run away really. That guy is out to get me.

Cody's is quite good as well, bit generic, but that intro is great. Same goes for Ziggler tbh, his previous one was better.

Barret's new theme sucks, he should've stuk to End of Days, the Corre one he kept using.

Also, still good, McIntyre's theme, though they almost never play it anymore.

i wish Aries was still using 'I am the greatest man that ever lived', and i say that as someone who marked hard for 'Personal Jesus' when he was using that.

i guess i like a lot of themes that aren't 'pop' worthy. i love flight of the valkyries for DB. it's so different and it builds really well.

one of my favourite experiences at live wrestling events was how people would always sing along to Edge's entrance theme, no matter how much he'd made them hate him at the time... they just couldn't help themselves.

i like the fanfare at the start of ADR's intro.

and yes, i love the 'AWESOME' at the start of the Miz's.

i think my favourite theme of all time though, is Dusty's 'Common Man'. that cowbell is so good.


Any chance that epico and primo can lose the titles to someone like Bryan and Henry?

And any chance that Big show will retire/go away and Sin Cara will come back to take his place?


So not worth it
Any chance that epico and primo can lose the titles to someone like Bryan and Henry?

And any chance that Big show will retire/go away and Sin Cara will come back to take his place?

One the second one, I hope not, Sin Cara does nothing for me.

On the first one. Seeing as how Epico went on twitter complaining about not being on WM28 but Flo Rida and that white dude were, he's on the next FE-wave no doubt. So yeah, he'll lose it soon.

Not to Bryan and Henry though, Bryan needs his WHC, not a team-up for the least important titles in WWE.

Hell, the tag-titles mean less then the Divas-title does.


Yeah, it's the better theme imo. More pop worthy.

Definitely. I really do prefer This Fire Burns to Cult of Personality.

Christian's theme (Btw, it's "Goooo!") is by far the best one in WWE at the moment. (Guys like Booker and Rock not included as active wrestlers btw).

Now, 2nd only to Christian's theme is Mark Henry's. So fitting of his character. "SOMEBODY'S GONNA GET THEIR ASS KICKED". If I was in the ring when Henry entered to that song I'd run away really. That guy is out to get me.

Cody's is quite good as well, bit generic, but that intro is great. Same goes for Ziggler tbh, his previous one was better.

Christian's theme is really great. Used it as my CAW's theme for SvR 2010.

Mark's theme is pretty awesome if only because it's fitting for somebody like himself. You WILL get your ass kicked and get your wig split. And he looks like somebody that could actually do that.

I liked Cody and Ziggler's old themes better. Smoke and Mirrors was pretty great.


True about the tag titles.

I'd still rather see Sin Cara out there being a big face than Show.

I don't know who is worse to watch, Sin Cara or Big Show?

WWE really didn't do SC any favours with the lighting. Guess he didn't help himself with the botches either.


So not worth it
Themes that used to be good but started sucking after hearing them too much:

Randy Orton's. Miz's. Sheamus's, Show's.
Sin Cara is going to return in a blaze of glory, you people just wait, he'll be pulling off such daring moves that make even the "whatever he's calling himself enigma" Jeff Hardy look small time.


Sin Cara is going to return in a blaze of glory, you people just wait, he'll be pulling off such daring moves that make even the "whatever he's calling himself enigma" Jeff Hardy look small time.

Jeff never got so awfully hurt.

Jeff didn't botch THAT much

<333333333333333333 please god.

The Animal Batista, going up and destroying the "YES" Meister known as Daniel Bryanson.

Then AJ pledges her allegiance with Brotista.

*machine gun entrance*


Batista had a pretty awesome intro. Heck , I remember lots of people thought that was the only good thing about him. He got alot more respect once he became Brotista though.

"Give me my spotlight!"


Batista had a pretty awesome intro. Heck , I remember lots of people thought that was the only good thing about him. He got alot more respect once he became Brotista though.

"Give me my spotlight!"

I missed out on Brotista, and have only seen the glory via YouTube. I need Brotista in my life.

That or a Brocktista tag team where they mercilessly beat down John Cena for a few months, every Monday night on RAW.
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