Christian's theme (Btw, it's "Goooo!") is by far the best one in WWE at the moment. (Guys like Booker and Rock not included as active wrestlers btw).
Jericho's is still amazing.
Don't shoot me for saying it, but Cena's theme is so fitting as well, probably the only good thing about Cena at all atm. The intro, followed by BOOOOOOO/YAAAAY from the crowd, just perfect.
I like Kofi's alot too. Sure, he's african and it makes no sense, but it's a great theme.
Now, 2nd only to Christian's theme is Mark Henry's. So fitting of his character. "SOMEBODY'S GONNA GET THEIR ASS KICKED". If I was in the ring when Henry entered to that song I'd run away really. That guy is out to get me.
Cody's is quite good as well, bit generic, but that intro is great. Same goes for Ziggler tbh, his previous one was better.
Barret's new theme sucks, he should've stuk to End of Days, the Corre one he kept using.
Also, still good, McIntyre's theme, though they almost never play it anymore.