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Something we have to remember.

We have to thank the Rock for this Episode of Raw. When he went home it forced them to rewrite the show. God only knows what we might have missed if the rock had been there etc

This x 100!! Piss off Rock. Damn you for taking what should have been a Punk moment. Still sour that a part timer debuted a new title.


Look at this booking:

Ziggler jobs for months, is new world champ
Miz has one day title reign after being randomly thrown into this program
Ryback is a WWE contender and turns heel after losing for months despite being very over as a face in a company that is sorely lacking over faces



Still salty about the Royal Rumble? Don't worry. Everything is about to be back to normal in the WWE. Cena won!

Yeah, Royal Rumble was worse than Wrestlemania.

What I'm really salty about though is fans cheering Rock when he's just as bad as Cena.

RAW seemed like a laugh.

Next year we should totally just make a "RAW after Wrestlemania" thread and not bother making one for WM it self.

Good idea. WM thread should still exist but a RAW after WM thrad should too.


So is Brock gone?

I'm pretty sure he signed an extension not so long ago.

edit: Here's what the original script for Raw was:

PWInsider said:
The original script for Raw was set to feature The Rock opening the show with a promo about losing the WWE title to John Cena.
The promo would have led to Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman confronting Rock and laying him out, setting the seeds for a future PPV bout between the two.

With Rock bolting home without notice, WWE is currently re-writing the show. It's "chaos backstage" according to one talent we've heard from.
What a wild Raw. I didn't really comment much due to being glued to my seat watching the show with my friends, But damn. Now i wish i sprung the money to go over there. Learned my lesson from that.


I think it is justified. He came back 2 years ago saying he'd never leave and he was back for good. He promptly left for 8 months to have a shitty tag match. Then he left for another four months and had a shitty match with Cena. He then leaves for another 9 months just to come back to end Punk's record title reign in a mediocre match. He misses 90% of the build for the rematch, which was a decent-good match. He then shows up for 2 weeks to build up the WM main event, where he proceeds to have one of the worst WM main events ever. And this entire thing was just to have Rock give his stamp of approval to Cena so crowds would stop booing him. Then he packs up and goes home with out warning.

The same Cena who has been the number one guy longer than Rock's entire active wrestling career and has more wrestling accolades than Rock.

Worst of all is that he couldn't even be bothered to do Via Satellite shit for anything this year. He'd show up to the PPV, the show before, and maybe after, and that's it. No taped promos, just ads for his movies.

To recap:

Came back in 2011 saying he'd never leave and that he was back for good; Spent over 20 months since then completely off TV.

Since then has had 5 matches. 3 involved Cena, one was above bad (Punk at EC), and one was probably in the top 3-5 worst WM main events ever (WM27, which Rock was also involved in), WM13, WM2000).

Clearly came back to try to recapture the 18-35 male demographic since he was transitioning back into action movies.

Came back just so WWE could piggie back off his popularity and to "pass the torch" to a guy who literally is the most dominant and winningest wrestler in WWE history. There is no higher peak Cena could reach. That whole thing could have been accomplished in one promo of Rock putting Cena over instead of their feud being spread out over 2 years with maybe 2 months worth of build total.

Was picked and totally cool with being the guy to end Punk's record reign, only to not show up to Raw for the next 3 months despite being the champ.

It's really been a shameless cash grab on both sides. So has Brock's return, but they don't try to pretend it isn't in that case. It's even been part of his angles. But they've tried to convince fans that Rock coming back wasn't for money or to promote his movies, but because of his love of wrestling and the people. It's all been a coincidence that he's only shown up for Raw when he had a movie about to come out. It worked and Rock got a lot more buys and ratings. But those same people who bought shows and watched Raw for Rock didn't watch or buy when he wasn't on the show. Worst of all, his come back just made people hate Cena even more (when the idea was fans would accept Cena again if Rock gave his blessing) and tarnished his own legacy.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Already mentioned but, lol




I wonder if Vince, Stephanie and the rest of the hack writers were confused as to why people went batshit crazy for a heel Ziggler winning the World Championship.

The average person knows, but maybe these hacks have lost connection with reality. They cheered for him because they know for how long he was treated as a jobber *****, because he is a hard worker who actually puts effort into his matches, puts effort into making the other guy look good and tries to kill himself each week to entertain the fans.

You can package him all you want as a flamboyant, snobby, chickenshit heel but the fans see through that BS. Just like they see through the forced Cena BS.

RAW was better than Wrestlemania, straight up. More unpredictable and more entertaining.
Chants from the crowd:
WE WANT ZIGGLER (During Del Rio/Swagger match and Orton/Sheamus match)
Fandango's Theme Song
RANDY SAVAGE...clap clap clapclapclap
J-B-L! J-B-L!
WE ARE AWESOME!!! clap clap clapclapclap
THANK YOU BIG SHOW...clap clap clapclapclap
THIS IS BULLSHIT..clap clap...clapclapclap
JUSTIN ROBERTS!....clap clap....clapclapclap
Y2J! Y2J! Y2J!
Wave during the Orton/Sheamus match
SAME OLD SHIT, SAME OLD SHIT (During Cena's promo/match)
WE WANT X-PAC......clap clap....clapclapclap
COT-TON CAN-DY....clap clap....clapclapclap

Well that was incredible

Cenas opening promo was awesome I laughed out loud two or three times, Big E looked good in ring, Barrett winning was justice served, the cash in was perfect and fandango was amazing

Brilliant raw elevated to legendary levels by the crowd


There were also WE WANT PRETZELS and PRET-ZEL GUY during the commercial breaks.

We were so. fucking. bored. during the Sheamus/Orton match, I cannot emphasize that enough.


He sucks. Has brought nothing positiive to the business except for ratings/buys since returning.
PPV buys matters more than anything else to the office.

Also I won't be surprised to see Austin do similar things, i.e. promote his own things, act less aggressive, not use so much vitriol on the mic, etc. Probably do a random Stunner or two, but that's about it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
PPV buys matters more than anything else to the office.

Also I won't be surprised to see Austin do similar things, i.e. promote his own things, act less aggressive, not use so much vitriol on the mic, etc. Probably do a random Stunner or two, but that's about it.
Is Austin coming back?
Hall just went in for his hip replacement surgery.

I know HTM was implying heavily about a scam but it does really seem like Hall is trying this time. I mean this is probably the longest he's been clean in years

I donated. If nothing else I get to tell him on the phone that his ladder match with Shawn Michaels at WMX is still my favorite match of all time.


PPV buys matters more than anything else to the office.

Also I won't be surprised to see Austin do similar things, i.e. promote his own things, act less aggressive, not use so much vitriol on the mic, etc. Probably do a random Stunner or two, but that's about it.

Austin would put Punk over surely? In the Punk vs Austin WWE13 interview he says he can elevate Punk even higher. Though I do fear for his promos in a PG environment.

I don't really care if it happens or not though. Don't think Punk does either. He's a "businessman" so he's happy making money regardless of his position.


Austin would put Punk over surely? In the Punk vs Austin WWE13 interview he says he can elevate Punk even higher. Though I do fear for his promos in a PG environment.

I don't really care if it happens or not though. Don't think Punk does either. He's a "businessman" so he's happy making money regardless of his position.
He might, although why else return? Rock's return was mainly for Cena's shit (WWE's awful ways of making Rock look worse to make Cena look better scenario). And Rock had an easier time putting guys over in their time than Austin did for what it's worth.

Is Austin coming back?
Oh shit!

I'm watching a Raw from September 2001 and that couple.. you know the husband and wife who seemingly attend every event wearing a bright green and a bright pink shell suit... they were used in a skit with Christian!


Why doesn't WWE sell full episodes of Raw on iTunes or Amazon Instant? I want to own that damn episode.

The eventual Best of Raw and SmackDown 2013 Blu should feature this episode in its entirety.

Mr. Sam

Raw was seriously amazing - one of the best I've ever seen.

Fuck Ziggler cashing in or Ryback clotheslining Cena, the best moment was Fandango somehow still summoning up the energy to correct the pronunciation of his name.


Raw was seriously amazing - one of the best I've ever seen.

Fuck Ziggler cashing in or Ryback clotheslining Cena, the best moment was Fandango somehow still summoning up the energy to correct the pronunciation of his name.

Yep. Fandango is my favourite now.

Punk, you had your chance and you blew it.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey, guys, I finally appreciate John Cena. Like truly appreciate all aspects of him.
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