Undertaker/CM Punk was off-the-charts awesome live. The crowd was into the match from the moment Living Color took the stage and that was an open air 80K person stadium. Superdome is a notoriously loud dome for football, and can be very good for both WM and Raw... if the shows are good and the fans care about the show
I am definitely excited for RAW!
Is Cena planking here?
He's noselling.
Imagine if one of the guests on Stone Cold's podcast show down the road is.CM Punk
That's very babyface of you. Don't rush the gimmick.HOW IS EVERYONE DOING!
I have Luigi's Mansion but no 3DS. What a world.
I hear Luigi turns heel in it.
Didn't Luigi already turn heel in Super Paper Mario?
This one?
Is Cena planking here?
Ryback needs to drop the RVD-esque get up
What happened to RVD, MVP and Dreamer on Raw anyway?
Dirt sheets gonna dirt sheet?
Is Cena planking here?
You know, having RVD show up would've made that raw even more epic. I bet him and Ziggler would've made some great matches.
Have you not seen RVD for the past oh, 7 years or so? Or just the past 3 years?
Nope. :lol
Every RVD match in TNA was the exact same thing.
Every RVD match in 10 years has been the exact same thing.
So he's the John Cena of TNA?
Fixed. Also, he's got a hilarious muscle gut, constantly looks bloated, should probably just shave off his hair, and now moves in slow motion. And puts zero effort in. He hasn't tried to have a good match since ONS 2006. He's probably been the most shameless dude for only in it for the money in the past decade. He doesn't even pretend to try to pretend.