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Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
I am sure that it has been said many times before, but TNA really needs to change it's name. Tits 'n' Ass wrestling is just awful. I am sure most people could pull a better name out of their tits or ass. Am I missing something or is the whole idea to reel in people who confuse it for softcore?
Tag team wrestling is the worst wrestling.

You are the WORST Dave Meltzer. The real Dave would flip over a great tag match. I'm pretty sure you said you hate women's wrestling too and I KNOW Dave loves AJW with a passion.

Okay, so Bootaaay, I watched an episode of that NXT shit for some reason and I have two observations.

1) It's...not bad?
2) Dolph Ziggler's friend is so much better on that show. Even his look doesn't annoy me as much. I think it's because he gets to wear knee pads there. I don't understand why he doesn't get to wear knee pads on Monday Night Raw Supershow. It just completely destroys his look. And, on NXT, he's kind of...fun to watch?

NXT's generally the best thing about WWE each week - I really need to catch up, as I've missed a few weeks, but on the whole it's a lot more fun than RAW & Smackdown and, generally, a lot better, wrestling-wise.

I really don't know how the PWG crowds sit through them. They'll chant same old shit, and then pop like they're seeing the most amazing things, despite seeing those things in the same sequence every month for like 3 years now.

You're over-exaggerating the extent to which their matches are the same, because they do change things up - yes, they have their signature spots, like More Bang, Early-Onset Alzheimer's the springboard x-factor > backflip through the ropes > Asai moonsault, etc, but PWG especially is the place where they're doing a bunch of NEW crazy shit each month, so the crowd are going crazy. The Bucks are a great heel tag team and, when wrestling someone equally flashy and over-the-top (such as the Super Smash Brothers),
the result is always hella entertaining.

The Bucks were at their worst when they were in TNA, who literally sent them out to have the same match again and again and again...and again, for good measure.

strobogo said:
They're like the ending to Rock/Cena 2, but for the entire match instead of just half.

If Rock & Cena were moving at half the speed of The Bucks, then Rock would've been gassed in five minutes instead of ten.

ROH refs really don't try to kick out the illegal man in a tag match. Red Dragons were using double team moves for a good 3 minutes and the ref didn't have any fucks to give.

That's some bush league shit.

At least they usually pay attention to who's the legal man, even if they don't bother too much about applying the count when someone's working a double team.

jobber said:
yet the fans still chant THIS IS WRESTLING

wrestling has rules!

WWE ignore the closed fists rule, whereas practically every other promotion the world over adheres to that one. Does that make WWE bush league? Because Big Show's finisher is illegal.

I am sure that it has been said many times before, but TNA really needs to change it's name. Tits 'n' Ass wrestling is just awful. I am sure most people could pull a better name out of their tits or ass. Am I missing something or is the whole idea to reel in people who confuse it for softcore?

They should just change to 'Impact Pro-Wrestling' - TNA's kind of a remnant of the era they started up in. I guess they were trying to be edgy to attract some of the ECW/XPW crowd.


They really do need to change their name. It's not like they have anywhere to go but up.

Impact Wrestling or Universal Wrestling, something like that


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
They should just change to 'Impact Pro-Wrestling' - TNA's kind of a remnant of the era they started up in. I guess they were trying to be edgy to attract some of the ECW/XPW crowd.

Impact Pro-Wrestling is much better. IPW sounds legit and that acronym would make a spiffy logo.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
You are right, it's taken. Better just change it to Anal Fist Impact Wrestling.


You're over-exaggerating the extent to which their matches are the same, because they do change things up - yes, they have their signature spots, like More Bang, Early-Onset Alzheimer's the springboard x-factor > backflip through the ropes > Asai moonsault, etc, but PWG especially is the place where they're doing a bunch of NEW crazy shit each month, so the crowd are going crazy. The Bucks are a great heel tag team and, when wrestling someone equally flashy and over-the-top (such as the Super Smash Brothers),
the result is always hella entertaining.

The Bucks were at their worst when they were in TNA, who literally sent them out to have the same match again and again and again...and again, for good measure.

I don't feel like I'm exaggerating at all. It is especially awful on cards where they have multiple matches and will have the same match in the opener with the Cutler Brothers in the opener as they will with Steenerico in the main event. They have their Angle formula match and plug anyone into it, even when it doesn't make sense. I really just don't like them.


I just watched the Edge DVD.

I miss Edge. :(

They should just change to 'Impact Pro-Wrestling' - TNA's kind of a remnant of the era they started up in. I guess they were trying to be edgy to attract some of the ECW/XPW crowd.

Watched the first 6 TNA Weekly PPVs last week, and they totally play up to the TnA tag. Girls dancing in cages, bra and panties match, horny midgets... its so strange.


After watching NXT, I wonder if they forgot that they taped Wade Barrett defending the IC title against Bo Dallas scheduled to air in two weeks and realized it after WrestleMania ended. Would at least explain the 1 day Miz title reign.

Also Regal vs Ohno is pretty good.


Watched the first 6 TNA Weekly PPVs last week, and they totally play up to the TnA tag. Girls dancing in cages, bra and panties match, horny midgets... its so strange.

The first year or so of TNA was the weirdest hodgepodge of territory style Wrasslin, Russoisms, LEGIT SHOOTS, Cruiserweights, SWERVES, Dusty finishes, ECW, trash TV, Attitude Era, over booked main events. It was basically dying WCW mixed with actual Southern Wrasslin and pumped up 1000%. It's truly bizarre. Every week had a completely random ex WWE/WCW/ECW/NWA star who would only be there for one or two shows and then never mentioned again. This mixed in with straight up weird celebrites (Toby Keith, race car drivers, Screech), local dudes, and indy darlings. It was bizarre.
The first year or so of TNA was the weirdest hodgepodge of territory style Wrasslin, Russoisms, LEGIT SHOOTS, Cruiserweights, SWERVES, Dusty finishes, ECW, trash TV, Attitude Era, over booked main events. It was basically dying WCW mixed with actual Southern Wrasslin and pumped up 1000%. It's truly bizarre. Every week had a completely random ex WWE/WCW/ECW/NWA star who would only be there for one or two shows and then never mentioned again. This mixed in with straight up weird celebrites (Toby Keith, race car drivers, Screech), local dudes, and indy darlings. It was bizarre.

Yeah, but strangely compelling... until Jeff Jarrett appears. I really admired his work in the WWF when he was a tag team with Owen Hart, but after that man he becomes really annoying and 'above his station'.


Yeah, but strangely compelling... until Jeff Jarrett appears. I really admired his work in the WWF when he was a tag team with Owen Hart, but after that man he becomes really annoying and 'above his station'.

He was in no way a main eventer, but that's what happens when your dad and yourself own the company.


Actually, he felt way more like the top heel of what was essentially a nationally broadcast territory promotion than top heel of WCW. It wasn't until 2003ish or so when he really started to feel out of place as the top guy.


To be fair, before that happened there were people in NeoGAF that loved his entrance at least, have we even seen him in a decent length match?
I don't feel like I'm exaggerating at all. It is especially awful on cards where they have multiple matches and will have the same match in the opener with the Cutler Brothers in the opener as they will with Steenerico in the main event. They have their Angle formula match and plug anyone into it, even when it doesn't make sense. I really just don't like them.

Cutler Brothers? It's been a while since you've watched PWG, hasn't it? I'm not going to try and tell you that The Bucks don't run their tag matches by a similar formula each and every month, but they DO change things up. On every PWG show they're on, there's always something in a Young Bucks match that makes me go "holy shit, I haven't seen that before!". Like the last show, for instance...when have you ever seen someone break up a pin with a 450 splash onto the ref?


I don't even know why I'm defending them to such a degree. I don't even particularly like The Bucks, I just find it funny that some people so vehemently dislike them.


No One Remembers
So hyped for Fandango right now guys.

Seriously, the crowd has put him over. The WWE is going to propel him right to the top!

I dream of the headlining Fandango vs. Ryback matches that we're going to see in the near future. The next Hart vs. Michaels, if you will.
What the hell Bret? From a Q&A on his facebook;

"Who would you like to see beat the streak? - Joe Henning. Lets just say at WM 30, Undertaker loses streak to Joe Henning and he is pinned with the PerfectPlex at the 59 minute mark."

Can't tell if serious.
What the hell Bret? From a Q&A on his facebook;

"Who would you like to see beat the streak? - Joe Henning. Lets just say at WM 30, Undertaker loses streak to Joe Henning and he is pinned with the PerfectPlex at the 59 minute mark."

Can't tell if serious.

He's ready for that moment, that moment right then, the moment at WM30, at that point in time it will finally be the Genesis of McGillicutty.


Cutler Brothers? It's been a while since you've watched PWG, hasn't it? I'm not going to try and tell you that The Bucks don't run their tag matches by a similar formula each and every month, but they DO change things up. On every PWG show they're on, there's always something in a Young Bucks match that makes me go "holy shit, I haven't seen that before!". Like the last show, for instance...when have you ever seen someone break up a pin with a 450 splash onto the ref?


I don't even know why I'm defending them to such a degree. I don't even particularly like The Bucks, I just find it funny that some people so vehemently dislike them.

It was just an example. They had the same matches with those guys as they do with what are supposed to be the top and most awesome dudes in PWG. I think I stopped watching PWG sometime last year. Breaking up a pin with a 450 on the ref is just stupid to me. You've never seen it because it's dumb. Why wouldn't he just elbow drop or stomp the ref? That spot is kind of the YB in a nutshell: Stupidly flashy even when it makes no sense.

When Ric Flair had his formula match with Ricky Morton one night and Sting the next, it made sense with his wrestling style. The YB are more like Angle where that formula will be used with guys they should either be dominating/have no chance against. There are only so many superkicks I can see in one match before I want to give up forever. It's really bad when dudes who normally don't do superkicks will start doing them in matches with the YB just so they can have their big "everyone super kicks each other" spot. Kind of like guys who never do suplexes are suddenly suplex masters when facing Kurt Angle.

Jeff Hardy is a moron. He's way too old to be taking bumps like that for what is certainly a lot less than what he'd be getting paid to do it at a random WWE PPV.
Breaking up a pin with a 450 on the ref is just stupid to me. You've never seen it because it's dumb. Why wouldn't he just elbow drop or stomp the ref? That spot is kind of the YB in a nutshell: Stupidly flashy even when it makes no sense.

You're looking for logic in matches that're designed to be a crazy spot-fests. Which is frankly ridiculous. The crowd freaked out at that spot, it did it's job.

strobogo said:
When Ric Flair had his formula match with Ricky Morton one night and Sting the next, it made sense with his wrestling style.

Yet often Ric Flair's best matches were the one's where he was forced to change up his formula. There's a reason "once you've seen one Ric Flair match, you've seen them all" became a saying.

strobogo said:
The YB are more like Angle where that formula will be used with guys they should either be dominating/have no chance against.

This is PWG - the Young Bucks have been consistently booked as the strongest tag team in the promotion for 3+ years now. There is no one they don't have a chance against.


You're looking for logic in matches that're designed to be a crazy spot-fests. Which is frankly ridiculous. The crowd freaked out at that spot, it did it's job.

This is the main thing. I just don't enjoy crazy spot fest style wrestling anymore. The YB are pretty much the poster boys for that style. I'd rather watch NXT or 80s/early 90s stuff. These ECW shows are a lot less fun than I had hoped since these are basically the genesis of that style.


still don't like Fandango. it's pure 80s gimmick, the type of guy they would feed to Warrior in 1989. no place in the modern era.

Hey man, I kept an ear open at Wrestlemania to hear all those Triple H boo's, but couldn't hear any.

What kind of hearing aid would you recommend?


WTF is this "I was behind Fandango from the beginning!" bull****???

Own up to the fact that he was a goddamn joke until the freakin' CROWD put him over a couple days ago. Friggin' wrasslegaf marks...


WTF is this "I was behind Fandango from the beginning!" bull****???

Own up to the fact that he was a goddamn joke until the freakin' CROWD put him over a couple days ago. Friggin' wrasslegaf marks...

The NXT followers I think wanted him to succeed, but a lot of people were talking about X-Pac heat, "you can't wrestle" chants, and wondering why Chris Jericho was being wasted on this.

Never posted a Wrestlemania review but one point I wanted to make was the disappointment I had in his match. Which is too bad, because I wanted it to be good because I was amused with the character and the feud.
These ECW shows are a lot less fun than I had hoped since these are basically the genesis of that style.

I find that spotfests of any nature only really hold up for a year or two before they become outdated - they're a good indicator of trends in indy wrestling, but they're entirely a product of the era in which they took place. That ECW stuff was crazy back in the day, but looking back, it's mostly just a mess. Same goes for ROH spotfests from 2004 or so - I remember loving some of those matches at the time, but now I watch them and think shit like "why is everyone doing double stomps?" and "why are these 5 foot, 130 pound dudes busting out exploders like they're Jun Akiyama?".
Full line-up for Kobashi's retirement show;

Tokyo Nippon Budokan

1. Feel the Dangerzone: Masanobu Fuchi vs. Hitoshi Kumano
2. This is the NOAH Junior: SUWA & Genba Hirayanagi vs. Taiji Ishimori & Atsushi Kotoge
<Kenta Kobashi Retirement Ceremony>
3. BURNING vs. BURNING: Tamon Honda & Kentaro Shiga vs. Kotaro Suzuki & Atsushi Aoki
4. Js Spirits vs. Revolution: Takeshi Morishima & Masao Inoue vs. Genichiro Tenryu & Yoshinari Ogawa
5. NOAH vs. NJPW: Takashi Sugiura, Mohammed Yone & Akitoshi Saito vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Yuji Nagata & Satoshi Kojima
6. Four Men GET Together: Naomichi Marufuji & Minoru Suzuki vs. Yoshihiro Takayama & Takao Omori
7. Final Burning in Budokan - Kenta Kobashi&#8217;s Retirement Commemorative 8 Man Tag Match: Kenta Kobashi, Jun Akiyama, Keiji Muto & Kensuke Sasaki vs. Go Shiozaki, KENTA, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Maybach Taniguch

Not a terribly exciting card - I'm sure the main event will be awesome and NOAH vs NJPW looks like fun. Only match I really, really need to see though is the 6th match - Marufuji & Suzuki vs Omori & Takayama? Oh my, that could kick all kinds of ass.

*edit, AWESOME! Takan Hasen & Bruiser Minody reformed at the Tokyo GURENTAI show last night!


I don't like the Young Bucks either, really.

Me either, but they're a team I enjoy hating. I like their matches because I'm not adverse to a crazy spotfest...and because I want to see other guys beat them up.

crowd was dead for both.

Welcome back Lambda!
Get bent :p


all that he wants is another baby
Anyone going to Payback in June? I've never been to a live wrestling event, since I live in a shitty area, and would like to know if the arena is pretty good for wrestling. I know the crowd will be hot, but does the seating suck?

If Payback is in Chicago, you will have an AWESOME time.

Edit: new page!

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