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There stories really do suck nowadays. It was nice to see actual "feuds" start last summer rather than squash after squash... but there's nothing behind some of these random feuds.

They've got Vince at the top, Stephanie as head of Creative, someone else as vice head of Creative, and about 20 writers. Somewhere, in this windy valley, is a problem.

I don't vouch for Stephanie's ideas for Creative, but I would wager the main problem lies with Vince. Even if they're not wrestling bookers, but Hollywood writers, you can direct such a large writing team to make you 4-5 storylines to run at once, no problem. Vince's endless rewrites and micromanaging (which removes most of his underlings' work anyway) makes any attempts at long term plot impossible.

Meanwhile NXT has one 40 minute show a week (and one monthly taping block), and has about 4 plot threads running, with multiple rivalries simmering in the background, and manages to have a full Divas division running withing said 40 minute show. Who runs it? HHH, Dusty, and one writer, as far as I know.


yet the fans still chant THIS IS WRESTLING

wrestling has rules!

My (probably unfair) interpretation of the average indie fan that chants THIS IS WRESTLING at every one of these type of matches:

"they're doing super flashy moves, man I am such a rebel going against those LOSERS like John Cena from WWE. This is wrestling. Look a triple loaded super Exploder superplex with a twist, in a chilled glass, on the rocks, and a lemon slice, with one of those curly straws".

Not that I don't appreciate great non-WWE wrestling. I just require more than an endless string of non-stop "awesome movez" with a near-fall between every one, no matter how devastating. I think it's why I like Chikara over ROH, currently.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
When you let two teams go at it without the ref interfering to truly determine who the best team is.....

that is wrestling.

yeah if it was no dq

keep in mind that the ref will step in and warn you about a closed fist 10 times in 1 match and warn about going to the top rope but won't tell the illegal man he need to get out

same with a singles match where the ref takes 10 seconds to start the 10/20 count


yeah if it was no dq

keep in mind that the ref will step in and warn you about a closed fist 10 times in 1 match and warn about going to the top rope but won't tell the illegal man he need to get out

same with a singles match where the ref takes 10 seconds to start the 10/20 count

The creative interpretation of the count-out rule is a pretty funny thing in wrestling referees.


ROH still puts on solid bouts. The Briscoe/Steen title match was a good example of them not overdoing the false finishes.

Excited to attend Border Wars on May 4th! Anyone here going? Matches signed so far:

Jay Briscoe (champion) vs. Adam Cole
Taiji Ishimori vs. Eddie Edwards
Naomichi Marufuji vs. Davey Richards
Elgin and Lethal vs. SCUM
Matt Taven (TV champ) vs. Mark Briscoe

If they can get a Kevin Steen match in there, and as long as I get to see ACH start off the night to warm up the crowd, I'll be happy.


yeah if it was no dq

keep in mind that the ref will step in and warn you about a closed fist 10 times in 1 match and warn about going to the top rope but won't tell the illegal man he need to get out

same with a singles match where the ref takes 10 seconds to start the 10/20 count

Sometimes as a ref, you just gotta let them fight.

What really bugs me about counts though is when they're doing the spot where the guy gets back in at 9 and the ref pauses for like ten seconds after he says 9 to get to 10.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Southern tag team wrasslin is the best wrasslin. Not ROH/Dragon Gate stuff, more like Hollywood Blondes, Eaton/Arn, Dustin/Barry stuff.

I agree nobody can do tag matches like the southern folks.
Southern tag team wrasslin is the best wrasslin. Not ROH/Dragon Gate stuff, more like Hollywood Blondes, Eaton/Arn, Dustin/Barry stuff.

The best singles match will always be better than the best tag team match to me. Tag team matches always feel like the same exact thing every time, especially nowadays. It's either spotfests or just building to a hot tag.


WCW 1992-1993 had some of the best tag wrestling in US history. Everyone talks about late 80s and late 90s/early 00s WWF, but WCW's tag matches were the best. All of those Dangerous Alliance tags. So good. And then Studd Stable vs Dustin/Partners. You also had the Steiners doing fucking batty shit before heading up North.

? Dragon Gate 6-man tag matches are the shit.

I'm not into them at all. Those matches actually feel way more formulaic than just regular TNA/WWE tags.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
WCW 1992-1993 had some of the best tag wrestling in US history. Everyone talks about late 80s and late 90s/early 00s WWF, but WCW's tag matches were the best. All of those Dangerous Alliance tags. So good. And then Studd Stable vs Dustin/Partners. You also had the Steiners doing fucking batty shit before heading up North.


WCW use to build ppv shows around tag teams. Every tag match was different so it wasn't like a hot tag waiting to happen every match type of card.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Haha I've never seen this one before


The Young Bucks pretty much killed indie wrestling for good for me. They made me not even want to watch PWG anymore.

The Young Bucks are like an indie tag team wrestling to be in the WWE. They pull can work indie tag style matches, but they're more formulaic than any other indie tag team which is how you have to work to be in WWE. All their indie pushes come off as hey WWE, notice us we're a good flashy young tag team who hopes to get signed.

They're one team that will be happy in WWE because they'll get to tone down their style and still do the flashy tandom moves they've always done.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
PTP is my favorite tag team, and I know Young Bucks are not better than them. That's mathematically impossible.

Or it's Yano & Iizuka.


The Briscoe Brothers are my favorite tag team, have been for years. They've shown they can work any style of wrestling and do great at it. They're also amazing characters and a truly natural tag team. Nobody does it better.


More Bang for Your Buck is still one super impressive finisher. I remember the first time seeing it and thinking "THEY DID NOT JUST PIGGY BACK THOSE MOVES! HOLY SHIT!"

Soup Bar

Anyone going to Payback in June? I've never been to a live wrestling event, since I live in a shitty area, and would like to know if the arena is pretty good for wrestling. I know the crowd will be hot, but does the seating suck?


Okay, so Bootaaay, I watched an episode of that NXT shit for some reason and I have two observations.

1) It's...not bad?
2) Dolph Ziggler's friend is so much better on that show. Even his look doesn't annoy me as much. I think it's because he gets to wear knee pads there. I don't understand why he doesn't get to wear knee pads on Monday Night Raw Supershow. It just completely destroys his look. And, on NXT, he's kind of...fun to watch?


So, serious question...after his re-match with Del Rio, who does Ziggler feud with? Swagger? Or...dare I say it...DANIEL BRYAN?

Summer is coming. Must be six months of jobbing to Sheamus.

Actual options: DBry, Hall of Pain, Sheamus, Del Rio later on, Swags if they don't depush the hell out of him now that WM is done, Big Show. AKA Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

What I Want:
-Del Rio with a reworked face angle where he acts like a real human being (trickster duo with Ricardo like at the Rumble PPV would be nice)
-Rhodes Scholars to break and Sandow or Rhodes to challenge for the title on a RAW (other challenges for IC that same night against Barret and gets a PPV match), lose after a nailbiter and then get a series of high profile wins to get a PPV match sometime around October
-Jericho. Give it an "I hate your fucking guts and want you to die" intensity after two weeks of reigniting their feud from last summer ("I took your career, hasbeen!" versus "You never earned anything for yourself!" that culminates in a clean win for Ziggler, sore loser Jericho knocking him out with a chair and getting pummeled by Big E to to maintain the stable.)
-Rework Sheamus into a working class bully, give him a manager to be his mouthpiece while he drinks and brawls like a blue collar Lesnar
-Alternate reality Ziggler who was given the rub by Flair back in January and has been on a roll ever since. The sells would be ridiculous.

EDIT: In short, drop the sucking up to the crowd bit for everyone except Cena. In fact, no one should ever suck up to the crowd again, except by beating heels who insult the local sports team for cheap heat.

Haha I've never seen this one before

Can't stop watching. It gets funnier and funnier with each iteration.


I really don't know how the PWG crowds sit through them. They'll chant same old shit, and then pop like they're seeing the most amazing things, despite seeing those things in the same sequence every month for like 3 years now. They didn't even change it up when they went heel besides adding the handspring back rake. It's the same overly flashy, nonsensical bullshit designed to get big pops, not make sense in a wrestling match.

They're like the ending to Rock/Cena 2, but for the entire match instead of just half.

I wonder if they could recreate D-Bryne by having Dolph lose the title in a super short match in the next 2 weeks or something. Would that make fans rally behind him, or just reinforce that he's a loser?


Taking the the belt off Ziggler after two weeks would probably just kill all his momentum and make him look like a loser. At least when he had the MitB there was the promise he'd eventually work his way in to the WHC title scene. If he dropped the belt soon it'll just reinforce that he never should have had.

Also, does NXT make it up anywhere like Daily Motion or Youtube, in full? I want to pay for Hulu+ to watch it, but they don't want my dirty Canadian money so fuck them.

It's kind of crazy that we're getting a Regal return to the ring and it receives zero promotion anywhere outside of NXT.


Anyone going to Payback in June? I've never been to a live wrestling event, since I live in a shitty area, and would like to know if the arena is pretty good for wrestling. I know the crowd will be hot, but does the seating suck?

I'll be there. Haven't missed a wrestling show there since 2001.

Allstate Arena's great for wrestling. It's not very modern like the United Center and most NBA-type arenas that WWE runs, but it's clean and almost every seat gives you a great view of the action outside of the usual seating issues (back section of the floor, limited view seats to the side of the stage).

Where are your seats?


We're set for good crowds for the June and July Pay-Per-Views. Payback is in Chicago, and Money in the Bank is in Philadelphia.


Yoshi Tatsu is the most underrated wrestler of all time. I'm pretty sure WWE only keeps him around because he's the only Asian guy on the roster.

hurr durr Tensai

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