yet the fans still chant THIS IS WRESTLING
wrestling has rules!
When you let two teams go at it without the ref interfering to truly determine who the best team is.....
that is wrestling.
yet the fans still chant THIS IS WRESTLING
wrestling has rules!
There stories really do suck nowadays. It was nice to see actual "feuds" start last summer rather than squash after squash... but there's nothing behind some of these random feuds.
When you let two teams go at it without the ref interfering to truly determine who the best team is.....
that is wrestling.
yet the fans still chant THIS IS WRESTLING
wrestling has rules!
When you let two teams go at it without the ref interfering to truly determine who the best team is.....
that is wrestling.
yeah if it was no dq
keep in mind that the ref will step in and warn you about a closed fist 10 times in 1 match and warn about going to the top rope but won't tell the illegal man he need to get out
same with a singles match where the ref takes 10 seconds to start the 10/20 count
To be fair Dragon Gate uses Lucha rules in tag matches.yet the fans still chant THIS IS WRESTLING
wrestling has rules!
yeah if it was no dq
keep in mind that the ref will step in and warn you about a closed fist 10 times in 1 match and warn about going to the top rope but won't tell the illegal man he need to get out
same with a singles match where the ref takes 10 seconds to start the 10/20 count
Tag team wrestling is the worst wrestling.
Southern tag team wrasslin is the best wrasslin. Not ROH/Dragon Gate stuff, more like Hollywood Blondes, Eaton/Arn, Dustin/Barry stuff.
Southern tag team wrasslin is the best wrasslin. Not ROH/Dragon Gate stuff, more like Hollywood Blondes, Eaton/Arn, Dustin/Barry stuff.
? Dragon Gate 6-man tag matches are the shit.
Southern tag team wrasslin is the best wrasslin. Not ROH/Dragon Gate stuff, more like Hollywood Blondes, Eaton/Arn, Dustin/Barry stuff.
WCW 1992-1993 had some of the best tag wrestling in US history. Everyone talks about late 80s and late 90s/early 00s WWF, but WCW's tag matches were the best. All of those Dangerous Alliance tags. So good. And then Studd Stable vs Dustin/Partners. You also had the Steiners doing fucking batty shit before heading up North.
Young Bucks > your favorite tag team
The Young Bucks pretty much killed indie wrestling for good for me. They made me not even want to watch PWG anymore.
Young Bucks > your favorite tag team
So, serious question...after his re-match with Del Rio, who does Ziggler feud with? Swagger? Or...dare I say it...DANIEL BRYAN?
Haha I've never seen this one before
That reminded me of Booker's most famous tweet and I looked it up.
One of the best matches of last year featuring who?
William Regal vs Kassus Ohno Might be the MOTY from the wwe
the shirt Ohno wears in his pre match interview is great touch. Mad-Ox on commentary. Great match between 2 great guys. pretty good length too. Good crowd
what more do you want
Do you have links to full eps of NXT?
I never thought I'd hear people chanting Yoshi Tatsu's name.
Anyone going to Payback in June? I've never been to a live wrestling event, since I live in a shitty area, and would like to know if the arena is pretty good for wrestling. I know the crowd will be hot, but does the seating suck?
We're set for good crowds for the June and July Pay-Per-Views. Payback is in Chicago, and Money in the Bank is in Philadelphia.