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crowd was dead for both.

All kidding aside, that's pretty much true. I don't know if going before Taker Punk would have mattered.
I thought the match was better than the first.

I know people hate HHH regardless of anything, but a few things

Bad Ass face Triple H has never really gotten the pop of goofy DX Triple H.
Bad Ass HEEL Triple H I always felt got a better reaction overall. Good amount of Boos, oohs and ahs, pops from those that like their Heels, and sure.. cheers for the face in the match.

Lets face it, no one really cared about Brock destroying HHH. But they loved him destroying Cena.
I hate how HHH has spent the last 7-8 years as a face, Heel Trips is his true form, I eagerly await the day the COO goes power mad and becomes the new Vince McMahon authority super heel.


I'd prefer Chicago Raw rather than just a PPV.

I don't understand why Vince thinks Punk being cheered is bad... Bret was huge in Canada during his heel run.


all that he wants is another baby
Thinking about Swagger's next feud this morning and remembered how great Bateman's Mr. USA YouTube clips were a few months back.

Seems like a good time to put Mr. USA vs. the Real American. Play the optimistic love of everything 'Merican vs. Swagger/Coulters pessimistic "failed state" gimmick.



Thinking about Swagger's next feud this morning and remembered how great Bateman's Mr. USA YouTube clips were a few months back.

Seems like a good time to put Mr. USA vs. the Real American. Play the optimistic love of everything 'Merican vs. Swagger/Coulters pessimistic "failed state" gimmick.


A lot more unique than just going after Sin Cara for example. Why not I say!


Heel Triple H is best Triple H. As much as it sucked for HHH to turn on DX, I loved his "My Time" era.

If HHH wants to wrestle still, I wish he would wrestle some young guy. I don't want to see anymore Veteran vs Veteran match... unless that match is Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle... but even with that match I'd want a Triple Threat with Daniel Bryan thrown in the mix.


ECW on TNN 1/7/00

The show starts with a recap of last week's title match. Joel "I've tried to beat the women off me with a stick, but it would truly be a waste 'cuz you know they like CENSORED" Gertner and Joey Styles hype up Guilty As Charged. I think this is about the time when Paul really stopping giving a fuck. Cyrus being revealed as working with TNN and being the biggest douche in the world, making fun of Rollerjam, and now not even trying to tone down Joel, just throwing a big CENSORED bar on him.

A history of the ECW Championship is shown with every title change from Shane Douglas to Mike Awesome being covered.

TO THE BACK. Spike Dudley drops the GIMMICK and SHOOTS on Mike Awesome. Awesome and the Judge say Spike is going to be dead. The Impact Players talk about the Stairway to Hell match between Justin and Tommy. Justin's head/face doesn't fit his body at all.

Nova/David Cash vs Doring/Roadkill vs The Dupps

Match is joined in progress. It quickly goes into the floor. Kid Kash does a plancha. Roadkill teases one. There is a bunch of shit going on and it is hard to keep track. I forgot the Dupps were in ECW before TNA. It seems like such a TNA gimmick. Nova and Doring do a double team to eliminate the Dupps. Jazz and Elektra get into a YAK FIGHT!!! Fuck this shit. Chetti carries Elektra away. Nova gets thrown out of the ring and makes a disgusting splat on the floor. Doring and Roadkill hit their face buster/fameasser move for the win.

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Justin Credible vs Tommy Dreamer Stairway to Hell

A stairway to hell would mean this match is coming from below hell, right? Is there such a thing as below hell? Francine might be the trashiest woman in wrestling history. Tommy cries during ring intros because it is in his home town and his dad couldn't be there.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

"Just an asshole" isn't quite as good as "Just a pussy". The match actually starts off on the stage and Justin got tossed off. I believe the rules of the match are a ladder match with a Singapore cane hanging instead of a title belt. I thought it was barbed wire, but I guess that came later. It gets in the ring and Tommy hits a terrible spinebuster, mostly because Justin took terrible back bumps. Dreamer goes into a ladder in the corner and then eats a superkick. Justin takes a face buster on a ladder wedged in the corner.

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Decapitation slingshot with the ladder. For a big match in Tommy's home town, the crowd is pretty quiet. Tommy gets racked between the rungs trying to do a superplex.

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Chair drop toe hold. There are pins in this match? Then what's the point of the ladder and cane? This could just be a normal ECW match. I like how ECW just used a cheap paint ladder, certainly not able to withstand bodies crashing into it or two people climbing at once. Justin for no reason decides to try a moonsault, just so Tommy could get him on his shoulders and toss him on a ladder. Justin is in the corner, the ladder is placed between his legs, and Tommy swings for the fences with a chair.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Tommy retrieves the cane. Jason hits him with an enziguri. Francine does a bronco buster to him. That's Incredible was attempted, but Tommy hit Justin with the cane. Tommy is about to piledrive Justin on a ladder when Lance hits a springboard clothesline. Raven gets rid of him. YAK FIGHT. Two fucking matches on this show and they both have cat fights. Attempted piledriver on Dawn is broken up with a cane shot. Another shot to the injured back leads to That's Incredible. Justin wins. Tommy is a loser even in the main event in his home town.

TO THE BACK. Rhino/Corino/Jack cut a promo on Sandman. A final run down of Guilty as Charged.

Kind of an odd show. It's the go home before Guilty as Charged, but only two story lines were touched at all (Raven/Dreamer vs Impact Players, Awesome vs Spike). More time was spent on the history of the ECW Championship than the 3 way tag match.

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Unconfirmed Member
Thinking about Swagger's next feud this morning and remembered how great Bateman's Mr. USA YouTube clips were a few months back.

Seems like a good time to put Mr. USA vs. the Real American. Play the optimistic love of everything 'Merican vs. Swagger/Coulters pessimistic "failed state" gimmick.


Might confuse the crowd too much, as each side has legitimate arguments.

this has me dying laughing



all that he wants is another baby
Might confuse the crowd too much, as each side has legitimate arguments.

Thought about that, but then it leads to the new uncomfortable tag team champions "America!!!!" (With exclamation points) similar to Hell No's early run. Imagine Coulter trying to reign in Bateman. It'd be amazeballs. :)


That Ryback interview is kind of interesting. He sounds like a mad man when he talks about how him moving his arms during his entrance is how he soaks in the energy from the crowd. He gives the impression that Vince is pretty high on him too. Sam Roberts had a couple good interviews last weekend. They're are fairly similar to Rosenberg's cause he got mostly the same people, but they're worth checking out.

AJ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fbF9mgrpZ8
Paul Heyman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5lGc2fRrsE
Dolph Ziggler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myI_6zO2eak

If you have SiriusXM all his interviews from radio row are on demand as the Sam Roberts Show. I think this is it, but I can't listen at work to be sure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE6xUXVI8g4


So not worth it
Impressed with the crowds Impact is drawing. Anyone know if they are actually selling out or if they're handing out free tickets on show day?

Soup Bar

I'll be there. Haven't missed a wrestling show there since 2001.

Allstate Arena's great for wrestling. It's not very modern like the United Center and most NBA-type arenas that WWE runs, but it's clean and almost every seat gives you a great view of the action outside of the usual seating issues (back section of the floor, limited view seats to the side of the stage).

Where are your seats?

I'm still seeing if people want to go, so that means somewhere in section 209. They better make up their minds pretty quick because there isn't much left.


No apologies for a Fandango ring tone. It's a catchy theme. Though wanting a big push for the guy is... weird.

still don't like Fandango. it's pure 80s gimmick, the type of guy they would feed to Warrior in 1989. no place in the modern era.

...that's why I like Sandow, and Tons of Funk, and Fandango! They fill out the undercard, their gimmicks make it easier for them to transition from feud to feud, etc. If I wanted a bunch of generic create-a-wrestlers, I'd exclusively watch ROH
or a Best of Cody Rhodes DVD, come at me bro


I don't even know how to feel about these

I was trying to find some random fucked up stuff just using the google and these came up on some blog. They are actually kinda cool. Someone just went Ranma on all these WWE superstars. There are way more than these, I just posted a few when we started losing our minds here. People think that is LITA but nope.... that is Punk after a splash with cold water.
Watching the CZW iPPV - the Aerial Assault match was fun, too much crazy flippy-do shit to gif, but here's a couple of Chiva Kid who unmasked before the match and will now go by Andrew Everett...

Huge Frankensteiner;


Beautiful springboard SSP;


He goes for the double moonsault too, but Shane Strickland gets out of the way. AR Fox wins in the end, with Lo Mein Pain.
WTF is this "I was behind Fandango from the beginning!" bull****???

Own up to the fact that he was a goddamn joke until the freakin' CROWD put him over a couple days ago. Friggin' wrasslegaf marks...

Listen Puppet H, how do you know who I cheer or didn't cheer for before a specific point in time? Don't go calling bullshit on things you don't actually know about.

Post Wrestlemania Fav Five:

1. Daniel Bryan
2. Dolph Ziggler/AJ/Big E Langston
3. Wade Barrett
4. Team Rhodes Scholars
5. Fandango
(Whose theme song has been on my iPod since the day WWE released it on iTunes weeks ago. :p)


So not worth it
Former WWE superstar Batista has been working out vigorously in recent months and is now back to his WWE weight of 280 pounds, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

Batista dropped considerable weight when he began training in Mixed Martial Arts, where he won his [unspectacular] first professional fight last year. A second fight never came to fruition and Batista’s MMA gym in Tampa closed last year. Since leaving WWE, Batista has landed a few solid acting roles, including roles in The Man with the Iron Fists (Brass Body), Riddick (Diaz) and Guardians of the Galaxy (Drax the Destroyer).

Batista has stated publicly that he “definitely” wants to return to WWE, and even named Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker and Triple H as the superstars he wants to work with. With him getting back in shape, a return to WWE might not be far off for The Animal.


Wonder what type of schedule he would get.
I'm thinking Rock and Brock, and less Jericho.

I'll take it either way. Just entertain my ass.
My expectations for actual in ring performance are low though.


That Ryback interview is kind of interesting. He sounds like a mad man when he talks about how him moving his arms during his entrance is how he soaks in the energy from the crowd. He gives the impression that Vince is pretty high on him too. Sam Roberts had a couple good interviews last weekend. They're are fairly similar to Rosenberg's cause he got mostly the same people, but they're worth checking out.

AJ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fbF9mgrpZ8
Paul Heyman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5lGc2fRrsE
Dolph Ziggler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myI_6zO2eak

If you have SiriusXM all his interviews from radio row are on demand as the Sam Roberts Show. I think this is it, but I can't listen at work to be sure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE6xUXVI8g4

I'm near certain he's done the "slipping the tongue" on screen at some point. Ziggler that is.
Heel Batista, Best Batista. He was so funny at the end when he quit.

Heel Batista was so good because he seemed so comfortable with the character.

I'd love to see Batista in ring again, though. Batista vs. Brock Lesnar? Sheeet.

And lol, his MMA match was pretty dumb too. I don't remember who he fought (I remember him being a bit out of shape) but Brotista could have lost.
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