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My Member!
This is WWE. Always cracks me up to see you guys bitch about which guy is more interesting than another in today's wrestling. It's like asking which vanilla wafer is less vanilla. "Nuh uh this wafer is just super vanilla, not ultra super vanilla!"

What is this based on? The non existent feuds of "omg he called my match stupid, feud!", the same cookie cutter TV matches, or just who has cooler theme music?

Hahaha. Too good.
To be fair, this is the 4th time I've seen it and its still more entertaining than anything this side of Brock so far this Raw.

It is also, from a pure match perspective, better than 99% of the matches WWE has had for the past god only knows how long.

That cash in really exposes how shit Zigglers finishers are. He needs an actual finisher

Not sure why he dropped the Super Kick after the Cena feud.
You know Sheamus is probably still backstage hurting after carrying Big Show like that.

Seriously. You could see his legs wobble as soon as he took all of Show's weight, which isn't all that surprising. I bet that's why Show looked kinda panicked, too - he probably thought Sheamus was going to buckle.
wwe.com write up is pretty great

Antonio Cesaro has always boasted that no American could defeat him with the United States Championship at stake, and it turns out he was right: It took Ghanaian-bred, Boston College-educated Kofi Kingston to finally finish the job, prying Old Glory from The Swiss Superman after a hard-fought contest to bring Kofi his third U.S. Title.

Cesaro’s 240-day stint with the Stars and Stripes has left a myriad of Superstars ruined in his wake, but Kingston – who had struck up a recent rivalry with the powerhouse champion – seemed determined not to fall into the same traps as Santino, R-Truth and The Miz. The Dreadlocked Dynamo toughed his way through Cesaro’s mighty barrage, using his speed to his advantage and landing a Trouble in Paradise to Cesaro’s chin to ground The Swiss Superman to the mat.


Seriously. You could see his legs wobble as soon as he took all of Show's weight, which isn't all that surprising. I bet that's why Show looked kinda panicked, too - he probably thought Sheamus was going to buckle.

I've got new respect for Sheamus after seeing that.
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