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Break a leg out there Dolph




ECW on TNN 1/21/00

Hopefully this show isn't a complete waste. It's from the ECW Arena, so I'd hope they put a little more effort into it than being a highlight show that didn't even give the results for the PPV or tell you to watch the encore once.

Joel does a G-Rated promo making fun of Cyrus, which brings him out. He says the crowd has a lot of heat with the office. Lol. Cyrus is going to kick Joel's fat ass the next time he defies authority. Joey shows off his amateur wrestling skills by holding Joel back. After the break, new ECW Tag Team Champions The Impact Players came to the ring. Justin says they will not defend their titles tonight. This brings out Doring and Roadkill. Doring says the champs will defend their titles tonight. Lance calls them openers and the only main event things about them are their woman's breasts. He also called them newly elevated mid card team and said they'd have to defeat newly demoted mid card team, Dreamer and Raven.

Dreamer/Raven vs Doring/Roadkill

Gross. I don't know why Dreamer and Raven are still a team or why the Impact Players can book this match on the fly and everyone agreed to it. Dreamer hits a superplex on Roadkill. Dreamer has a broken back, but can superplex a 300 pound dude? Snot rag, chair drop toe hold. Dreamer does a pescado on Roadkill who was on a table.

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Elektra and Francine were about to YAK FIGHT, when Dawn Marie hit Francine from behind. Raven carries Francine to the back. Dreamer does a tree of woe ball stomp on Doring. He hits the DVD, but Roadkill broke up the pin with a springboard leg drop, hurting his leg or back in the process. Tommy hits a DDT/Russian leg sweep combo. Rhino comes out and hits a piledriver. Doring pins Dreamer after a top rope elbow. Corino and Victory continued to beat on Dreamer until Dusty Rhodes came in for the save.

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Rhino came back and hit a clothesline. This brings out The Sandman. He avoids a GORE and hits a few cane shots.

Tajiri vs Super Crazy Mexican Death Match

Goes to a break TEN SECONDS into the match. For real. Let me get this straight. ECW has a national TV that they PAY for, and instead of putting their best effort and storylines on it, they spend 7 minutes of a 45 minute show after commercials progressing the Cyrus/Gertner feud, and then join this match in progress AND cut to break as soon as it starts? It came back from break where Tajiri was spitting on fans. He sets 3 chairs in front of Crazy's face for the tree of woe drop kick.

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This busted Crazy open. A table is brought into the ring. Tajiri spits some more, at fans, the ref, and Crazy. Crazy is bleeding a lot. Tajiri tries to skip chairs across the table to decapitate Crazy, but they all miss. Well, they missed Crazy. They didn't miss the people in the front row who were PISSED.

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Double stomp through the table...not through the table, as even though it wasn't a Japanese table, it was a Japanese wrestler, so the table no sold that shit out of solidarity. It took a second one to break.

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Tajiri mocks Crazy to the crowd's delight.

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Tajiri has completely dominated this, but Crazy hits a tornado backbreaker and lionsault. Things head out into the crowd. Moonsault off the bleachers!

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It gets back in the ring and now Tajiri is bleeding. Tajiri is placed on the ropes and Crazy does a springboard spinning wheel kick to the back of the head, but totally missed. Tajiri almost wins with a lowblow and a German suplex. Tajiri sends Crazy back into the crowd and hits an Asai moonsault. Another table is in the ring, this time wedged in the corner. Crazy gets one of his own. Crazy tries to powerbomb Tajiri in the corner, Tajiri hits the mist and jumps off the table, but Crazy caught him and powerbombed him through the other table for the win. Pretty gnarly brawl.

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We came back EARLY from a break because Mike Awesome was in the ring. He says he ECW Championship is the only title that matters in wrestling, which makes him the whole fucking show. This brings out RVD. They have a battle to see who can cut the more awkward and shitty promo. Mike lays down the challenge. Double title match!

RVD vs Mike Awesome ECW Championship/ECW TV Championship

The lights go out and SABU is in the ring! 3 way dance chants start immediately. Mike says fuck a lot and agrees. Sabu hits RVD with a chair! Why, that's a SWERVE!!! Sabu and Awesome then team up to beat on RVD. Powerbomb on a chair, triple jump moonsault, Arabian facebuster. Sabu also put Fonzie through a table.

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Spike Dudley comes in to help, but is also put down. They CRUSH RVD with a combo frog splash/leg drop through a table.

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