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xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Great promo by Ryback, and great cuts proving the points that Ryback jumped in to save Cena every time the Shield went after him and he never saved Ryback in return.

Good stuff.


Excellent promo from Ryback. This is what I meant when I said that we should have more pre-recorded promos. Really good stuff. Perfect lighting and colours for a heel promo, and his acting was spot-on. People complaining about the final line are just being too critical. Give the man some props...that told a believable story and Ryback put himself and a confrontation with Cena over.

We all know Cena is likely going to win, but there's at least a small shadow of a doubt that Ryback can do it.


Ryback should of called himself Doomsday. Go 100% with the story and have John Cena 'dead' by the end of the match with Ryback as the new champion.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Ryback has a chance to win I think. They clearly like him, enough to put him against Punk end of last year. Reason they didn't have him win then was because it'd fuck up all their plans of Rock/Punk. They've delayed giving people titles before because it'd fuck with other plans aka Del Rio.

Again, I'm not saying he will win but there's a chance


Who cares if it was memorized or if he was reading off cue cards? This is a scripted show. It was an absolutely perfect old-school pre-recorded promo. If you're not interested in actually seeing Ryback/Cena after that then you're just jaded. For real.

R-Truth just beat the IC champ. That makes...sense?


So not worth it
Who cares if it was memorized or if he was reading off cue cards? This is a scripted show. It was an absolutely perfect old-school pre-recorded promo. If you're not interested in actually seeing Ryback/Cena after that then you're just jaded. For real.

R-Truth just beat the IC champ. That makes...sense?

That's how it works in WWE, win non-title match against the champion, get a title match the next week. See also, Kofi Kingston tonight.
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