There were some nice booty butt cheeks posted tonight.
I just zoned out through all of this
I just zoned out through all of this
This is the Cena I hate.......fuck off John until you actually sell me on the fact that you hate the man standing in front of you.
I give this haiku two thumbs up! Nice work, Bootaaay.There was once a man named John,
we all wished that he was gone,
but in his primary coloured shirt
an awkward promo he did blurt,
as the crowd struggled to stifle a yawn.
How about a haiku?
John Cena brings pain,
his promos all sound the same.
Why do I watch?
I like how AJ is trying to downplay herself as a geek and homely.
With stunts like that... She definitely knows what kind of fanbase she's catering to...
Fapping will do that to you.
Prototype and Word Life Cena was best CenaOnly this one?