I'm new to Cinemagram, how is this?
Dat ass is legit shook.
I'm new to Cinemagram, how is this?
Currently watching OVW September 8th 2001 show. There's a 'fun' little mocking angle between Bolin Services and Disciples of Synn, complete with a fat guy version of Leviathan. Sunflower, you've been warned.
Is it weird that I would rather look at a million Bootaaay gifs over one more of those Cena gifs?!
Cena-ass.gif is what this thread needs, we don't have enough objectification of men to level the playing field.
but when you think about it...
ALL we do is objectify them. "Punk's too fat to be champion." "Big E has some big titties."
I don't objectify them, Sunflower!
Did I mention that at the Rotterdam house show there was this six year old kid walking around in a Kane mask? He was gone too fast everytime he walked by, or I would've gotten a picture for Soul. He would've been so proud.'
Also, the two loudest positive reactions of the night were for Regal and Kane, respectively.
I hope Cena's Twitter feed is bombarded by these gifs.
I guess Heavy got banned again.
We're probably lucky WrassleGaf is loose on moderation.
Time to represent the 10%
but who watches the watchmen?
Does anybody else find the Bellas kind of look like Carmella Bing in the face?
Does anybody else find the Bellas kind of look like Carmella Bing in the face?
why don't the bellas just take off all their clothes
Who is that? Carmela Soprano, if that's what you mean, looks nothing like those Bella hoes.
You wanna talk about pumpkin booty? Look no further than Ted DiBiase Jr. Dude's packin 2 Christmas hams in there.
You made this happen WrassleGAF:
[spoiler]nsfw[/spoiler] !!!