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formerly cjelly
lots-a ladies gifs. should this be balanced out?

NeoGAF Wrestling Observer said:
at GWF live. Crowd currently marking out hard for Laserfrog Thesz/Bootayyyy vs Lou Thesz/Stan Hansen Tornado Tag Match. Getting the loudest pop of the night, electric atmosphere

afterwards, Soulplaya comes out to cut a promo before his TV Title match in HIAC to awkward silence. Tear is seen running down Soulplaya's cheek.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bootaaay and Laserfrog vs their idols was best match of the night
NeoGAF Wrestling Observer said:
crowd's reaction towards the controversial ending of the Soulplaya/Kane match is of disbelief. Many seen walking out shaking their heads. One fan said "if Soulplaya wasn't fucking the commish's daughter we would've seen a better match"


Notes from GWF: SoulPlaya vs Kane (Hell In A Cell)

After a grueling Hell In A Cell:

SoulPlaya looks at Kane with a tear in his eye.

SoulPlaya: "I'm Sorry, Glenn."

SoulPlaya hits a brutal chokeslam on Kane!


SoulPlaya wins!!!!!!!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GWF was great. 2.0 is coming this Fall!

Reserve your spot on the list now!
Totally. She's awesome.


Did we just become best friends?!

Also, I got to gwf late just as it was shutting down. Very excited to see this match of the century.

Also, here's a link to my mania photo album. I brought my good camera to the Sunday DGUSA show, Shimmer, and Chikara as well so those will be up soon. I tried to watch shows and not just take pictures so there's some gaps.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Mr. Luchador's touts are wonderful.

Very sad about the Jaekwon vs Carnby results. VERY sad.
Taker/Bryan/Kane vs. The Shield was fucking great

Ryback has the heart, but not the skill. He is getting better and we just have to accept that he is the best guy with the look that vince loves. Unless they decide to push Big E of course.

I know it's way too soon for him, but I want Big E to win the WHC MITB while still being team rocket just for all the amazing segments and teases this group could pull out.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

Hold that Heritage Heritage Heritage title close. B-Sharkthur is in danger. They're at the top of the food chain now...




The Shield vs Undertaker/Kane/Bryan match might be The Shield's best match so far. Only second to the TLC match.

The match tonight was great though. Everyone involved looked strong and they all just took turns beating up on each other instead of the standard heels beat up on one face for half the match until they make a hot tag. This was just consistent back and forth throughout the match which made it much more interesting to watch.


more money than God
The Shield vs Undertaker/Kane/Bryan match might be The Shield's best match so far. Only second to the TLC match.

The match tonight was great though. Everyone involved looked strong and they all just took turns beating up on each other instead of the standard heels beat up on one face for half the match until they make a hot tag. This was just consistent back and forth throughout the match which made it much more interesting to watch.
Honestly, it was great and all, but Hell No needs to end soon. Not even because they're not good at it. They still produce great chemistry and great moments together, but the tag division is nonexistent, and both guys need to go back to their previous persona. Especially Bryan.

Kane needs to start slowly going back to the monster part of the Kane cycle.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Honestly, it was great and all, but Hell No needs to end soon. Not even because they're not good at it. They still produce great chemistry and great moments together, but the tag division is nonexistent, and both guys need to go back to their previous persona. Especially Bryan.

Kane needs to start slowly going back to the monster part of the Kane cycle.

I'm pretty sure Kane's done after this and Undertaker's the same way. Thus why they're helping build young guys together.


more money than God
I'm pretty sure Kane's done after this and Undertaker's the same way. Thus why they're helping build young guys together.
That's my point. I REALLY want it to be Kane/Taker at WM XXX (even though it will be Taker/Cena, and Kane's last match will be on Superstars where he gets beaten by Big E).

In order for my dream to happen, though, Kane needs to be rebuilt back into a monster.

BTW, Taker hasn't done shit to build young guys.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That's my point. I REALLY want it to be Kane/Taker at WM XXX (even though it will be Taker/Cena, and Kane's last match will be on Superstars where he gets beaten by Big E).

In order for my dream to happen, though, Kane needs to be rebuilt back into a monster.

BTW, Taker hasn't done shit to build young guys.

He let Punk look stronger than anyone else ever has against him leading up to Wrestlemania. Even if you don't want to count Punk as a young guy(If you don't, I'll remind you that Dbry is only 3 years younger) He just lost cleanly to The Shield even if he wasn't the one who got pinned.

It's okay for you to praise someone other than Kane in 2013, really.


He let Punk look stronger than anyone else ever has against him leading up to Wrestlemania. Even if you don't want to count Punk as a young guy(If you don't, I'll remind you that Dbry is only 3 years younger) He just lost cleanly to The Shield even if he wasn't the one who got pinned.

It's okay for you to praise someone other than Kane in 2013, really.

Not as strong as HHH last year where he practically begged for another match.


more money than God
He let Punk look stronger than anyone else ever has against him leading up to Wrestlemania. Even if you don't want to count Punk as a young guy(If you don't, I'll remind you that Dbry is only 3 years younger) He just lost cleanly to The Shield even if he wasn't the one who got pinned.

It's okay for you to praise someone other than Kane in 2013, really.
I praise plenty of people. Here, Daniel Bryan is the best wrestler/sports-entertainer in the world today.

Your point about Taker just reflects low expectations of putting guys over. Punk didn't look stronger than anyone ever has. Kane going up to WM 14 looked stronger, as did HBK and HHH. Punk had just had a more than year long run as WWE Champ, and all Taker did for him was let him poor sand on him. Taker didn't lose clean to the Shield, Daniel Bryan did.


I agree Hell No should come to an end, but Dragon is perfect in his role as 2001 Kurt Angle. Big goof who can turn on the ass kicker and everyone buys it, who can job to lower card guys and beat main event types and no one questions it. His character is probably the most versatile one they have right now and it would be silly to change it.

He appeals to the kids, the smarks, the women, and the men. He can do comedy, serious and vicious brawls, 30 technical clinics, fast paced sprints, job to someone like Heath Slater one week and be 100% believable having a competitive match with Mark Henry or teaming with The Undertaker the next week. Having him go back to what he was this time last year (which was awesome, mind you) seems like a needless step back. He's perfect how he is right now.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I praise plenty of people. Here, Daniel Bryan is the best wrestler/sports-entertainer in the world today.

Your point about Taker just reflects low expectations of putting guys over. Punk didn't look stronger than anyone ever has. Kane going up to WM 14 looked stronger, as did HBK and HHH. Punk had just had a more than year long run as WWE Champ, and all Taker did for him was let him poor sand on him. Taker didn't lose clean to the Shield, Daniel Bryan did.

You literally did not say anything positive about Daniel Bryan until he started teaming with Kane. Not once.

Punk mocked the most important figure in Undertaker's career. The urn IS the Undertaker. It does not matter how many piledrivers Kane gave Undertaker. Punk got to desecrate everything iconic to the Undertaker. The urn, the monks, the cut throat taunt, everything.
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