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more money than God
You literally did not say anything positive about Daniel Bryan until he started teaming with Kane. Not once.

Punk mocked the most important figure in Undertaker's career. The urn IS the Undertaker. It does not matter how many piledrivers Kane gave Undertaker. Punk got to desecrate everything iconic to the Undertaker. The urn, the monks, the cut throat taunt, everything.
Yeah, OK, lol. Taker also no sold the GTS and Anaconda vice.

Dolph Ziggler is also great at what he does.


Did we just become best friends?!

Also, I got to gwf late just as it was shutting down. Very excited to see this match of the century.

Also, here's a link to my mania photo album. I brought my good camera to the Sunday DGUSA show, Shimmer, and Chikara as well so those will be up soon. I tried to watch shows and not just take pictures so there's some gaps.


I...I thought we were already best friends.

Good photos!


From a recent interview on GWF.com, McNei1y shared his thoughts about the Frenemy Belts, Mr. Sandman, SoulPlaya's return, and other things:

GWF: After holding the Frenemy Belts with Pepsi City for over two months, what can you say about the new tag team champs?

McNei1y (M): Well, all I can say is 'Watch Out'. They have a target on their back now. Sharthur has just inherited a world of pain and they don't even know it yet. It could be team McPepsi or it could be some other newcomer... but from their display in the ring tonight, I just know that they'll get what they deserve. Pulling a Soka and busting people through barricades won't pan out well in the next match. I'd like to see what they're made of in a Hardcore Match.

GWF: There have been backstage reports that Mr. Sandman has been trashing your recent loss as well as your apparel. What do you think of claims?

M: What is there to think? Mr. Sandman is going after something that's way out of his league. I mean last I checked, my merchandise is some of the most sought after items in GWF Shop, behind the Laserfrog mask, SoulPlaya's varsity jacket, and Nocturnowl's cell phone. Do you see any of Mr. Sandman's iconic weapons being sold? No. Hell, the guy had to cheap shot Freight Train tonight. Who can like the guy? It was cowardly if you ask me. He should know his place.

GWF: Well what about the claims about your hat?

M: This hat symbolizes my fandom towards the Washington Nationals. That's it.

GWF: So you aren't balding? I heard that a free bottle of Rogaine goes along with every hat purchase.

M: Ask Sandman. He's the one buying my merchandise.

GWF: Your old mentor (for lack of a better word) SoulPlaya took a win tonight against his idol, Kane. What did you think of that moment?

M: SoulPlaya is really at a high point right now. I mean first he leads a charge against the Four Kings, then he takes the belt, and now he defeats his idol with his own Chokeslam in a HELL IN A CELL? It's unbelievable. I think I even saw a few tears roll down his face during that match. He'll probably never get that close to Kane again. Then again, he should try to get in touch with Kane because he'll need to get on Kane's good side. Soul goes after a lot of the higher ups that he'll need an ally like Kane, myself, Pepsi, and others.

GWF: We heard reports that Jaekwon was released from GWF. What are your thoughts on this?

M: Jaekwon was an entertainer. He was over with the crowd and it's unbelievable that he was booked in such a match. He's getting the same treatment as that guy over in WWE... what's his name... Zack Ryder. You know, that guy that everyone loves because he's entertaining, he's great in the ring, and he deserves a push... but damn, Jaekwon got RELEASED! It's unfortunate. Maybe he'll make a great return like that Chris Jericho fellow.

GWF: What was your favorite moment of the night?

M: Laserfrog and Bootaaay vs Lou Thesz and Stan Hansen. That Tornado match was incredible. It looked more like two grudge matches happening in the same ring. I mean, those reversal pins just kept going! No one wanted to lose!

GWF: Your thoughts on the CEO?

M: Sunny? He's a great character. His hirings, the creation behind the ring setup, his bookings... everything is great. I'm glad he signed me for next year. I'm looking forward to a lot of the rookies for next year too. I hear they have great talent. But honestly, I think he should make an appearance on the show. He's the intelligence behind this whole thing. I can't even imagine the crowd's reaction to his first GWF appearance.

I'm drunk, bored, and I wanted to write this.


Theres a special place in my top drawer for GWF fan fiction. I'm gonna come up with something good that will convince Sunflower that GWF 2.0 needs a pony faction.
People suggesting that the Raw Crowd was edited with only some chants being audible in the mix compared to the actual chanting going on during the show.
TAKA replied to my tweet suggesting the CHIKARA should sign KAIENTAI for the Tag World Grand Prix;

"I don't want it!"


Oh well. Here's a NOAH show from a couple of days ago

NOAH "GLOBAL TAG LEAGUE 2013", 2013.04.21
1,050 Fans


01. Jake Dirden vs Hitoshi Kumano
02. Takashi Hijikata vs Kyle Sebastian
03. Takashi Sugiura & Yoshinari Ogawa vs CHAOS (Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka)
04. KENTA vs Jonah Rock
05. GHC Jr. Heavyweight Tag Titles: NO MERCY (Genba Hirayanagi & SUWA) (c) vs Taiji Ishimori & Atsushi Kotoge
06. Global Tag League - Block A: Tomoaki Honma & Akitoshi Saito [0] vs Eddie Edwards & Bobby Fish [0]
07. Global Tag League - Block B: Kensuke Sasaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima [2] vs TMDK (Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste) [0]
08. Global Tag League - Block A: BRAVE (Takeshi Morishima & Mohammed Yone) [2] vs Yujiro Takahashi & Maybach Taniguchi [0]


So not worth it
Yay for slut jokes...

Michael Cole said:
AJ went through alot of boyfriends to finally get with the World Champion


JBL said:
She won Kiss of the Year at the Slammy's. She also won runner up, and runner up to the runner up and the runner up to the runner up to the runner up!

Ugh. Fuck this company.
OMG! Episodes 3 AND 4 of 'Somebody Ran Over Zandig's Car'!!! Yessssssssss!

Episode 3

Episode 4

Here's the previous two if you haven't seen them. GODDAMN WORKS OF ART!

Episode 1 & Episode 2

*edit, looooool, that dream sequence. Holy fuck, Flair vs Zandig was amazing! That's a really great CAW of Zandig, they've masterfully recreated his Gut of Infinite Power.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

Haha, this was brought up on the Observer board, Disco Inferno burying Bryan Danielson from 5 years ago, before he signed to the WWE;

"i read a few weeks ago on one of the sites that the "best wrestler in the business" had a dark match with the wwe. so i rohvideos.comd this guy and checked him out. no offense to him, but i didn't think he was the "best wrestler in the business" from what i saw. he was decent for the style that he worked, but unfortunately that style caters to a very small niche audience. here's a few of the problems.

most people watch professional wrestling because it's professional wrestling. i would profess that there is zero chance that you're going to draw from the mma crowd by doing fake mma. i think most mma fans would be more entertained by the disco inferno vs. the honkytonk man, because at least they know they're watching a pro wrestling match and not some hybrid ridiculous let's do the mma moves and pretend that the moves hurt and insult my intelligence style. wrestling fans pop more for mr. socko and the people's elbow than they would for a fake guillotine choke hold.

the guy needs a gimmick. i'm sorry, but you can't sell a plain joe to fans that want sports entertainment.

also, for as good as everyone says this guy is, tna has at least ten guys better. evrybody puts over these roh matches like they're the greatest thing ever, but if you put aj and christian cage against the motor city machine guns for 25 minutes, and told them that you needed at least four stars, i'd bet my life that it would be better than anything roh has ever put out. once guys like aj and the mcmg's got out of roh, look how much better they got. there's something to say about the art of selling, which isn't really being taught to the up 'n comers. it makes matches so much more dramatic. it's what causes the fans to suspend the disbelief to a higher level, because now they become emotionally involved subconsciously when a wrestler can convey suffering and despair to them. i really should open a school someday and teach people how to work. i actually managed to make a pretty good name for myself by dancing around like some schmuck pretending to be john travolta for the past fifteen years. i think i know what i'm doing."


Disco Inferno is correct in everything he said. i like what he said about RoH not selling. from what i seen in RoH is true. its like nothing deals any amount of damage and they just keep bouncing up off the mat.
Yay for slut jokes...


Ugh. Fuck this company.

Well in storyline AJ and Punk fucked so she was even with a WWE champion.

Im really getting tired of the commentary during Bryan matches though. Goat jokes followed by puns followed by references


So not worth it
No, this is not the only goddamned place in the world where Regal gets a standing ovation.

For fucks sake, he gets one nearly everywhere.

I cannot express enough just how much this commentary team is ruining the product.
Disco Inferno is correct in everything he said.

Except for the part where he said TNA had 10 guys better than Bryan, circa-2008. Kurt, Sting...maybe Daniels?

bangai-o said:
i like what he said about RoH not selling. from what i seen in RoH is true. its like nothing deals any amount of damage and they just keep bouncing up off the mat.

It's an over-exaggeration - you've probably seen a few incidents here and there, like the dumb Davey/Eddie superplex into a suplex spot, but that isn't par for the course. Hell, watch a typical Bryan match from ROH;


Plenty of selling there, no kicking out of anything too ridiculous, etc.
That whole skit was great, I think I'm going to reframe it and upload it to youtube or something. I can't imagine it's infringing on any copyright laws too much.
Just finished watching RAW and...


Big E Langston's new theme


BoD & B. Dazzle vs SierraHotelIndiaEchoLimaDelta

But for real though, which one of you guys is Da Ryberg?
OMG! Episodes 3 AND 4 of 'Somebody Ran Over Zandig's Car'!!! Yessssssssss!

Episode 3

Episode 4

Here's the previous two if you haven't seen them. GODDAMN WORKS OF ART!

Episode 1 & Episode 2

*edit, looooool, that dream sequence. Holy fuck, Flair vs Zandig was amazing! That's a really great CAW of Zandig, they've masterfully recreated his Gut of Infinite Power.

My favourite part was chokeslam through the table back into the suit.


No, this is not the only goddamned place in the world where Regal gets a standing ovation.

For fucks sake, he gets one nearly everywhere.

I cannot express enough just how much this commentary team is ruining the product.

He had a standing ovation at the house show I was at last week. The only guy of the night to get one, even though Bryan was the most over guy.

He also just got one on NXT the other week.

Yay for slut jokes...


Ugh. Fuck this company.

Reminded me of the moronic commentary on the Valentine's Day episode in February, where the commentary team (of just Cole and King) were like "duuhuuhuhu who knows who she was with last Valetnine's what a whore", even though she was, you know, on WWE TV with Daniel Bryan, the WHC, in the storyline that led to both her current "crazy" character, and 18 Seconds.

Jamie OD

A post on Botchamania's Facebook brought up an interesting theory. Paul Heyman demands Brock Vs HHH inside a steel cage because all of Lesnar's losses since his return involved the ring steps. I think that's a neat, little touch.


A post on Botchamania's Facebook brought up an interesting theory. Paul Heyman demands Brock Vs HHH inside a steel cage because all of Lesnar's losses since his return involved the ring steps. I think that's a neat, little touch.


but bad for Mr. H's :(
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