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How about the replay's view of AJ selling the kick like death?




Hah I love that gif of The Shield getting out of the helicopter. They're trying to play it off cool, but you can tell them feel pretty bad ass getting out of that thing. Fandango on the ground freaking out about Jericho stealing his dance partner is awesome too.
Avatar's back, I'm a new man.

Thank you all for those lovely diva-gifs


By the way, today is Brie Bella's "superman"'s birthday. It woulkd be awesome if somebody have him a heel as a present


Wouldn't mind Big E winning say the US title from Kofi, and AJ winning the Divas title. Team Rocket all with gold would be great.


Wouldn't mind Big E winning say the US title from Kofi, and AJ winning the Divas title. Team Rocket all with gold would be great.

I don't think Big E is anywhere close to ready to hold some gold.

That being said, Vince will probably give Big E some gold in order to 'validate' him

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Shield looks like they're stepping out of a news helicopter, thought it'd at least be black.

They'd look FAR cooler coming out of a brown heli like in Magnum PI.
GWF Supercard archive is up!

Come enjoy the show with the chat room on-screen, making you a part of the action as it happened!


Great job man, this episode was WICKED SICK!

Go Zandig!! Heavy's thighs weren't enough to stop the Ultraviolent Icon!

Lol, ghost of Beefmas past. Carnby's entrance is amazing!

WTF, Sandman? You can't do that to the Freight Train!

LOL, I hit an armdrag on Laser, wtf? Oh my god, the slow count pinning sequence, amazing. That match was a ton of fun. So nice of Stan to put me over :)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Laser Booty vs Theszsen was so good. So pleased both of you went after your respective icons for the whole match. Man, that was one of my favorite matches.

Stupidly excited for GWF 2.0, where the roster gets overhauled. NOTE: If you want to be in GWF 2.0 and you make a request for anything in particular to look like or be, expect your request to be TWISTED AS HELL so it suits my vision, not yours!

After all, who thought Soulplaya would have a varsity jacket and pink shorts?


So not worth it
Let me state for the record that I am extremely pleased they're finally letting AJ wrestle. Even if it's only because they just remembered they had a divas title and can't be bothered to put Kaitlyn on TV, so just switching the title to the only diva that has a weekly role makes the most sense. I'll take it, because AJ deserves that thing after being called a slut for a year now.

He had a standing ovation at the house show I was at last week. The only guy of the night to get one, even though Bryan was the most over guy.

He also just got one on NXT the other week.

People in Rotterdam were bowing to him from the moment his entrance music hit. I myself started no less than 3 stadium-wide chants for him during the match. He, Kane and Bryan respectively got the biggest face-pop's of the night.

But yeah, I guess we're "bizarroland" as well.


Are you gonna create a woman's division so Panda can finally have a match? Or will there be an "operation" in the offseason?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Are you gonna create a woman's division so Panda can finally have a match? Or will there be an "operation" in the offseason?

I need to figure out what to do with Panda. Dirtsheets reported Panda having a match with Stephanie early on in the Classic WWF Zombie Uprising storyline but since I heard of it I cut that off.


Tonight's setting: the night

I am being initiated in the most prestigious honor society for all disciplines at my university. It's at the grad level so I had to be nominated by one of my professors but after getting a 4.0 in my master program that was easy. Phi Kappa Phi will be a nice line on my resume.

Also, Saturday night's setting is also the night.

I get to see Shooter Jennings and about 20 other bands that I like perform in Chicago.


Going to be a good week.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Tonight's setting: the night

I am being initiated in the most prestigious honor society for all disciplines at my university. It's at the grad level so I had to be nominated by one of my professors but after getting a 4.0 in my master program that was easy. Phi Kappa Phi will be a nice line on my resume.

Also, Saturday night's setting is also the night.

I get to see Shooter Jennings and about 20 other bands that I like perform in Chicago.


Going to be a good week.

Congratulation! The story will indeed have a happy end.

BTW if anyone knows a reason that ST:TNG is better than TOS let me know. NG sucks so bad, and TOS is great.

Am I the AJ of GWF?

I guess so, huh. :(

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Have you only seen season 1 of TNG? It gets better.

I've seen this n that across the whole thing. Their stories are just plain boring or bad. At least TOS addressed social issues at the time AND currently - it's timeless.

Kirk is easily the better captain than Picard, and Spock rules over the entire supporting TNG crew.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Seriously brahs. Data is just wikipedia, there's too many homely mothers waddling around on the ship, the only good supporting dude is LeVar Burton because it's goddamn LeVar Burton, a man of class - what else is good about TNG? Nothing?


I've seen this n that across the whole thing. Their stories are just plain boring or bad. At least TOS addressed social issues at the time AND currently - it's timeless.

Kirk is easily the better captain than Picard, and Spock rules over the entire supporting TNG crew.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thing is with TOS I'm given a very impactful, important episode every single time I watch an ep. With TNG there's a lot of fluff. Sometimes it gets dark and important, and it's GREAT then, but 2 episodes later it's back to stupid shit that has no impact on character arcs.
I'm with you on this one Sun, I love TNG, but TOS is the superior show in my eyes - I'm just a sucker for that sort of science fiction procedural format and, because it was the 1960's, it's a very imaginative and unique sort sci-fi that the newer series lacked, for the most part. TOS's flaws are entirely apparent, but in terms of intriguing science fiction, it's the best Trek has to offer. Sure, TNG & DS9 did drama and character development better, but they're products of a different time - looked at purely as science fiction shows, TOS comes out on top.

TOS > DS9 > TNG > the other stuff.

Also, Babylon 5 is pretty great. Might as well mention Space: Above & Beyond, while I'm at it. I love that show.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I tried B5 but it was WAY too dark. As in hard to see people. I stopped after ep 2. Is this a common issue?


There are some episodes of TNG you should watch

The Drumhead
The Measure of A Man (Data episode)
Parallels (Worf episode)
Ship In A Bottle (Picard/Moriarty episode)
Relics (you will enjoy this as a TOS fan)
Remember Me (Crusher episode)
Lower Decks
Time's Arrow (Data time travel)

Those should give you a good start.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The lack of Battlestar Galactica on sci-fi talk makes me sad.

I loved the old 70s series. I was big into scifi when I was a little kid in the 80s and someone had the 70s show and I watched it religiously. The newer Battlestar was good for a couple seasons then it lost me. I do feel that "33" was an hour of the best television I'd ever seen though, it was so good.

There are some episodes of TNG you should watch

The Drumhead
The Measure of A Man (Data episode)
Parallels (Worf episode)
Ship In A Bottle (Picard/Moriarty episode)
Relics (you will enjoy this as a TOS fan)
Remember Me (Crusher episode)
Lower Decks
Time's Arrow (Data time travel)

Those should give you a good start.
I'll give a few of these a try.
I tried B5 but it was WAY too dark. As in hard to see people. I stopped after ep 2. Is this a common issue?

Yeah, it's not an easy show to get into - the first season is kinda trashy, but it's useful for setting up everything that comes after it. The show gets A LOT better later on, I'd definitely recommend trying to gut it out until season 2. Even though the show can often come across as super cheesy, the character drama and story arcs through season 2 to season 4 are really amazing, some of my favourite seasons in all of sci-fi. It's still pretty dark on the whole, but the more likeable characters start to shine through eventually, while even the bastards manage to evoke viewer sympathy from time to time.


I don't think Big E is anywhere close to ready to hold some gold.

That being said, Vince will probably give Big E some gold in order to 'validate' him

Cesaro won the US title in August after debuting in April, I'd say it's quite enough time for Big E to get a mid card title. I mean, what is Kofi going to do with it?


I keep going back to this as my favorite Trek episode:

"In The Pale Moonlight"

Don't watch it out of context.

Edit: I guess you can watch it alone, but it works better in the context of the ongoing war.


Its funny how some think WWE holds their titles in high regard on who they go to.

BigE winning the US title would literally mean nothing. When was the last time a good feud was built around that belt?


Its funny how some think WWE holds their titles in high regard on who they go to.

BigE winning the US title would literally mean nothing. When was the last time a good feud was built around that belt?

Ziggler vs Ryder. I'm more about all of Team Rocket having gold, that would be a fine boost for the group, even if the US title is meaningless.


The last time the US title mattered was probably that MVP/Matt Hardy feud years ago.

I can't even remember the last time the IC title mattered.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright guys, it's finals week, so I'll catch you all afterwards.

Thanks for telling us, good luck. Don't fail. Glen will beat you like a redheaded stepchild like Undertaker was if you do.
Good luck, Soul!

I keep going back to this as my favorite Trek episode:

"In The Pale Moonlight"

It's definitely one of my favourites...hell, I like any episode with Garak, but this one was particularly epic and definitely Brooks best performance of the show. Others that'd rank highly for me would be 'City on the Edge of Forever', 'Mirror, Mirror' & 'Balance of Terror' from TOS, 'Darmok' from TNG & 'The Visitor' from DS9.

Speaking of Garak, have you ever read the book (A Stitch in Time) written by his actor, Andrew J Robinson? I picked it up a few years back on a GAF recommendation and absolutely loved it - he apparently wrote the whole thing, this incredibly detailed back-story of Elim Garak, so that he could better play his part in the show. He's probably my favourite character from DS9.


Our finals week is next week, so this week and next is rough at work. So many people trying to study in one building. There is a payoff though, the month of May is usually dead in a university library so we get to rest.

It's definitely one of my favourites...hell, I like any episode with Garak, but this one was particularly epic and definitely Brooks best performance of the show. Others that'd rank highly for me would be 'City on the Edge of Forever', 'Mirror, Mirror' & 'Balance of Terror' from TOS, 'Darmok' from TNG & 'The Visitor' from DS9.

Speaking of Garak, have you ever read the book (A Stitch in Time) written by his actor, Andrew J Robinson? I picked it up a few years back on a GAF recommendation and absolutely loved it - he apparently wrote the whole thing, this incredibly detailed back-story of Elim Garak, so that he could better play his part in the show. He's probably my favourite character from DS9.

I didn't know about that book, Garak always did seem like one of the more complex characters on DS9.


The way they use those titles is horrendous. No beef between the wrestlers, no stories, no drama whatsoever. It was always passed around between Kofi (4x IC, 3x US), Miz (2x IC, 2x US), Morrison (3x IC), Barrett (3x IC), Ziggler (once each) and Santino (2x IC, 1x US) it's comical.

IC title run for Cody when he brought back the white strap was pretty neat. Other than that it's been worthless since, let's see... Probably Jericho-Mysterio back in 2009? Even going before that it wasn't much thrill to be had.
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