Christian Cage vs Christopher Daniels ROH 2006
I'd rather have seen Christian vs Bryan Danielson, but this will do. I wonder why it took him about a year in TNA to start doing indies. Well, "official" indies, depending on your view of TNA. There were about 10 minutes of jibber jabber before the match. It's really weird when guys leave WWE and you see how fucking massive they are. Someone like Billy Gunn, who in WWE didn't really look bigger than most of the guys he was in the ring with, looked like an absolute monster in TNA. You don't realize how big those guys are until they leave WWE and are around normal sized humans. Christian is probably the only guy who actually got better after going to TNA. He really learned how to carry himself as a star and he brought that back with him. He's been one of my favorite guys since he WWE return. This match is about 8 minutes in an almost nothing has happened. Like an old school house show match or something. Lot of stalling and taunting. It finally picks up and Daniels hits a split legged moonsault, then gets knocked off the apron. Christian hits a gut buster and does a face first Irish whip to the corner. This is kind of weird. They're working it like Daniels is the underdog face. BME into the Koji Clutch. Kind of a weird bump on a flatliner.
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Another BME, but this time Daniels missed. Christian with a frog splash. Angel's Wings! Daniels wins 100% clean. A much better job of putting a guy over than Matt Hardy losing to a surprise flukey roll up against Roddy.
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Toshiaki Kawada vs Jamal (YouManga) AJPW 2006
I don't think the date is correct. Umaga was back in WWE by 2005. This was probably from 2003 or 2004. Oh man, a fan grabbed Kawada's robe while he was walking out and the look he gave was amazing.
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Big K tries to kick Umaga down to size, but that shit doesn't work with a Samoan Bulldozer. Kawada keeps getting knocked out of the ring and not allowed to get back in. He finally gets back in and kicks Umaga in the face a few times, and Umaga just elbows him right in the jaw.
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Umaga gets kicked off the apron and he goves over the railing and crashes into a dude, breaking him and the chair he was sitting on.
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Kawada jumps out into the crowd and starts kicking Umaga's arm. This continues in the ring. Like 30 kicks over all to the arm. Maybe more. An arm bar is countered with a kind of powerbombish move.
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Umaga has a huge bruise on his bicep. An attempted powerbomb from Kawada doesn't work out. Umaga gets out and hits a superkick. Running forearm in the corner, with the bad arm. Running ass to the face. Superfly splash. More kicks to the arm. Umaga hits a powerbomb that Kawada no sells and hits some elbows and gamenguris. Another pinning powerbomb only gets a 2 count. Brainbustahhhhhh!!!
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Umaga kicks out! Kick to the temple...and Umaga kicks out again! He eventually taps out to Kawada's stretchy move.
Kurt Angle/Yuji Nagata vs Giant Bernard/Tomko
Where the fuck did Tomko go? Nagata comes out draped in the American flag, while Kurt comes out in the Japanese flag. Kurt/Yuji make sense as a tag team. Maybe this match will end in a double ankle lock. Albert and Yuji start things out. Lot of kicks and chops until a power slam makes both men tag out. Right away a German suplex. Tomko gets up and kicks Kurt in the face. He gets right up and head butts Tomko.
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Albert comes in and cools Kurt down. He gets tossed the floor where Tomko rams him into the railing a few times. Albert with a delayed butterfly suplex. Derailer! Nagata gets tagged in and starts kicking the shit out of everyone. Shining Wizard! Then one in the corner. EXPOLODAAAH!!! Nagata eats a combo elbow drop/side slam.
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Tomko and Yuji get into a strike battle. Series of headbutts from Albert. Tomko tries a swanton bomb. Kurt comes in and hits the rolling Germans on both men. Kurt takes La Resistance's finisher.
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Kurt pops up to hit the super belly to bely and now is totally cool. Nagata Lock/Ankle lock combo! Albert breaks it up. Angle slam! Brainbustahhh! Ankle lock! Nagata Lock! It's all over!
KENTA vs Ted DiBiase Jr SEM 2007
SEM is NOAH's OVWish thing apparently. This is the first Ted Jr. match I've gone out of my way to see, I think. This starts with a shoulder block battle. Oh wait a minute, indie stand off! Ted kind of has bird legs. KENTA takes control and it goes to the floor. It goes back into the ring where we get some very engaging chin locks. Ted low bridges KENTA, sending him to the floor. He then hits a quite ungraceful pescado.
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Fist drops, power slams. This is definitely a Ted Jr. match. KENTA did a mocking fist drop in return. This is basically Ted vs Yoshi on Superstars, except Yoshi kicks really hard. KENTA wins with his strike combo. He didn't even have to use a GTS to beat Ted. Jobber even in Japan.
Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar IGF 2007
I never thought any of their matches were anywhere near as good as they should have been, so them having a match 4 years later after Kurt is half dead and Bork stopped giving a shit years ago probably isn't going to tear the house down. The FIRST MOVE is a German suplex. Kurt was the TNA Champion at the time. Bork was the IWGP Champion. Belly to belly!
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Not surprised at all that both of those moves were done in the first 2 minutes. Bork goes for the F5. Kurt grabs the ropes, so Bork just throws him over the ropes. Bork is such a massive human. I'd like to live as him for one day. Massive, ultra manly bad ass. Do my curls with referees. Shoot helicopter guns with my bare hands. BATTLE ROPES. Bork locks on a guillotine for quite a way. Kurt eventually fights out. Ankle lock! Bork gets out, of course. It was only the first ankle lock. German suplex. F5 is reversed into a DDT.
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Overhead German suplex. Angle Slam! Another ankle lock. Bork rolls through. F5! Or was it The Verdict in Japan? Regardless, Kurt kicks out. Bork tries an ankle lock. Kurt rolls through and does another ankle lock and grapevines the leg. Kurt Angle wins. It's the same Kurt/Brock match they had every time.
Kurt Angle/Masahiro Chono vs Shinjiro Otani/AJ Styles NJPW 2008
This is a pretty wacky team up. I kind of want to see Chono vs Angle instead. Kurt and AJ start it off. The NJPW is mic'd like late era ECW rings. It sounds like gun shots going off on every bump. AJ hits his drop kick spot and then the locals get tagged in. Chono looks like a mini Giant Baba. Not in the way that Akira Taue looked like a mini Giant Baba. But that bizarre alien body shape. They have a chop/slap battle. It ends in an eye rake. Chono vs AJ starts, and instead they go for Otani vs Kurt. Who is that dude in NOAH that does all of Kurt's moves? I'd like to see them have a match and see how many German suplexes, Angle Slams, and ankle locks they could get in. STF to Otani. AJ breaks it up. Gotch piledriver to AJ.
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Kurt gets busted open getting rammed into Otani's boots.
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Face wash to Kurty.
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AJ hits a springboard elbow, Choshu hits a Yakuza kick, and Otani hits a missile drop kick. AJ then hits Pele. That just pissed Kurt off, so he hits a belly to belly and Angle Slam. AJ taps out to the ankle lock while Chono has the STF on Otani.
Kurt Angle/Shinsuke Nakamura vs AJ Styles/Hiroshi Tanahashi NJPW 2008
This should be fun. I believe this was before SWAG/eccentric coke head Nakamura. AJ and Nak start things off with some grappling. Kurt uppercuts AJ's head off.
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Tanahashi gets the best of Kurt and Kurt bails to regain his composure. Then he tags out instead of reengaging. Nak reverses a dragon sleeper into an arm bar. Double drop kick from the pretty boys. Nak and AJ go into a strike battle. Nak wins, but then AJ hits the Pele kick. Tanahashi with a second rope swanton. German suplex! Big tope from AJ.
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Kurt locks in the ankle lock on Tanahashi while Nak has AJ in an arm bar. Nak misses a dive of his own. AJ breaks up the ankle lock that had been on for liek 2 minutes. Nak comes in and hits a choke suplex on AJ.
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Styles Clash is reversed. Botch on the back flip DDT. Swing Blade! This was an excuse for Kurt to hit the pop up belly to belly. A kick in the head and Angle Slam puts Tanahashi down for the 3 count.
Kurt Angle vs Hiroshi Tanahashi NJPW 2009
It's like Cena vs Angle, but in Japan. 2009 was the height of Angle's creepy maybe about to die look.
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Lot of amateur style wrasslin at the start. The look on Kurt's face when Tanahashi grabbed a leg was great.
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Tanahashi works a headlock like a mother fucker. And keeps going back to it if Kurt gets out. Kurt hits a belly to belly and then sells the head lock by rubbing the sides of his heads. I actually don't think I've ever seen someone really sell that their head hurt from a headlock. ROUGH looking back breaker. It looked like something broke.
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They trade some signature moves including the Swing Blade. Pop up Angle Slam! Two count. Rolling Germans is turned into an overhead release dragon suplex.
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Frog splash missed. Angle slam. This ended the match in their last encounter. Not this time. Tanahashi gets out of the ankle lock, hits a dragon screw, and then locks on a Texas cloverleaf. This goes back into the ankle lock. Another Swing Blade. Kurt tries a pop up belly to belly, but gets knocked off. A standing frog splash, and 2 normal frog splashes later, Tanahashi wins!
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Next up is a much smaller list of WCW stars including Kanyon as a jobber on mid 90s Raw, Goldberg in Japan, Curt Hennig vs Dennis Rodman from 2000, Crowbar on Raw, and the Steiners in ECW.