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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Did anybody notice that Burnout Paradise survey thread in Gaming? Apparently I was one of the randomly drawn "winners" and have been selected to chose an avatar for the OP. I think the honor of create this could be fun for WrassleGAF. Anybody got some ideas?

John Cena crying
Can you guys stop being lazy and make YouTube channels, like my boy Laserfrog, for your reviews? Even if its just video of you sitting at your desk in a wife beater, reading your post word for word in front of a webcam. You guys are only here for my and other lurkers' entertainment and let me tell you brother, you're stinking up the joint.

Stop making us read lots of words.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Saw this in the funny pics thread:



Can you guys stop being lazy and make YouTube channels, like my boy Laserfrog, for your reviews? Even if its just video of you sitting at your desk in a wife beater, reading your post word for word in front of a webcam. You guys are only here for my and other lurkers' entertainment and let me tell you brother, you're stinking up the joint.

Stop making us read lots of words.

Laserfrog has the best channel i've seen in quite some time.


Something happens at Smackdown!

Dean Ambrose vs Undertaker. Match is 6-7 minutes. Undertaker and wins by Chokeslam and then hell gates for the win. The shield attack and Reigns spears Undertaker through the barrier. They then powerbomb him threw the announcetable and stand over him. Well the Undertaker is now probably gone till whenever.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How bizarre that Taker comes back for Punk, Tyler Black, and Jon Moxley.

It's the devastating part about WWE currently. They currently have a roster full of guys that could be HUGE. Tons of super talented guys and not near as many gmmick bodybuilders.

But because Cena is there and is still the focus. It doesn't matter. It drags everything else down.
Something happens at Smackdown!

Dean Ambrose vs Undertaker. Match is 6-7 minutes. Undertaker and wins by Chokeslam and then hell gates for the win. The shield attack and Reigns spears Undertaker through the barrier. They then powerbomb him threw the announcetable and stand over him. Well the Undertaker is now probably gone till whenever.


So not worth it
Something happens at Smackdown!

Dean Ambrose vs Undertaker. Match is 6-7 minutes. Undertaker and wins by Chokeslam and then hell gates for the win. The shield attack and Reigns spears Undertaker through the barrier. They then powerbomb him threw the announcetable and stand over him. Well the Undertaker is now probably gone till whenever.

Dark match, actually.
dont you remember the Smackdowns that were better then Raw? they had Jericho, Edge, Cm Punk, Jeff Hardy all going for the title. it was amazing. they had 20 minute matches and everything. so have faith. it can happen again.

I remember those days, the Batista got drafted back to SD and promptly ruined everything.


Dark match, actually.

Its not a dark match.
They announced the match early in the show. The Shield even gave a promo about the match. The dark match stuff is The New Age Outlaws and Triple H come out to a massive pop to fend off The Shield. They then help 'Taker backstage.

Also Smackdown was great when Henry and Bryan were champions.


Its not a dark match.
They announced the match early in the show. The Shield even gave a promo about the match. The dark match stuff is The New Age Outlaws and Triple H come out to a massive pop to fend off The Shield. They then help 'Taker backstage.

Also Smackdown was great when Henry and Bryan were champions.

Smackdown is must see TV this week.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Something happens at Smackdown!

Dean Ambrose vs Undertaker. Match is 6-7 minutes. Undertaker and wins by Chokeslam and then hell gates for the win. The shield attack and Reigns spears Undertaker through the barrier. They then powerbomb him threw the announcetable and stand over him. Well the Undertaker is now probably gone till whenever.

If whatever this spoilered thing is really is important they'll just tell me on Raw.


Something happens at Smackdown!

Dean Ambrose vs Undertaker. Match is 6-7 minutes. Undertaker and wins by Chokeslam and then hell gates for the win. The shield attack and Reigns spears Undertaker through the barrier. They then powerbomb him threw the announcetable and stand over him. Well the Undertaker is now probably gone till whenever.

If he does leave to sell it, he's effectively done what the Rock should have done at WM instead of dropping a torch on the ground and limply kicking it in Cena's direction before leaving. And he did it with a hell of a lot more style.


Both Raw and SD were better when there was a proper brand split because it meant creative actually had to use the rosters.
i think Smackdown was better because Vince had no input. but then that swiftly changed when he showed up to Smackdown along with Batista. i dont think Smackdown has ever managed to re-find its glory days since.


I don't think there was ever a time when both Raw and Smackdown were good during the past 10 years. Either one was good while they other was terrible, or they were both shitty, but never both good. It seemed like they'd switch off every other year or so. Smackdown was definitely better for the first 2 years, but both Raw took over in 2004, then both shows were kind of shitty for a year or two, then they just switched off again.

They only time there were REALLY forced to use the rosters was the first 6 months to a year. That weird time on Raw when Stevie Richards and Tommy Dreamer were on every week, Bradshaw and Bubba Ray were getting singles pushes, Brock debuted, they were pushing Shawn Stasiak. Or on Smackdown when they were actually having the cruiserweights do stuff and mean something, D-Von getting a win over HHH, the Smackdown Six. It was a strange time where everyone they had got used. But it didn't take long until they fell back into basically doing their own sub-brand splits with Velocity and Heat guys being tied just to those shows.

There was some DIRE shit in 2004-2005 on both sides.


What does it mean?

The joke stems from the fact that El Generico teamed up with The Human Tornado and formed 2 Skinny Black Guys. After that, El Generico's tag team names just became more insane, with 2 Skinny Black Guys of Low Moral Fiber being the high point (featuring no black guys!) and recently 2 Husky Black guys w/ Willie Mack.


What about Raisin? All I really remember from Dreamer on Raw was him doing gross out stuff like drinking Taker's dip spit/out of a urinal and being in the weekly 20 Hardcore Title changes. He and Raven had another feud where Raven lost a loser gets banished to Heat match and then Raven left soon after.


What about Raisin? All I really remember from Dreamer on Raw was him doing gross out stuff like drinking Taker's dip spit/out of a urinal and being in the weekly 20 Hardcore Title changes. He and Raven had another feud where Raven lost a loser gets banished to Heat match and then Raven left soon after.
so Vince liked Dreamer, but not Raven?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Can you guys just called it the 100% Aryan Power Hour if you want to find a crazy name that will turn heads?
Got a couple of DVD's from NCW Femmes Fatales out of Quebec, watched the first one and it was pretty good! The production is quite nice, especially for a Canadian indy - lots of camera angles (although the cuts are a bit too quick at times). Best match of the show was Hailey Hatred vs Cheerleader Melissa.

They started out with some simple chain wrestling, before Melissa surprisingly took the advantage and worked over Hailey's arm with some nice transitions into a Fujiwara armbar. Hatred tried to fight back, but Melissa shot out her knee and then went to work with a single leg crab and trailer hitch. Starting to get fairly confidant, Melissa kicks Hailey to the outside, but finds that Hatred is entirely in her element as she reverses a whip and sends Melissa crashing into the guardrail. Hatred waits for her back in the ring and then hits some big power moves for a couple of near-falls, including a nice fisherman superplex. Hatred goes for the lariat, but Melissa ducks and takes out her knee, going straight back to the single leg crab. Hailey gets to the ropes and starts throwing bombs Melissa's way, who answers back with some sick axe kicks that send Hatred sprawling, but the time limit expires as she goes for the cover. The fans chant for five more minutes, which we get, both girls bringing out their big guns. Hatred counters the Kudo Driver, knees Melissa in the face HARD and hits a real nice deadlift tiger suplex, but only gets two! Hatred goes for a rolling forearm as the final seconds count down and the match ends in a draw for a second time. Great stuff.

Deadlift Tiger Suplex from Hatred;


Elsewhere, Jazz vs LuFisto was really fun - it was a champion vs champion match and they did this cool spot where both of them got DQ'd for hitting each other with their belts at the same time. Jazz asks if LuFisto wants to get hardcore and they re-start under no DQ rules! They brawl to the floor, Jazz gets whipped into the barricade, but counters with a suplex onto the steel ramp! She hits LuFisto with some chairs and then throws a bunch in the ring. Jazz throws some forearms and hits a big X-Factor onto the chairs, but LuFisto kicks out at 2. She goes for a fisherman buster, but LuFisto counters and scores with a reverse uranage on a chair for the 3 count!

LuFisto drops Jazz face-first into the turnbuckle;


Jazz with a suplex on the ramp;


The main event was Kalamity vs Mercedes Martinez for the NCW Femmes Fatales title. This was a pretty good match that centred around neither girl being able to hit their finisher. Martinez eventually managed to hit the Kalamityville Horror Driver, but only got 2 and then when she went for it again, Kalamity countered into a sit-out fisherman buster for 2! She goes to work with some real nice kicks and charges Mercedes in the corner, but Martinez pulls the ref in the way and Kalamity hits him with a forearm. Mercedes kicks her low and grabs a chair, hitting an elevated DDT on the chair, but the ref's still out of it. He eventually revives and Mercedes goes for the fisherman buster, but Kalamity counters smartly into a roll-up to retain! Martinez goes crazy after the bell and finally hits the fisherman buster, but LuFisto runs down before she can do any more damage. Martinez & LuFisto brawl and the locker-room pours out to separate them. Good match.

Sit-out fisherman buster from Kalamity;

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