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I've got a job interview coming up Thursday for a position that pays $39.5k in a town that is about an hour north of Nashville, so that's an exciting opportunity that should allow me to live comfortably.



Blade Runners (Sting/Ultimate Warrior) vs Action Jackson/Steve Doll Mid-South 1986

They look kind of like Misfits fans or something. I feel like Steve Doll may have been part of Well Done. The footage is in pretty bad shape and both Sting and Warrior are super green. Sting is probably the biggest I've ever seen him. They win with a Hart Attack.

Blade Runners vs Ted DiBiase/Steve Williams Mid-South 1986

Sting is wrestling in a Stevie Richards half shirt for some reason. Pretty weird seeing Ted doing dropkicks. Dr. Death is actually much slimmer than I'm used to seeing. I like Ted and Steve doing jumping high fives. It's so 80s.

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Warrior is so bad. He looks like he never learned how to take bumps. And he's completely blown up being in the ring for 2 minutes of the 5 minutes this has been going on. Sting just seems like your normal jacked up rookie, but Warrior is bad. Sting doing that sweet elbow drop even back then.

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Ted tries to slam Sting, Eddie Gilbert dropkicks him, but Ted rolled through and made the pin.

Chris Kanyon/Bob Starr vs HBK/Diesel WWF 1994

YES. Kanyon vs HBK! A dream match for me. Suck it, it is. I'd love to have seen them have a real match even post-come back HBK. HBK looks so skeezy with his gross mullet, bags under his eyes, and scruffy face. Kanyon also has a nice mullet and a weird singlet. HBK and Nash are dominating Kanyon. He tags in to Bob Starr, who looks like Little Pete. Second rope elbow from HBK. HBK pins Bob Starr after a jackknife.

Chris Kanyon vs Tatanka WWF 1994

Sweet. A singles match. Hopefully this means a big bump. He does the Rikishi bump on a clothesline. He actually makes a come back and hits a big cross body, a crucifix, and a sun set flip, but it wasn't enough. Tatanka wins with the End of the Trail.

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Steiner Brothers vs Vampire Warrior (Gangrel)/Dudley Dudley ECW 1995

I don't know where this is being held, but it looks like in the middle of a monster truck rally or something. Not sure what the Steiners were doing in the year between leaving the WWF and these appearances. Japan, maybe? Tiger driver to Dudley. Rick tags in and so does Gangrel. The heels cheat and get Rick down. Scott comes in and Steinerlines the shit out of everyone, then hits an over head belly to belly and a release dragon suplex. Steiner Bulldog for the easy win.

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Steiner Brothers/Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko/2 Cold Scorpio/Cactus Jack ECW 1995

Lot of talent in this match. Video quality is really bad, but I'm going to stick it out because this could be pretty awesome. Pre match saw promos with Raven, Cactus, and Scorpio. Dean and Scott start it out. Scott was wearing a tshirt under his singlet, which leads me to believe he probably had a lot of anabolic bacne at the time. Pretty crazy seeing a dude as small as Dean totally keeping up move for move in amateur style with Scotty. Steinerline. Press slam. Scott gets suplexed over the ropes. Dean hits a baseball slide. Belly to belly. The Steiners were doing that a time when no one but Taz was doing it in America. Eddie and Scorpio are now in. They do some chain wrestling, Eddie hits a pescado, and then a brainbuster. Rick is tagged in. Scorpio does...something.

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He ducks a Steinerline and hits a big superkick. Then misses a crossbody. He tries a pop up suplex and Rick turns it into a super bulldog.

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Big German suplex. Cactus is now in. It's now a brawl. It goes to the floor. Belly to belly on the floor!

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Who would want to bump on that disgusting floor? Eddie vs Cactus. Doesn't last long before Dean comes in. Missed frog splash. Tiger bomb. Cactus drops the elbow and Scorpio drops the bomb.

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Big powerbomb from 2 Cold. Rick comes in and hits a bunch of clotheslines and a super belly to belly. Scott tiger bombs Cactus. Super Doomsday Devices on all three guys with Eddie doing the clothesline on Scorp, a drop kick on Cactus, and attempted a rana on Dean, but they both slipped. Dean pins Eddie with a roll up after a series of reversals.

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Steiner Brothers vs 2 Cold Scorpio/Chris Benoit ECW 1995

Match is JIP. It's also cut up for TV. Big bummer. Benoit hit a nasty German on Rick. Scorp and Benoit apparently don't get along and Taz is at ringside. Scorp and Dean broke Taz's neck. Or maybe it was Eddie. I don't remember. Powerbomb on Scott. Scorp acidentally superkicks Benoit. They get into and Benoit hits a dragon suplex. Taz then hit Scorp with the TV Title. Steiners pin Benoit with an avalanche DDT.

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Devon Storm (Crowbar) vs Ace Darling WWF 1997

I would assume this was part of the light heavyweight tournament. Crowbar is in bright green tights and has very blond hair. I actually was looking up to see if WWE.com still had full episodes of Velocity, and one of the matches that popped up was Crowbar vs Sean O'Haire from 2003. Taz was making fun of Crowbar for getting fat. Ken Shamrock came out with a table before the match. Crowbar won with a rana in like a minute.

Devon Storm (Crowbar) vs Taka Michinoku WWF 1997

This should be a bit better. Sunny comes out before the match. I forgot she had a thing for Taka. Brian Christopher was on color. It's amazing what a difference 2-3 years made for Sunny. Her face got so bloated right after she left the WWF and it never got back to normal. Crowbar attacks during introductions. Missile drop kick right to the back of the fucking head.

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Then an Asai moonsault. Crowbar does his splash off the apron. Didn't realize he was doing it that early. Awesome spinning gourd buster.

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Arabian legdrop thing. The flipping legdrop over the ropes thing. Super rana, but then Taka misses a splash. DVD from Crowbar. He misses a moonsault. Taka did a top rope wheel kick that probably destroyed Crowbar's knee.

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Michinoku Driver for the win. This was good. I probably would have kept Crowbar around after a match like that. It made no sense to make a big deal out of Taka and the LHW Championship only to give him Brian Christopher as the only guy to work with.

EDIT: I made a little over $40K in 2009. I still have about $10K of that in the bank. I haven't worked in a year and I took a year off of work after that year. It's the biggest benefit of living in Indiana. Shit is cheap here. My city is under 60,000. Tons of quality forclosures that can be purchased outright for under $10K. Ones that aren't all beat up and destroyed. It's kind of awesome, even though there is zero entertainment or night life here. But fuck that shit, I don't like any of it anyway.


No One Remembers
I've got a job interview coming up Thursday for a position that pays $39.5k in a town that is about an hour north of Nashville, so that's an exciting opportunity that should allow me to live comfortably.

Good luck man!

I must suck at saving/spending my money. :|

I make a little over $40k and I have $3k in the bank and that's because of some tax refunds.


Good luck man!

I must suck at saving/spending my money. :|

I make a little over $40k and I have $3k in the bank and that's because of some tax refunds.

I hope it works out, it's my third interview since I started applying for jobs, first in a while. It's only a phone interview so hopefully I move on to the next stage.


NeoGAF's smiling token!


Jesus... seriously? If someone sai, "here is $100k, do what you will." You could live off that ALONE for 4 years?

In my home state of Nebraska, that would be enough for rent only for 15 years. Or you could buy a house outright for 30-40k and have enough for all the regular bills for 2-3 years, depending on if you want internet or not.

In Vancouver, it'd last 3 months.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So I'm watching this interview with Hogan from 1982

And I came to the realization that there was a time that Hogan knew the difference between Terry and Hogan. I've watched wrestling since the early 90s til now, and I've never heard him talk so 'normal' in an interview. Even on his Space Ghost interview you could hear the Hulkster. I'm sure it's also a case of his voice getting hoarse over the years too, but man, it's weird.
Holy shit, Euro Truck Simulator 2 is $20.....do I want?


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sunny, don't you have StarDrive, how is that if you do?

I dunno really. I messed with it for 20 mins and said "its space, and there's shogun bears" and stopped. It doesn't look bad. I just haven't dug into it.


100k wouldn't last me a year, let alone 4

I wear Abercrombie, drive fast and burn 50$ gas a week, wear CK One cologne and eat meat twice a day



Dennis Rodman vs Curt Hennig IGWS 2000

I have no idea what this is, but no way it isn't going to be a fucking mess. I guess this was an Australian PPV. Perfect was the champion. Rodman attacked right away. Curt is already bleeding. It goes to the floor where Rodman tries to opening Curt up more. Curt comes back with a broom and throws Rodman over the announce table. Trash can to the head and Rodman falls off the table. Rodman goes through the already bent table.

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The ring posts have turnbuckle pads on both sides. That's kind of weird. They slowly brawl to the entrance and then back to the ring. Stomp to the dick. Rodman keeps trying to blade and it isn't working. This is so boring. It's basically Rodman just writing for a few minutes after getting punched. Rodman headbutts the ref and Perfect. I don't know why he did it to the ref. The ref then gets thrown out of the ring and he throws the match out. I guess Hennig wins by DQ, even though this was an Australian Outback Match, which I assume is a hardcore or street fight kind of match. Perfect finds the ref and punches him after the match. They continue to brawl after the match. Brutus Beefcake and I a Shane Douglas look alike broke them up. This was awful. Other matches on the show included LOD vs Public Enemy in a tables match and One Man Gang vs Tatanka.

Goldberg vs Satoshi Kojima AJPW 2002

Goldberg gets the Goldberg entrance...with a bunch of big black guys in camo pants and red jackets. Weird. In Japan? They lock up twice and Kojima gets muscled down hard twice. He tries some strikes, but Goldy sends him down right away. Kojima gets back in the ring and gets put in a knee bar right away. He struggles to get to the ropes, but finally makes it. Pumphandle slam. Kojima is getting crushed here. He hits his elbow in the corner and does his taunt, but Goldberg rolled through and kicked him in the face. He goes for the jackhammer. Kojima blocks it, but gets hit with a spinning neckbreaker. Goldberg wins. Total squash.

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Konnan vs Divine Storm ROH 2002

OH crowds were not into Konnan. Konnan was wearing his lucha gear. Divine Storm were midgets. Imagine Konnan doing lucha stuff in super slowmo and for real being blown up in a minute. One minute. Of ultra basic lucha stuff. And here is this gem:

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Konnan pins the first dude in like 4 minutes with a cradle DDT. Botch of a roll through/leap frog. The other midget pins Konnan with a cradle. Konnan was blown up quicker and harder than The Rock. "Don't come back" chants after the match. Lol.

Goldberg/Keiji Mutoh vs Kronik WRESTLE-1 2003

I believe this was the last match for both members of Kronik. I think they both get injured in this and retired shortly after. Wrath has a weird shorter, girly hair cut. And his hair looks straightened. Goldberg has the most ridiculous Goldberg entrance of all time. It starts 5 minutes away from the arena, outside, where he is fully dressed and surrounded by US military men. It follows him all the way into the locker room where he gets changed and then comes out. Undertaker eat your heart out. All while Muta and Kronik look bored as fuck. Ridiculous. Wrath and Muta start it out. Not much happens and Crush and Goldberg get tagged in. In one exchange, Crush has more offense than Kojima got. Goldberg does a press slam that was probably the move to injure Crush.

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It goes out into the crowd on both sides. It gets back in the ring and Muta goes to work on Crush's legs. Wrath gets in and hits a butterfly suplex. Goldberg comes in and does an arm bar for like 2 minutes. Somethign is wrong with Wrath. Goldberg hits his muscle neck breaker and both men tag out . This right away goes into a figure four and dragon screws. Crush catches the handspring elbow and does a full nelson slam. I just want a shining wizard or a spear. Something. This is dreadful. High Times to Goldberg. He kicks out. Something happened to the ref, who is now down and out on the floor. Kronik get a Japanese table. Muta hits a missile dropkick. Double spear! SHINING WIZARRDDDOOOUUUU!!!

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Spear through the Japanese table. It broke! Not all the way, though. That probably was Wrath's career ending injury. Jackhammer on Wrath for the win.

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Goldberg vs Naoya Ogawa HUSTLE 2004

This was shortly after that all time classic with Bork at WM20. The match starts with some baby headbutts from each men. Ogawa backs Bill into the corner and stars laying in some knees. A hard clothesline and Goldberg hits a press slam into a spear/powerslam.

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This is already more interesting than all of his other Japan matches. Rolling knee bar. It's reversed and now Ogawa has one. Bill was fucking MASSIVE. Possibly the biggest he ever was as a wrestler. Nice judo take down. Then another.

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Ogawa is trying to work an arm bar. Back to a knee bar. They have a slap battle in the middle of this. Bill rolls through and now has a half crab. Big butterfly suplex. Big Bill looks pissed. He straight up slaps Ogawa in the face. Back drop adrivah! Rear naked choke. Goldberg is going out. He tried to break it in the corner, but Ogawa just got more leverage. Then the ref got knocked out of the way and Goldberg threw this punk off his back. Spear!


Ogawa rolls out of the second one and hits the STO. Another one. What the fuck, Giant Silva trips Ogawa as he went for another. Another spear. Goldberg hits a shoulder destroying jackhammer for the win. By FAR the most interesting of his Japan matches and one of the better Goldberg matches over all.

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The next set of matches will be ECW guys. RVD as Robbie V (BRO!) in WCW, Rhino as a job guy in WWF and WCW, Sabu on Raw and Nitro, Kid Kash on Jakked, WWF job guy Steve Corino.


Neo Member
Regarding one of your recent posts strobogo, Mick Foley vs Toshiaki Kawada was a match thrown together at the last minute.


Kawada's original opponent for HUSTLE III? Bill Goldberg. He pulled out due to an "injury" and I don't believe he ever had another match in Japan.

Could you imagine what THAT would have been like?

EDIT: In you can, please dig up Saturn's early jobber matches in the WWF.


Re Doctor Who: Matt Smith is a lot better without Amy and Rory.

It's too bad we don't have River though. Clara is an ok substitute though.


It'd be fine with just the extra drum beat. Instead it sounds like themes you would have downloaded from AOL in 1997 that were recorded from TV so they still had the crowd and possibly announcers in it.
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