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What's their long term plan for Brodus Clay?


The point I'm making is there seems no rhyme or reason to their books and approach on how they plan on to book talent. Besides the Cena/Rock program, I can't think of any significant long term booking.

You have to push faces. You have to push heels so the faces have someone to feud with. It's nothing new. It's crazy when you look back on the Mega Powers and Macho/Hogan feud.

As much crap as TNA gets, they seem to have a better handle of this, just execute it poorly.

I think most of our problem is we just don't "care" because of their booking and commentating.

Well Brodus Clay and Tensai aren't HHH's guys, he only has power over developmental right now. Hell, he's not the booker for WWE, all I'm taking from the talk of HHH wanting long term plans before NXT guys are called up from now on, is he wants more Ryback type debuts (long term plan of a Goldberg push, yeah they botched it later but that was Vince not thinking before he booked) and fewer Bo Dallas debuts (randomly shows up for the Rumble, no gimmick other than "I'm new", barely appears again).

And they could have fooled me, saying Cena/Rock was long term booking. Supposedly they had the three (THREE) years of the story planned out? Yet they had about a scribbled on napkin's worth of plot for those three years. Now that's incompetent.

Shit like talent going "Oh, he's a piece of shit, fuck that guy, he shook my hand too hard and I won't let him be stiff with me what a son of a bitch" and more. Fucking horrible.

The worst thing is the insistence on "punishing" people on screen. Burying characters, depushing guys, giving them embarassing stories, all that does is hurt your own product by depriving yourself of a potential big star. They misbehave (and I mean actually misbehave, not this kindergarten petty bullshit, like they punched out a referee backstage or something)? Frigging dock their pay. Don't bury their on-screen character, punish the performer backstage by fining them, or whatever.

This isn't the Middle Ages.
Yeah, it desperately needs to be brought into the 21st Century. The way WWE is run backstage is not befitting a global publicly traded company, it's run like an unofficial high school club.
In a nut shell. This isn't Apple, Nike, Exxon or UPS.

Also, another gripe, please stop Barry Horrowitzing yourselves with this Didjaknow, Be A Star, Make A Wish. These charitable acts seem so insincere and smacks of a company that wants to put on a front to mask all of the b.s. we've listed.

Like Monday when Ziggler and A.J. were insulting Kaitlin, calling her fat.


STAMFORD, Conn., April 25, 2013 – WWE® (NYSE:WWE) today announced that WrestleMania 29, held Sunday, April 7 at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, grossed an excess of $72 million, the highest grossing event in WWE history. In addition, WrestleMania 29 will once again exceed 1 million global pay-per-view buys and attracted a sold out crowd of 80,676 fans from all 50 states and 34 countries at MetLife Stadium.

To put that number in perspective, WrestleMania 28 grossed $67 million and drew 1.3 million pay-per-view buys in 2012.

oh no
Oh yes [insert Paul Bearer.gif]

And they could have fooled me, saying Cena/Rock was long term booking. Supposedly they had the three (THREE) years of the story planned out? Yet they had about a scribbled on napkin's worth of plot for those three years. Now that's incompetent.

They had the destination, they just didn't map quest it. The feud wasn't built up like Brett/Shawn where they're getting meaningful rematches or programs that eventually lead them back to one another.

Cena/Rock was some destiny type program that we were supposed to believe.


I don't think Rock is coming back.

Next year we get Cena/Taker followed by Stone Cold/Punk the year after in Cowboys Stadium.


In a nut shell. This isn't Apple, Nike, Exxon or UPS.

Also, another gripe, please stop Barry Horrowitzing yourselves with this Didjaknow, Be A Star, Make A Wish. These charitable acts seem so insincere and smacks of a company that wants to put on a front to mask all of the b.s. we've listed.

Like Monday when Ziggler and A.J. were insulting Kaitlin, calling her fat.

Well, at least Ziggler and AJ are actually heels and supposed to be jerks. Having John Cena, your "hero", out there calling Ziggler gay for wearing pink (after wearing pink himself for October and claiming its for real men when he does it), calling AJ a whore, calling Big Show fat, or Vickie old/fat, and then in the commercial break doing a B A Star crap.

Vince making fun of a man's Bells Palsy with a B A Star sign right behind him sums that up.


Well, at least Ziggler and AJ are actually heels and supposed to be jerks. Having John Cena, your "hero", out there calling Ziggler gay for wearing pink (after wearing pink himself for October and claiming its for real men when he does it), calling AJ a whore, calling Big Show fat, or Vickie old/fat, and then in the commercial break doing a B A Star crap.

Vince making fun of a man's Bells Palsy with a B A Star sign right behind him sums that up.

Well Rock wasn't exactly the nicest guy. But I suppose he was always anti-hero and not straight up hero.


Or the commentators calling Vicky fat.

Punk "clowning" King's heart attack.

Cole "clowning" King's mom passing.

AJ being called a slore despite it being their booking.

Awesome Kong being called fat.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
My distaste and desire for WWE to "grow up" was strictly meant for backstage shenanigans and treatment of wrestlers. Not that you guys are wrong but that wasn't where I was going with that :p


Well Rock wasn't exactly the nicest guy. But I suppose he was always anti-hero and not straight up hero.

That's the ticket. Rock and Austin were never once called role models. Austin was in fact the opposite of a role model, his appeal was cathartic, he was the blue collar redneck who swore at his snooty corporate boss, drank beer, was a badass, did what he wanted and raised hell, just like so many folk watching always wished they could do. But he was never a role model, just a bit of fantasy fulfillment.

Rock, too, was a cool jerk, funny enough that you liked him, but always a jerk in his own way. Cena is supposedly the moral pillar holding up the entirety of humanity.

Nothing wrong with villains and anti-heroes not being stand up guys, nothing at all. But don't put an asshole on screen and tell me he's wonderful and I should love him because he's so wonderful.
That's the ticket. Rock and Austin were never once called role models. Austin was in fact the opposite of a role model, his appeal was cathartic, he was the blue collar redneck who swore at his snooty corporate boss, drank beer, was a badass, did what he wanted and raised hell, just like so many folk watching always wished they could do. But he was never a role model, just a bit of fantasy fulfillment.

Rock, too, was a cool jerk, funny enough that you liked him, but always a jerk in his own way. Cena is supposedly the moral pillar holding up the entirety of humanity.

Nothing wrong with villains and anti-heroes not being stand up guys, nothing at all. But don't put an asshole on screen and tell me he's wonderful and I should love him because he's so wonderful.

Perfectly sums up the disconnection WWE has with the context it's presenting it's characters. I was thinking about this today while watching a RAW from 2001, Rock and Angle doing Strudle jokes, but it works as it fits the setting. It wouldn't really work now, as we pretty much saw with The Rock in his recent outing.


maybe Vince prints out all of our avatars and teabags them every so often.

Don't get your hopes up. Vince reads no forums. He has more important people then us to teagbag. They have interns to do that for them. They already have one that watches Impact so I bet there are some who read forums for a job.

Like the "Super Cena" jab Ryback used this Monday.
Don't get your hopes up. Vince reads no forums. He has more important people then us to teagbag. They have interns to do that for them. They already have one that watches Impact so I bet there are some who read forums for a job.

Like the "Super Cena" jab Ryback used this Monday.

I bet it's you!



xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I'm terribly, terribly disappointed in all of you for finding out that it was Cena's birthday Tuesday and no one was celebrating it in here. I had to find that out just now, and only because it seems like they celebrated it today/yesterday.


For shame WrassleGAF.

And people still watch TNA.

He even put his hands up to block the chair tapping his hands and he sold it like he got hit by a car.


I'm terribly, terribly disappointed in all of you for finding out that it was Cena's birthday Tuesday and no one was celebrating it in here. I had to find that out just now, and only because it seems like they celebrated it today/yesterday.


For shame WrassleGAF.


LoL. Sweet T not only dances, he sings too!


NXT is damn near impossible to see here. I can't use Hulu Plus no matter what I try, and this week's episode is nowhere to be found anywhere else.


I'm just mad at the way WWE handles feuds. Why should I care that Cesaro and R Truth are fighting? Rhode Scholars? Barret? The only thing that seems to have somewhat of a storyline is Ryback and Cena. The Shield/Hell No/Taker are just people pissed off because they attacked one another. The Triple Threat for the WHC is there because of two #1 contenders.


I guess there's more to the Shield vs Team Hell No/Taker thing but it doesn't seem strong. Fandango and Jericho do have some heat between each other but no plot really.


I'm just mad at the way WWE handles feuds. Why should I care that Cesaro and R Truth are fighting? Rhode Scholars? Barret? The only thing that seems to have somewhat of a storyline is Ryback and Cena. The Shield/Hell No/Taker are just people pissed off because they attacked one another. The Triple Threat for the WHC is there because of two #1 contenders.


I guess there's more to the Shield vs Team Hell No/Taker thing but it doesn't seem strong. Fandango and Jericho do have some heat between each other but no plot really.

I like Mark Henry feuds because that's just what he do.
The lack of actual storylines has been a big problem with WWE for years now, rare is it that there's any real vendetta behind feuds or an ongoing saga that makes you crave the next episode of Raw to see where things will go.
And then when we do actually get story related stuff it's like "WHO SENT THE TEXT?!" and involves Kevin Nash so there we go.

I remember being pretty excited by the idea of ADR/Swagger because it looked as if they were going for some kind of angle beyond the title itself there but its execution just flat out sucked.


I like Mark Henry feuds because that's just what he do.

Yeah. Those I actually don't mind :lol
Remember when he smashed open the EC and WSS'ed everyone? That was awesome.

I remember being pretty excited by the idea of ADR/Swagger because it looked as if they were going for some kind of angle beyond the title itself there but its execution just flat out sucked.

Yeah. That was very cool for the month that it lasted.


I have a great idea for a storyline.

Someone has a title. Someone else becomes number 1 contender for the title by winning enough matches. Those two people wrestle for the title.


I have a great idea for a storyline.

Someone has a title. Someone else becomes number 1 contender for the title by winning enough matches. Those two people wrestle for the title.

That's old. They don't want to do that stuff anymore! We, the universe, are better off just seeing Miz get title shot after title shot because for some reason!
That's old. They don't want to do that stuff anymore! We, the universe, are better off just seeing Miz get title shot after title shot because for some reason!

Because Miz subverted the trope, instead he lost matches to earn his title shot, unprecedented and daring writing from WWE that pushes wrestling booking to strange new places.
what is Dragon Crown? i see nothing over there.

It's a game where a scantly clad young looking lady with super huge boobs fights things. Yet blokes are getting offended on behalf of girls, yet girls couldn't care less! Then the blokes are basically telling the ladies that it's unacceptable. It's crazy.
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