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Alright dudes what am I bringing on Friday?

Go for stuff like baking trays that have impressive impact but aren't all that dangerous, or novelty items, like a plastic bat covered in thumbtacks, etc.

I see Addy Starr's on the card; you must bring some Lego for the Queen of the Lego Deathmatch!
Ithil said:
A shopping trolley.


A power glove.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Awesome suggestion.


Christopher Daniels vs Taka Michinoku WWF 1997

Daniels has hair and is wearing a singlet. Cornette puts him over huge. A head scissors sends Taka to the floor. Daniels attempts to do Taka's signature dive, but misses. I think this is actually 1998, because Taka is working as a heel. Tornado DDT from the champ. He tries again and Daniels turns it into a powerslam. Slingshot jackhammer! Angel's Wings! Daniels might win this. He turns the MD into a small package. A second try hits and Taka retains. Daniels got a lot of real offense.

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Low Ki vs Crash Holly WWF 2000

Knee dropkick followed up with Ki's kick combo. Handspring kick in the corner. Double clothesline. Ki is really green and slipping all over the place. Crash wins with a tornado bulldog. I don't even remember him having a finisher until he aped the Styles Clash in 2002-2003 or so.

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Low Ki vs Christian WWF 2001

This could be a fun jobber match. Christian had his golden shower and Bohemian Rhapsody music. Ki looks a bit more professional. Ki goes flying off the apron. Gut buster. Kapo kick. Handspring kick! Unprettier. I feel like this could have been way better.

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The Hurricane vs AJ Styles WWF 2001

I believe this is AJ's only WWF match. I lol at Helms giving a thumbs up after every punch. Straight jacket camel clutch. Brainbuster from AJ. Blockbuster. AJ misses an SSP. Vertebreaker!

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Samoa Joe vs Essa Rios WWF 2001

So you're telling me that WWE could have had Joe, AJ, and Ki all signed within a month of each other and they didn't do anything? Joe wrestles in a shirt and pants. He wasn't even a FAAATT ASSSES back then. Big belly to belly from Joe. Head scissors from Essa. Tope over the ring post! Joe's powerbomb was reversed into a DDT. Moonsault for the win. Joe would probably have this same match in WWE today. On Superstars.

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Kaientai vs Frankie Kazarian/Keiji Sakoda WWF 2001

Sakoda was part of Taijri's Yakuza group in 2003. XFL.com bumpers. Lol. Nothing gif-able at all.

Low Ki vs Essa Rios WWF 2001

Essa will be one of the few to have wins over Joe and Ki. Seems like these two would be better suited for each other. Ki Kick *****. Wait. Handspring kick knocks Essa off the ropes. Essa does his wacky flippy arm drag, but does it into a power slam. Moonsault for the win.

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Low Ki vs Raven WWE 2001

Wat. Ki attacks right away. Phoenix splash is rolled through. Drop toe hold into the ropes. Slingshot out of the ring. Leg sweep into the guardrail. BOTCH. This is such a weird pair up. Who booked this? Evenflow and tea bagging for the win.

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Alex Shelley vs Simon Dean WWE 2005

Baby Bear himself. Wacky arm work! In an Alex Shelley match? Why I never. I'd love it if Nova stole Alex Shelley's own moves that he stole from Marifuji. Curb stomp! Oh man. Dude was stealing from Super Dragon. Excellent. Alex comes back with a jaw breaker and goes up top but it was his undoing. Ghannareah for the win.

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Frankie Kazarian vs Paul London WWE 2005

I remember Frankie's short undefeated streak on Velocity. Then he quit WWF because he wouldn't cut his hair. Then he promptly went back to the indies and cut his hair. Mushroom stomp. This was promptly followed up with a belly to belly into the corner. Dropsault. If there was ever a pack of every Velocity episode, I'd absolutely watch it. Probably the highest quality B/C show WWE ever had. Frankie won after countering a victory roll. Candace Michelle had some big fake old titties.

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Samoa Joe vs Mitsuharu Misawa NOAH 2007

I recall this being a really big deal when it happened. Joe was at the top of his game and it was rare for NOAH to bring in an outsider who didn't tour with them for a GHC Title shot. The lock up and Joe goes to work on the arm. A kick sends Misawa to the floor. Joe hits a diving elbow. It heads back to the ring where Joe locks on a triangle. Face wash. Oh shit, Joe does Kawada's submission. A series of forearms sends Joe down. They have a bit of a strike battle and work some submissions. Joe hits his atomic drop/flying kick/senton combo. Powahbomba into an STF into a crossface. Misawa locks on an inverted arm bar. Musclebuster! 12HEGOTHIMNOHEDIDN'T! Explodah. Island Driver! Misawa kicks out. You'll have to kill him to beat him. Wait. Big elbow combo. Emerald Flowsion. JOE KICKS OUT! He didn't kick out of an elbow right to the back of the fuckign head. Title retained. I liked Joe using Akiyama and Kawada moves against Misawa.

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The next set of matches are a complete hodgepodge: the joshi Survior Series match, Inoki vs Regal in WCW, Toryumon in WCW, American Dragon and Lance Cade in FMW, D-Bryne on Velocity, Muta wrestling for JCW
I dunno, when your arm implodes into your neck like that I think you might miss some time. Watch Cena overcome the odds and be back on RAW on Monday.


Cena could lose all of his limbs like that knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail and he'd still no sell his injuries and have the entirety of the roster fed to him despite being nothing more than a T-shirt shilling torso.
FallingEdge - Kazuchika Okada
Sunflower - Disco Inferno
jred2k - Bret Hart
Sephzilla - Undertaker
Aiii - Goldberg
Mr. Luchador - Owen Hart
El Pescado - Daniel Bryan
gurudyne - Kurt Angle
CrunchinJelly - Davey Boy Smith
strobogo - Kanyon
Shark Johnson - Val Venis
The Incarnation - Benoit
A Pretty Panda - Hiroshi Tanahashi
Ithil - Antonio Cesaro
Bootaaay - Stan Hansen
mechashiva - Cima
Mr. Sandman - Mitsuharu Misawa '09
Professor Beef - Ryback
slightconfuse - Kenny Omega
Lambda Piscium - Lesnar
McNei1y - Punk
Perspicacity - Inoki
BillRiccio - Macho Man
Jitters - Morishima
beanman25 - D-Lo
Nocturnowl - Wade Barrett
tm24 - La Sombra
Snaku - DDP
UberTag - Edge '12
sf2fanatic - Ultimo Dragon
Pizoxuat - Regal

Matthew Gallant - Chono
Vestal - Malenko

And we are set. I will try a dry run tonight before starting to sim and upload the matches this weekend.

Good luck!

Are entries closed? I wanna rep Tenryu!

Edit: and fuck you guys in advance who are leaping to make "old and lumpy" jokes at my expense!
If you guys are still accepting applicants to the tournament then I'd like to put my hat in. I'll rep Brodus Clay and ruin Beef's life as he steamrolls through the tourny.

If not then I'll enjoy watching these matches!

EDIT: Ah nevermind. Read all the stuff above me. Let's go D-Lo!
First Round of the WrassleGAF KoC2 Tourney

D-Lo Brown (beanman25) vs Ultimo Dragon (sf2fanatic)


British Bulldog (CrunchinJelly) vs Owen Hart (Mr. Luchador)

If you guys are still accepting applicants to the tournament then I'd like to put my hat in. I'll rep Brodus Clay and ruin Beef's life as he steamrolls through the tourny.

If not then I'll enjoy watching these matches!

EDIT: Ah nevermind. Read all the stuff above me. Let's go D-Lo!

Are entries closed? I wanna rep Tenryu!

Edit: and fuck you guys in advance who are leaping to make "old and lumpy" jokes at my expense!

If I can work the brackets properly, I will try to get you in.
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