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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's a game where a scantly clad young looking lady with super huge boobs fights things. Yet blokes are getting offended on behalf of girls, yet girls couldn't care less! Then the blokes are basically telling the ladies that it's unacceptable. It's crazy.

To clarify, it's a 2d brawler. So people are demanding depth that isn't there in a 2d brawler, and full of men telling other men what THEY think women deserve instead of letting it play out.
I'm terribly, terribly disappointed in all of you for finding out that it was Cena's birthday Tuesday and no one was celebrating it in here. I had to find that out just now, and only because it seems like they celebrated it today/yesterday.

For shame WrassleGAF.

I did mention it, though nobody have him shoe heels as presents


Gaf sometimes is a bad man place (excuse the bad Kofi pun). WrassleGAF is a nice, respecting community. It's like the nice neighborhood country club people visit on the weekends to relax while calmly hitting themselves with foreing objects until they bleed Ric Flair-style

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Gaf sometimes is a bad man place (excuse the bad Kofi pun). WrassleGAF is a nice, respecting community. It's like the nice neighborhood country club people visit on the weekends to relax while calmly hitting themselves with foreing objects until they bleed Ric Flair-style

I'd like to think we're good folks here but the truth is I'm wildly abusive and bring down the quality of posts. I have next to no redeeming qualities in here, and all I do is drag things off topic.

Who wants to talk about how 40k is the best sci-fi world out there


I should also point out that Dragon's Crown features hulking giant muscular men that make Scott Steiner look like Spike Dudley.

There is also a female character that fits this description.


I'd like to think we're good folks here but the truth is I'm wildly abusive and bring down the quality of posts. I have next to no redeeming qualities in here, and all I do is drag things off topic.

Who wants to talk about how 40k is the best sci-fi world out there

I'd like you to join my stable.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I bet Atlus is pretty hyped about all this free advertising jschrier is giving them

Yeah no kidding. Also I love seeing how transparent NEWZ SITEZ are for shit like this. It gives them the moral high ground "how DARE they do this!" while plastering a pair of giant boobs on their site for clickbait. Horrible.


Man Scott Hall's hip was in pretty bad fucking shape.



WWE Released the preliminary Buys for Wrestlemania to Variety:

The PPV, always WWE’s biggest each year, again generated more than 1 million buys for the company worldwide. While total purchases of “WrestleMania 29” are still being tabulated by cable companies and other platforms that offered show, preliminary numbers estimate that it will reach around 1.2 million, less than the record 1.3 million sold for the Miami event, but those figures could still increase.

Its weird before Alvarez was talking about really bad buy rate numbers. Stuff that sounded below 1 million buys. Now WWE is saying 1.2 right now. So its not a record but not the worst case scenario Alvarez was talking about. So what happened?



What's the dirt on La Parka?

So LA Park has decided to leave AAA. For what reasons, we don't know. It's a big blow to AAA as they're looking to expand into the US and LA Park would of been huge. The AAA expansion into the states might of gone against LA Park's own bookings and probably would of caused issues. But basically this leaves him as a free agent, probably the biggest in Mexico right now. Another reason he may of left is that LA PARK and Dr. Wagner Jr. have been trying to get a mask vs mask going for a while, since both want to retire, the problem is that neither CMLL or AAA wants to put up with their crazy demands and might of found someone who will
What's the dirt on La Parka?

Apparently he's leaving AAA to join the indies and to fight a Mask vs Mask match with Dr. Wagner Jr.

None of them are contemplated in the AAA brand split that's happening at the moment

------------Tm24 beat me to the post-----------

on the topic of handhelds, if anyone is looking for a 3ds case , the Amazon Basics case works really well. I also ordered the Amazon Basics Stylus which is way better then the one that comes with he 3ds.



I was actually looking for one. Thanks bangai-o!


Stan Hansen/Terry Funk vs Abdullah the Butcher/Kevin Sullivan ECW 1993

I don't want to steal anyone's early ECW reviews thunder. Stan Hansen only did a handful of matches in the states after 1990 or so. I don't know how Todd Gordon got him to show up to a tiny indie. Lots of blood. Not a lot of action. Funk and Sullivan climb the scaffold. Stan and Abby punch, choke, and blade each other. Nothing really happened and then it cut out.

Tatanka vs Chris Hammrick WWF 1994

Pre-heel turn. I hope for the Hammrick bump. He does the Owen/Bret corner bump. YES! The Hammrick bump! What the fuck was he thinking making that his signature bump? Whattamark. You'd think after a few years of him doing that on TV and not getting hired for anything but jobber matches, he'd have phased it out. Instead, he was still doing it through ECW and TNA. He's probably still doing it today if he can still walk. He kind of looks like an anorexic Bobby Eaton. End of the Trail for the win.

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Antonio Inoki vs Steven Regal WCW 1994

How fucking weird that Inoki is wrestling on TBS in fucking Iowa. And at 51. Regal immediately attacks Inoki as he gets in the ring. Once the match starts, it is stiff. Inoki gets the choke in, but they were in the ropes. This is definitely not your normal WCW match. This shit looks like a struggle going on. Two hard men with big chins fighting to win a match. Regal hits a series of kicks to the chest. Taijri style. This is almost shootish style. Inoki totally whiffs on a wheel kick, but Regal just jumps right back on him to cover it up. Nick Bockwinkle comes out during the match for commentary. Brain and Bock on color! I wasn't listening to what he said as I'm listening to a Paul McCartney concert form Mexico last year, but I don't think Brain was happy with what ever it was. Butterfly suplex from Regal. That's probably the first throw so far. It's been them just beating on each other and struggling for holds. Inoki gets the choke and Regal goes out in a hurry. This was pretty awesome. Completely random and very much in front of the wrong crowd (Iowa wasn't really down for a Brit and Japanese guy working a shoot/catch style match for 10 minutes, especially when they didn't even know who Inoki was and were there for Hogan vs Flair), but awesome. I would recommend people look this up on the Youtubes.

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Joshi Survivor Series Match WWF 1995

I don't know anyone besides Madusa, Aja Kong, and Bertha Fay, but I'll gif everything that needs it. I didn't realize I had a thing for women in LOD/Warrior/Sting face paint, but apparently I do.

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Aja Kong vs Chapparita Asari WWF 1995

This had to be so weird for the crowd. Two random Japanese women beating the shit out of each other? Aja hits some seated kicks that I swear moved Asari 6 inches. Jesus. Aja Kong is awesome. She might have actually been meaner than Vader. Holy shit, package piledriver on Raw in 1995. Face is knocked off from the spinning back fist. Jesus. Aja Kong is fucking brutal. I believe it broke Asari's nose.

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Miracle Violence Connection vs The Eliminators ECW 1996

This is a brawl right away. Doc and Saturn go to the floor, leaving the fat druggies in the ring. Broken down, post-stroke Gordy kind of makes me think of Abyss. Gordy hits a few dragon screws on Kronus. Doc gets tagged in and laid out with a lariat. He comes back with a German suplex. I feel like having Kronus work a majority of the match is a bad idea. Saturn powerbombs Doc on the floor. Eliminators hit a Finlay roll and splash on Gordy, but can't make the pin. Total Elimination! Doc breaks up the pin. Saturn drops an elbow from the top of the scaffold and pins Gordy. I believe he also destroyed his knee.

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Ken Shamrock vs Vernon White WWF 1997

This was a shooty exhibition for Shamrock. It's a UWFI match in the middle of the US on Raw in front of a crowd that likey had zero knowledge of guard, open mount, sweeps, and various submission work. Ken wins with mounted punches.

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strobogo said:
This had to be so weird for the crowd. Two random Japanese women beating the shit out of each other? Aja hits some seated kicks that I swear moved Asari 6 inches. Jesus. Aja Kong is awesome. She might have actually been meaner than Vader. Holy shit, package piledriver on Raw in 1995. Face is knocked off from the spinning back fist. Jesus. Aja Kong is fucking brutal. I believe it broke Asari's nose.

Goddamn, that was a perfect backfist! Kong was a complete beast back in the day.

Stan Hansen/Terry Funk vs Abdullah the Butcher/Kevin Sullivan ECW 1993

I don't want to steal anyone's early ECW reviews thunder. Stan Hansen only did a handful of matches in the states after 1990 or so. I don't know how Todd Gordon got him to show up to a tiny indie. Lots of blood. Not a lot of action. Funk and Sullivan climb the scaffold. Stan and Abby punch, choke, and blade each other. Nothing really happened and then it cut out.

No worries, it's probably going to be a while before I get to that match anyway, got to slug through a few more months of Gilbert-booked TV first :/


The storyline stuff is a mystery and just dumbfounded they continually make the same errors and pushes then act as if it's getting better. Let's look at Sheamus, for instance:

Late 2009

- is on RAW after leaving ECW, wins the title quickly with no build at the TLC PPV in an "accident" (there was lines thrown out that Cena slipped, Sheamus didn't beat him)

- eventually loses the title two months later in the EC PPV
- faces off against Triple H at Wrestlemania 26, loses
- gets his win back (!) against Triple H a month later at Extreme Rules
- began fighting Cena again, won the title, loses it three months later to Orton, who he fought again in the next PPV
- lost to John Morrison at SS 2010
- lost to John Morrison again in the TLC PPV for the #1 contendership

- drifted with nothing going on, faces Daniel Bryan at WM in a pre-show match
- does nothing for months, fed to Mark Henry in his push
- ends the year in a random PPV match against Jack Swagger

In the beginning of 2012, he wins the Rumble (remember that great build he had coming up to it). So, 2012 was his Cena-lite year with memorable feuds against Daniel Bryan (18 seconds), ADR, and Big Show.

What a joke.


The storyline stuff is a mystery and just dumbfounded they continually make the same errors and pushes then act as if it's getting better. Let's look at Sheamus, for instance:

Late 2009

- is on RAW after leaving ECW, wins the title quickly with no build at the TLC PPV in an "accident" (there was lines thrown out that Cena slipped, Sheamus didn't beat him)

- eventually loses the title two months later in the EC PPV
- faces off against Triple H at Wrestlemania 26, loses
- gets his win back (!) against Triple H a month later at Extreme Rules
- began fighting Cena again, won the title, loses it three months later to Orton, who he fought again in the next PPV
- lost to John Morrison at SS 2010
- lost to John Morrison again in the TLC PPV for the #1 contendership

- drifted with nothing going on, faces Daniel Bryan at WM in a pre-show match
- does nothing for months, fed to Mark Henry in his push
- ends the year in a random PPV match against Jack Swagger

In the beginning of 2012, he wins the Rumble (remember that great build he had coming up to it). So, 2012 was his Cena-lite year with memorable feuds against ADR, Daniel Bryan (18 seconds), ADR, ADR, ADR, ADR, and Big Show. Also ADR.

What a joke.

Second longest WHC reign ever, and between Bryan, who he won it from, and Big Show, who he lost it to, the only person he feuded with was Del Rio.


You know what really grinds my gears? This notion of superstars "getting their win back" after putting over the big name at Wrestlemania. It's Wrestlemania, nobody gives a flying fuck what happens the month after in a small arena with 1/5th or less of viewers watching the show. When you loose at Wrestlemania there is no getting that win back, you can't. It's gone till next year.


The notion of every big match needing a rematch where the guy gets his win back is absolutely moronic and completely cheapens every big match. Brock beat HHH? Who cares, they're only going to have a rematch where HHH wins instead. All the suspense and interest is gone when you know that whoever wins, they're just going to have the opposite happen later on.

Hell, the match that started this rematch trend, HBK vs Taker II, had HBK lose a second time, not the opposite result. And of course it actually had a long, great story attached to it, and had actual consequences (HBK retired for good, and he was no part timer before that).



Second longest WHC reign ever, and between Bryan, who he won it from, and Big Show, who he lost it to, the only person he feuded with was Del Rio.
The ADR feud had okay matches, I admit, but the booking and just results of them were so predictable. It helped nobody but Sheamus (that, along with his cheesy promos, began the Cena comparisons). Del Rio is another one who's had inconsistency for him since his WM match with Edge.

They had an opportunity to keep Del Rio strong, have Christian get elevated and become the top face on Smackdown, but like typical fashion, forces him to go heel and then goes into a circus with Orton (that also had rematch after rematch).


The notion of every big match needing a rematch where the guy gets his win back is absolutely moronic and completely cheapens every big match. Brock beat HHH? Who cares, they're only going to have a rematch where HHH wins instead. All the suspense and interest is gone when you know that whoever wins, they're just going to have the opposite happen later on.

Hell, the match that started this rematch trend, HBK vs Taker II, had HBK lose a second time, not the opposite result. And of course it actually had a long, great story attached to it, and had actual consequences (HBK retired for good, and he was no part timer before that).

I think we had the rematch clause plague long before HBK vs Taker II.


The notion of every big match needing a rematch where the guy gets his win back is absolutely moronic and completely cheapens every big match. Brock beat HHH? Who cares, they're only going to have a rematch where HHH wins instead. All the suspense and interest is gone when you know that whoever wins, they're just going to have the opposite happen later on.

Hell, the match that started this rematch trend, HBK vs Taker II, had HBK lose a second time, not the opposite result. And of course it actually had a long, great story attached to it, and had actual consequences (HBK retired for good, and he was no part timer before that).

I feel like there has been rematches forever though. Stone Cold beat Rock at WM 15, but then had to fight him again at the next PPV to get his REAL belt back (skull). I don't think anyone thought Stone Cold would lose though. I guess the thing is they made it fun.

Heck Noob Saibot defeated HHH and Shawn two PPVS in a row. There are tons of examples really. Just having a rematch isn't the problem. It's the story behind it, or how much the fans care about the characters.

(guess it was named Backlash for a reason)


The ADR feud had okay matches, I admit, but the booking and just results of them were so predictable. It helped nobody but Sheamus (that, along with his cheesy promos, began the Cena comparisons). Del Rio is another one who's had inconsistency for him since his WM match with Edge.

They had an opportunity to keep Del Rio strong, have Christian get elevated and become the top face on Smackdown, but like typical fashion, forces him to go heel and then goes into a circus with Orton (that also had rematch after rematch).

Well Sheamus won every friggin match. It was absurd. It just went on and on and on, like they had a whiteboard they write stuff on in Creative, but accidentally wrote Sheamus vs Del Rio in permanent marker, so they kept using it because they couldn't wipe it off.

It didn't even help Sheamus much, because it meant his long reign was boring and unmemorable. Bryan had half the length of a reign, and far more memorable.

I think we had the rematch clause plague long before HBK vs Taker II.

Well yeah, we've had rematches before that, but it's the "planned rematch under the same conditions down the road" thing. We definitely didn't have the repeat back-to-back matches at WM before that, for instance. Yeah we had Stone Cold vs Rock at WM 15 and 17, and Taker vs Kane at 14 and 20, but they weren't rematches, they were separate feuds and matches that happened to have the same line-up. Whereas Cena/Rock, Brock/HHH, HHH/Taker, all had basic "the same but worse" rematches planned from day one. That's cheap.


I didn't have any money to spend on WM. I had to save it all so I could afford to go see all of Rock's movies coming out this year.


What stinks about Cena/Rock, Triple H/Lesnar, and Triple H/Undertaker (and likely any future Legend feud) was none of them had long story confrontations like we saw with Taker and Shawn. Those buildups were real good because of matches and PPV's took place in the buildup. These feuds here just were promo after promo with maybe a few scuffles in between.
OK, I've written my own Entrance music. I'll try and record it tomorrow.

They call him 'Mr. Luchador'
and he is a wrestlor

He does his wrestling on the floor
He does not know what top rope for
He never do Moonsault before
He''ll put you in Armbaaaaaar

They call him 'Mr. Luchador'
and he is a wrestlor

He is Gentleman with good taste
He wear a mask upon his face
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