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"Thin" and "lean" aren't the same thing. I'd much rather be lean. Since I'm a short guy, I'm already kind of naturally bulky/stocky. When I've been serious about lifting, I get way too big in a hurry. I'd much rather have tight abs than a muscle gut and huge arms.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He wants to be a Cruiserweight, not a main-eventer.

I understand this language.

I'd rather look like the Rock and not be able to perform than be functionally fit and able to perform but not look like a wrecking ball.



Kevin Steen is the champ we all deserve.


Huge ROH news:

PAUL LONDON is replacing Marufuji at ROH Border Wars in a match against Davey Richards. It will be London's first time in an ROH ring since July 2003 when he wrestled his last match against Samoa Joe.

I'm mega pumped.
I understand this language.

I'd rather look like the Rock and not be able to perform than be functionally fit and able to perform but not look like a wrecking ball.

And I think there's nothing wrong with this either. I'd be content looking like "most out of shape person in the universe" CM Punk.

EDIT: But realistically the body every man should aspire to is Antonio Cesaro, that fucker was sculpted out of marble.


I'm not overweight (160 5'8")or anything and eat healthy for the most part, but man... I am really out of shape.

I used to do the gym, yoga, running. It was awesome.

After the kid and that whole cancer thing, I haven't don't jack. At least I still take the stairs at work (8 flights). The day I have to take the elevator I will want to kill myself.


I hover around 205 at 5' 6" and yeah, I'm overweight but I'm comfortable. I'm not big like some people can be. I'd like to loose 30 pounds but I don't see that happening without seriously trying to exercise and changing some eating habits.

At least I'm holding steady though and not gaining anything.


I got really discouraged when I lost close to 25 pounds and still basically looked the same except for my face looking thinner. My family has some genetic love handles that no one can get rid of (my cousin is a vegetarian who does ultra marathons and he still has significant love handles). Mixed with my naturally thick legs, it makes me look shaped like a girl. And a gut that I've had since I was 12. It never went away, even when I was at a dangerously low weight.

I felt better, but I didn't really look better, and that made it hard for me to want to keep it up.
Lean is good. Look how big The Rock got and he can't go through one wrestling match without injuring himself.
Is he big. I just saw that pic from the operating table and he looks the same size as Attitude Era. I think he just ditched all that baby fit and got more cut and definition. Now, how he got is unknown and could be the cause of why he's so susceptible to injury.

Now Pain and Gain Rocky and Mark Wahlberg is dubious.

I don't know why no one is talking about how jacked Brock is.


People never believe me when I tell them my weight because I "carry it well" as they say.

I'm around 6'1. Last August, I was 270 pounds. Started some running and better eating, and now I'm at 255. Gained some weight back over the winter, but have lost it again since start of spring. Want to hit 230 before the temperature gets cold again. Jogging and doing some stretching and crunches in the evenings right now, along with watching what I eat a lot more.

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."
The best chance to join GWF is:

1. Post often
2. Be an individual with distinguishing features

Look at the old roster - we have Strobogo, who is Fat Axl Rose styled. We got Bootaaay who is Lil Stan Hansen (and according to the final show, a superior wrestler) and more.

Thank you! I guess I'll be polishing my post skills until the time comes and I'm called into the roster to fight for THIS BUSINESS... or something like it


I'm 6'2" and over 270...

Out of shape fatty doesn't even describe it


Is he big. I just saw that pic from the operating table and he looks the same size as Attitude Era. I think he just ditched all that baby fit and got more cut and definition. Now, how he got is unknown and could be the cause of why he's so susceptible to injury.

Now Pain and Gain Rocky and Mark Wahlberg is dubious.

I don't know why no one is talking about how jacked Brock is.
I feel he looks bigger now than he ever has, even during obvious steroid attitude era phase. Maybe you're right though. The injuries could just be his age. He just seems really stiff to me. I think he should mix in some yoga.


People never believe me when I tell them my weight because I "carry it well" as they say.

I'm around 6'1. Last August, I was 270 pounds. Started some running and better eating, and now I'm at 255. Gained some weight back over the winter, but have lost it again since start of spring. Want to hit 230 before the temperature gets cold again. Jogging and doing some stretching and crunches in the evenings right now, along with watching what I eat a lot more.

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."

You'll get there man. I'm 6'1 and was about 270 back in September and I'm sitting at about 195 now. It just takes dedication and some prioritization. There really aren't enough hours in the day, I've had to cut back time for hobbies, but its been worth it.


You'll get there man. I'm 6'1 and was about 270 back in September and I'm sitting at about 195 now. It just takes dedication and some prioritization. There really aren't enough hours in the day, I've had to cut back time for hobbies, but its been worth it.

Thanks for the motivational example and words, man. I'm 32, married, have a 10-month-old daughter, and I want to be fit and energized so that I can be as present as possible in my family's life even at the end of a hard day at work.

Just looked up some video of Adrian Neville for the first time:


He's a tag team champ in NXT now? That's cool. Is his hair always like this? Think he looks a lot better with the slick look. Fits his smooth "the man that gravity forgot" gimmick a lot more. He also doesn't look as cut in this video as he has in the recent past.

Is NXT on TV anywhere? What day is it usually on, and what time?
Just looked up some video of Adrian Neville for the first time:


He's a tag team champ in NXT now? That's cool. Is his hair always like this? Think he looks a lot better with the slick look. Fits his smooth "the man that gravity forgot" gimmick a lot more. He also doesn't look as cut in this video as he has in the recent past.

Is NXT on TV anywhere? What day is it usually on, and what time?

NXT is on tv on most other countries other than the US and a local channel in Florida i think but no its not on TV anywhere in the US. "Only" way you can watch it is if you have Hulu plus but its easy to find online just search for it. It airs on Wednesdays
One of the best things about NXT this week was Neville vs Cesaro. Text appeared at the bottom of the screen saying the match was taped weeks ago when Cesaro had the US title


The Mad Ox started interesting and then became the most weird and random floating character they have. Zero direction for the guy. It's bizarre.

I just read like 10 posts from the last page of the Dragon Crown thread and I wanted to gouge my fucking eyes out. Holy fuck.

Not to mention everyone is getting antsy at the console war bullshit, and the OT is godawful as usual.

I think I'll just lay low here with you bros… :3


Gold Member
The Mad Ox started interesting and then became the most weird and random floating character they have. Zero direction for the guy. It's bizarre.

Yeah, it's a bummer. I still get excited when he is on screen though. It'll be worth the wait when he starts getting pushed.
Guys, where's The Miz at right now?

I'm a little worried at how WWE pushed him, IMMEDIATELY buried him, and know his absent from both RAW and Smackdown for the past 2 weeks.

Is he okay?


Guys, where's The Miz at right now?

I'm a little worried at how WWE pushed him, IMMEDIATELY buried him, and know his absent from both RAW and Smackdown for the past 2 weeks.

Is he okay?

You just described part of the WWE mid-card cycle. He'll be back with less relevance than before soon enough.


Stone Cold didn't turn heel at Mania 17.

He turned heel two weeks later on Raw, when he smoked Lita with a chair to the back 5 times. Holy CHRIST
Why is anyone worried about the well being of The Miz?

He took a pretty nasty bump to the head during his match with Wade on RAW where he lost the Title. Taught he was injured or had a concussion. Nice to see that he's fine.

Also, oh my god he's going to be in another movie? Why WWE, Miz is a terrible actor, and I'm a Miz fan saying this. Ugh.


Is NXT on TV anywhere? What day is it usually on, and what time?

Its on The Score Thursdays at 8pm and Fridays at 6pm. Unfortunately they don't carry it online.

Friday is probably the better day to watch because Vintage Collection is on afterwards.
Just seen the raw from London. Hahaha so many funny moments. AJ calling dolph "zigglypuff", then vicky Guerrero doing some weird ass laugh at them. William regal being total shit against fandango, that match lasted like 30 seconds. The shield being the shield of course.

Wanted undertaker to get more minutes in the ring though, he hardly did any fighting <_<


formerly cjelly
Just seen the raw from London. Hahaha so many funny moments. AJ calling dolph "zigglypuff", then vicky Guerrero doing some weird ass laugh at them. William regal being total shit against fandango, that match lasted like 30 seconds. The shield being the shield of course.

Wanted undertaker to get more minutes in the ring though, he hardly did any fighting <_<

Watch SD this week. He's in the main event in a singles match with Ambrose.
Watching some early SHIMMER stuff from 2005, strange to see Beth Phoenix pre-WWE, she was pretty green at this point but you can see why the WWE were interested in her. The Sara Del Rey vs Mercedes Martinez match was good stuff, but I wasn't so keen on her match with Daizee Haze, although Haze's small frame made Sara's offence look crazy impressive. The Del Rey vs Haze vs Martinez vs Lacey 4-way elimination match was good, but didn't really hold up as well as I remembered. Best match from the volumes I watched was Allison Danger vs Rebecca Knox (who just signed for WWE) - Knox was only 19 years old here, but really was so incredible for her age.



Sara puts Daizee away with the Royal Butterfly;


Awesome Falcon Arrow from Rebecca Knox;



Whenever I see Shimmer I always remember how good Prazack was on commentary for ROH, and wish he was back doing that with Nigel.
I was glad when ROH settled on Prazak as the main commentator after going through sooooo many awful combinations of 'Gabe + random jabroni' on commentary, but you could tell towards the end of his run that he wasn't into the product any more and he started to sound really disinterested, especially on the HDnet stuff. Also, I think I was getting fatigued of Prazak at that point, because he seemed to pop up on commentary for every promotion on the east coast.


Really? I thought DP was awful in ROH. He was only good in IWA because he didn't have to be serious ever and could spend the whole time joking around with whatever wrestler was at the table with him.


The only problem I had with some of the old ROH commentary was when you could tell they were doing the commentary off watching the DVD and they weren't as into it as if it were being done live.
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