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Gold Member
I am. I don't typically watch but D'Lo Brown being in TNA got me all sorts of excited. Had no idea he was there.
Another great NXT this week. Great match between Cesaro and Neville, good match between Kaitlyn and AJ, Maddox outshines Big E by jobbing to him, and Wade gets cheered and chanted for decimating Bo Dallas


Evolve is going back to Florida.......

Thursday, May 30th
Orlando Armory
2809 Fernhill Ct.
Orlando, FL, 32806
8pm Belltime


Sunday, June 2nd
The Orpheum
1915 E. 7th Avenue
Ybor City, FL
8pm Belltime


If you guys think the Cena smirk is bad.....



The people we always want in WWE are always the one that are loyal to TNA for whatever reason.

Bully Ray
AJ Styles
Samoa Joe
Why does he have heat in WWE? I guess I missed that story.
Listen to the last MLW Radio, ep 71. He works stiff, bad for business. Plus, he's really a Bully. It makes sense considering the way they left the company. But...$$$ always have made Vince forgive and forget. Problem with Bully is he's a good heel. WWE have enough heels, it's faces they're hurting on.


The Great Sasuke vs Taka Michinoku WWF Canadian Stampede 1997

Before the match started, Mankind and HHH brawled from the back out into the crowd. They were trying to make a big deal out of Taka and bringing in a lot of talent for him to face, but only for one or two matches. Sasuke has a nasty half crab. Taka slaps the shit out of him and hits a dropkick to the back of the head. He gets back dropped out of the ring and Sasuke does a diving karate kick to the floor. He definitely took the worst of that. It goes back to the ring and Sasuke kicks Taka's fucking head off. Some neck breaking shit. Some more kicks and Taka learns by hitting a dragon screw. No hands dive from Taka. Sasuke hits an Asai moonsault. Missile dropkick to the back. Michinoku Driver. Sasuke kicks out! Sasuke wins with a dragon suplex.

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The Great Sasuke vs Taka Michinoku WWF Raw 1997

The rematch. Tope from Sasuke pretty early. Taka tries a moonsault, but crashes and burns. He then repeats the spot and hits it. He misses another moonsault in the ring. Space flying tiger drop! Big powerbomb. Sasuke wins again! Did Vince want to build the division around him instead?

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CIMA/Tokyo Magnum/Judo SUWA vs La Parka/El Dandy/Hypnosis WCW 1998

Magnum and La Parka start off with a dance off. Hypnosis accidentally kicks Parka in the dick. We get a dive sequence that ends with a Parka Asai monsault. In the ring, CIMA tries to put Hynposis away. Hypnosis instead hits a guillotine leg drop for the win. After the match, Parka drills Hypnosis with a chair and dances. And spits on him. Through his mask.

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CIMA/Tokyo Magnum vs Disco Inferno/Alex Wright WCW 1998

Magnum sneaked up and decided he was going to dance with Alex and Disco. They didn't like it. The tape was garbled, so I missed most of the match. Alex beat CIMA with a neck breaker. But At least I got the dancing.

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CIMA vs Ernest Miller WCW 1998

Jericho and Ralphus brought CIMA out. Cat made short work of CIMA.

American Dragon/Lance Cade vs Mammoth Sasaki/Naohiko Yamazaki FMW 1999

Cade comes out with a cowboy hat and D-Bryne was wearing an actual American Dragon mask and red/white/blue tights. Dragon starts out with some mat work with Yamazaki. The bigger guys get tagged in. Dragon is so small. He looks pretty polished, though, ridiculous get up notwithstanding. Stretch muffler powerbomb from Mammoth. Dragon hits a sweet moonsault to the floor. Cade hits a dive of his own. Flying elbow from Dragon. Albert Bomb to Dragon. Or Mammoth Bomb, probably. Chokeslam. Cade breaks up the pin. Cade kind of hits a powerbomb, and Dragon hits a dragon suplex for the win.

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American Dragon/Lance Cade vs Hisakatsu Oya/Mammoth Sasaki FMW 1999

This was boring as fuck. Cade got pinned after a backdrop driver.

Bryan Danielson vs Jamie Noble WWE 2003

Oh shit. Much like Regal/Inoki, this isn't exactly a gifable match, but it is a fun technical sprint. Jamie-san won with a snap spinning neck breaker.

John Cena vs Brian Danielson WWE 2003

LOL at Cena's banana pants. What the fuck. The Dazzler does some dazzling arm work. Dragon eats a lariat and flips all around and shit. Protoplex for the win.

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Bryan Danielson/John Walters vs Spanky/Paul London WWE 2003

ROH represent, yo. Dragon and Spanky start out with some intense grappling and pin attempts. London gets tagged in and is a house of fire on fire in a house. Dropsault. Spanky/London win after a flatliner/enziguri combo. This was actually shorter than the Dragon/Cena match.

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A handful of matches left. After that, back to slogging through the ECW project which is far less fun than I had hoped.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sunflower, did you ever watch any of those Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes?

Not yet. I'm notoriously bad at sitting down and watching any TV at all - so it'll be done by May probably :p Maybe.


Bully Ray ran away from a cripled old man. Aces and eights taken out by an Old Man with a bat when it was 8 on 1. lol

I guess Impact ran out younger guys to face Bully right now.
Evolve is going back to Florida.......

Thursday, May 30th
Orlando Armory
2809 Fernhill Ct.
Orlando, FL, 32806
8pm Belltime


Sunday, June 2nd
The Orpheum
1915 E. 7th Avenue
Ybor City, FL
8pm Belltime

I'll be going to these. I have a friend who lives in Florida and is co-promoting the Thursday show.
That was a fun show. I still mark for classic hogan, screw the IWC. That being said I think they keep Aces & 8's strong, I don't think this will turn into a Triple H style burial. That being said this company needs to revolve around Roode and Aries. Those guys are stars and need to be utilized better.
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