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i asked this in the other thread, but did anyone gif last week of AJ getting out of the ring. it could be a good bail-out gif. right?


i asked this in the other thread, but did anyone gif last week of AJ getting out of the ring. it could be a good bail-out gif. right?



Their Payback Pay per view is in Chicago in June. Why do you think this anyway? They always go back to Chicago. I think you mean will Raw ever return to Toronto again.

Just seems like Vince wants to avoid Chicago because Punk wouldn't be boo'd there.

What the hell is Payback though?


Batman Beyond is pretty awesome. I didn't really care for the first season, so I stopped watching. Now that I'm catching up with the second season on Netflix, it's pretty boss. Particularly the episode that was straight up Batman vs Predator. I would like Kevin Conroy to voice Big Boss and bequeath his Batman crown to Bork Laser, who can save WWE from corruption by F5ing dudes into pits of chemicals, creating super heels.

And David Hayter can then voice Batman in an animated continuation of the Nolan series. All Bale voice all the time.


Batman Beyond is pretty awesome. I didn't really care for the first season, so I stopped watching. Now that I'm catching up with the second season on Netflix, it's pretty boss. Particularly the episode that was straight up Batman vs Predator. I would like Kevin Conroy to voice Big Boss and bequeath his Batman crown to Bork Laser, who can save WWE from corruption by F5ing dudes into pits of chemicals, creating super heels.

And David Hayter can then voice Batman in an animated continuation of the Nolan series. All Bale voice all the time.

I intend to watch Batman Beyond when I'm done with Justice League. Also wanna get to Brave and The Bold eventually.
Batman Beyond is pretty awesome. I didn't really care for the first season, so I stopped watching. Now that I'm catching up with the second season on Netflix, it's pretty boss. Particularly the episode that was straight up Batman vs Predator. I would like Kevin Conroy to voice Big Boss and bequeath his Batman crown to Bork Laser, who can save WWE from corruption by F5ing dudes into pits of chemicals, creating super heels.

Hush, or else you'll give Frank Miller the premise for another Batman series.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Batman Beyond is pretty awesome. I didn't really care for the first season, so I stopped watching. Now that I'm catching up with the second season on Netflix, it's pretty boss. Particularly the episode that was straight up Batman vs Predator. I would like Kevin Conroy to voice Big Boss and bequeath his Batman crown to Bork Laser, who can save WWE from corruption by F5ing dudes into pits of chemicals, creating super heels.

And David Hayter can then voice Batman in an animated continuation of the Nolan series. All Bale voice all the time.

Batman Beyond starts out bad and gets amazing as it goes along. The movie they used as a capnote to the series is particularly good.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
It's weird. Not sure about bad. But why?

You know you can buy a little earpiece radio that picks up WWE commentary if you really want to hear Cole that badly.

Cause it's hard to know what's going on with people yelling WOOOOOOO when Cole is talking to the camera. The audio during the backstage shit was kinda low anyway.

I also used the app to see that Vince cameo backstage.
He looked legit pissed at Titus O'Neal.

Hey guyz The Marine 1 is on AMC right now


I need to watch Batman Beyond. I have the dvds they put out but haven't got around to watching it.

I thought it was bordering bad for season one. Enough that I didn't want to give it a chance going forward. It was like X-Men Evolution (which also sucked), but worse. Then about 2-3 episodes into S2, it gets awesome. I'm really enjoying it. I got another trial of Netflix just for JL/JLU, and I've been very happy with how good BB is. I had a similar problem with Brave and the Bold where I stopped watching after most of the first season because it just wasn't that interesting. Then I missed all the crazy, so that's next on the list.

Cause it's hard to know what's going on with people yelling WOOOOOOO when Cole is talking to the camera. The audio during the backstage shit was kinda low anyway.

I had the opposite problem. I couldn't hear the backstage stuff because it was ear burstingly loud.


WWE youtube channel Raw segement by segment breakdown

Rosa Mendes prepares for WrestleMania 29 with an epic workout: 2,370 views

Disguised as a druid, CM Punk attacks The Undertaker: 16,495 views

Chris Jericho vs. Antonio Cesaro: 5,826 views

The Funkadactyls vs. The Bella Twins: 5,918 views

The Rock responds to John Cena about their WrestleMania showdown:9,324 views

Alberto Del Rio vs. Zeb Colter: 6,429 views

Santino Marella vs. Mark Henry: 4,954 views

Shawn Michaels predicts Triple H will defeat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania: 15,333 views

Zack Ryder vs. Wade Barrett: 2,730 views

Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler: 6,002 views

Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show vs. 3MB: 7,370 views

John Cena vows to beat The Rock at WrestleMania:9,653 views

Jack Swagger declares he will dethrone Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania: 2,922 views


Isn't that like... terrible?

It was actually higher than last year go home show. This year was a 3.12 and last year show was a 3.05. That Wrestlemania did 1.2 million buys. It just that this year the 3 hour raws build to wrestlemania ratings beat last years 2 hour raws wrestlemania build for the original Rock vs Cena match.

Also, weird was where were those 400,000 fans that didn't show up till 9 and stayed till the end? Where they watching opening day for baseball for an hour?



ECW on TNN 10/8/99

The show starts out with a Paul E. voice over about the inside story of pro wrestling, as told by Sunny. All the women of ECW, past and present, were shown during this. Joel and Joey do a show run down. Tammy's SHOOT EXPOSE, the history of Lance Storm and Jerry Lynn, and Tajiri vs someone that I didn't catch.

Lots of Sunny clips are shown as bumpers, basically.


Tajiri vs Guidio vs Super Crazy

Joel wasn't happy about a match being shown with Cyrus on color. Match was joined in progress, so we'll see how much they show. This is I think the 3rd PPV match that has been shown on the TV show now, which makes me wonder why would you buy the PPV? Tajiri does the crowd Asai moonsault.

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After a break, Crazy does one. Tarantula! Guido dropkicks Crazy while in the hold. Rolling Romero Special from Crazy. They always say the pressure on the lower back in a move like that, but it hurts your thighs and neck a lot more than lower back. Camel clutch/Sicilian crab combo on Tajiri.


Guido manages to dodge Crazy's basement drop kick, but not Tajiri's.

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A moonsault eliminates Guido. "These foreigners are diabolical." Lol. Cyrus is awesome. Moonsault from Crazy. Handspring elbow from Tajiri. Spinning powerbomb only gets 2. A second attempt ends up in a tornado DDT.

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Tornado reverse DDT. Only a 2 count for Crazy. Tajiri wins with a buzzsaw/dropkick/brainbuster combo.

We now go to Sunny's expose. It starts with footage from SMW and the WWF. Tammy talks about a website devoted to just her feet. Wat. I didn't know Tumblr was around back then. She talks about her (and a lot of wrestlers) addiction to Somas. She tells the story of Louie Spicolli's death. Joey tells us her comments get even heavier later on.


Jerry Lynn vs Lance Storm

So they're just going to show the whole PPV. I'd be mad if I ordered the show. Chain wrestling and stand offs to start it off. Naturally. This is definitely going to be one of those "duck and reverse everything" kind of matches. Jericho drop kick sends Lance off the apron to the floor. Gets in the ring and slows down to a side headlock. "Is there a real pair in the business?" "...You and I are a real pair." Lol. A headlock brings out "SHOW YOUR TITS" chants. I don't see the connection. Hot shot focusing on Jerry's injured ribs. I've never seen a dude not named Muta that made a cartwheel look bad ass in wrestling. Lance is not Muta. Low blow from Lance. Lots of silly reversals. Jerry does a top rope plancha. Lance kicks out of the pin attempt. A cradle piledriver reversal leads to a roll up sequence. Man, I hate that shit. For real. It hasn't been good since WM3. It ends with a German suplex and another 2 count. Super kick. Lance's leg landed on Jerry, but the ref didn't see it right away. He should have won right there. Sunset flip powerbomb only gets a two count. A DDT on a chair only gets a two count. Lynn tries to duck the chair propped in the corner, but slides into the ring post. Jerry hits a Stunner? Wat? Lance wins with a random cradle.

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Back to Tammy. She was known as the Kliq Chick, but wanted to be pushed on her own talents. She was happy to be released from the WWF. She started drinking after that and talks about being suicidal after her father and niece died. This seems a bit...exploitative.

The last few shows have been weird. They don't really seem to be pushing storylines and instead have just been showing the last PPV in chunks. In case you were wondering, there is a wiki devoted to Tammy's feet still online.


ECW on TNN 10/15/99

I hope they're going to start doing more actual shows instead of just showing the PPV.

Chris Candido and Sunny come to the ring. They are followed by Lance Storm and Dawn Marie. Lance calls Sunny a has been at 26, but the rest of the world knew it when she was 25. She was only 26? She looked way older than that. Then he tells her to take a "powder". Because she's a drug addict. The men brawl and the women chase each other around.


Tom Marquez vs David Cash

David Cash is Kid Kash. Tom Marquez is a nobody. Rhino and Corino run in about 30 seconds into the match. GORE! GORE! There are two Nola Saints in the building, so the heels are wearing Falcons jerseys. Rhino jumps into the crowd to fight them. Security and Tommy Dreamer break it up and try to calm things down. Corino shit talks Dreamer and we have a match.

Tommy Dreamer vs Steve Corino

Corino gets thrown about 4 rows deep into the crowd.

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They go deep into the crowd. Can't even see what's going on. It finally gets back to the ring. Tommy hits Corino in the bare ass with a chair, then does a superplex.

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Tommy decides he's going to sell his back this week. Joke around with Tajiri, can't walk with Corino. Corino fakes a chair drop toe hold to do a headlock. Lol. Corino punches the ref just because. Dreamer Driver. Tarantula from Tommy. Francine head kicks Jack Victory. High Spot! Tajiri comes out and drop kicks Tommy. He chases Francine away. Raven saves Dreamer and then DDTs him. Make up your mind, bro. Dreamer still pins Corino anyway.

TO THE BACK. Fonzie talks some shit with Sabu. Sabu is going to be fucking up people on TNN very soon.

Chris Candido vs Lance Storm

Lots of chops and ducking. I hate when dudes jump really high to take a drop kick/cross body. I'm thinking of what Bully Ray does. Skip did it just as bad. Long stalling vertical suplex from Skip. It goes to the floor with a plancha from Skip. Tammy trips up Lance while on the top rope. Superplex and a diving headbutt. Justin Credible and Jason come out. CAT FIGHT! The worst cat fight ever. It looked like Sunny was showing a toddler how to swim.

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Tammy tries to DDT Jason, but gets hit with a purse. Justin hits Skip with a cane and Lance wins with the cradle piledriver.

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Rod Price vs Mike Awesome ECW Championship

One manager is a full on red neck in duck hunting gear. The other is dressed as a judge. Pro wrestling. Awesome does a tope, but this somehow was a transition for Price to get on offense. Awesome gets back with a German suplex. A table comes into the ring. Weak Awesome bomb through it. The Rajun Cajun got put through one on the floor. Frog splash for the win.

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TO THE BACK. The Impact Players talk about doing what they do. Da Baldies just announce that they're Da Baldies. Raven walks around on Bourbon Street. Lita clips her toe nails on camera. Doring doesn't really like it. Then he cuts a promo on Chris Chetti. Lol, Raven has to tell dudes to shut up while he's doing his promo. Balls and Axl are going to KO people soon. Spike is on acid looking at his hand. Da Baldies are DA BALDIES. New Jack is in a parking lot telling a story about being 5 and seeing his dad shoot his mom. Fonzie and RVD are up next. Jerry Lynn is a NERD. Corino interrupts his promo to tell him to stop crying and work hurt like everyone else. Jerry looks for Corino and is attacked by Tajiri. Back to Raven. Back to RVD. He suggests facing Sabu. Back to New Jack, who is still rambling. To Tajiri who says some stuff and laughs.
Hey guys, trying to get some friends to watch Wrestlemania with me this Sunday so I'm not lonely, what time does Wrestlemania start and what time does it end?

EDIT: I'm in Mountain Time
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