ECW on TNN 10/8/99
The show starts out with a Paul E. voice over about the inside story of pro wrestling, as told by Sunny. All the women of ECW, past and present, were shown during this. Joel and Joey do a show run down. Tammy's SHOOT EXPOSE, the history of Lance Storm and Jerry Lynn, and Tajiri vs someone that I didn't catch.
Lots of Sunny clips are shown as bumpers, basically.
Tajiri vs Guidio vs Super Crazy
Joel wasn't happy about a match being shown with Cyrus on color. Match was joined in progress, so we'll see how much they show. This is I think the 3rd PPV match that has been shown on the TV show now, which makes me wonder why would you buy the PPV? Tajiri does the crowd Asai moonsault.
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After a break, Crazy does one. Tarantula! Guido dropkicks Crazy while in the hold. Rolling Romero Special from Crazy. They always say the pressure on the lower back in a move like that, but it hurts your thighs and neck a lot more than lower back. Camel clutch/Sicilian crab combo on Tajiri.
Guido manages to dodge Crazy's basement drop kick, but not Tajiri's.
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A moonsault eliminates Guido. "These foreigners are diabolical." Lol. Cyrus is awesome. Moonsault from Crazy. Handspring elbow from Tajiri. Spinning powerbomb only gets 2. A second attempt ends up in a tornado DDT.
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Tornado reverse DDT. Only a 2 count for Crazy. Tajiri wins with a buzzsaw/dropkick/brainbuster combo.
We now go to Sunny's expose. It starts with footage from SMW and the WWF. Tammy talks about a website devoted to just her feet. Wat. I didn't know Tumblr was around back then. She talks about her (and a lot of wrestlers) addiction to Somas. She tells the story of Louie Spicolli's death. Joey tells us her comments get even heavier later on.
Jerry Lynn vs Lance Storm
So they're just going to show the whole PPV. I'd be mad if I ordered the show. Chain wrestling and stand offs to start it off. Naturally. This is definitely going to be one of those "duck and reverse everything" kind of matches. Jericho drop kick sends Lance off the apron to the floor. Gets in the ring and slows down to a side headlock. "Is there a real pair in the business?" "...You and I are a real pair." Lol. A headlock brings out "SHOW YOUR TITS" chants. I don't see the connection. Hot shot focusing on Jerry's injured ribs. I've never seen a dude not named Muta that made a cartwheel look bad ass in wrestling. Lance is not Muta. Low blow from Lance. Lots of silly reversals. Jerry does a top rope plancha. Lance kicks out of the pin attempt. A cradle piledriver reversal leads to a roll up sequence. Man, I hate that shit. For real. It hasn't been good since WM3. It ends with a German suplex and another 2 count. Super kick. Lance's leg landed on Jerry, but the ref didn't see it right away. He should have won right there. Sunset flip powerbomb only gets a two count. A DDT on a chair only gets a two count. Lynn tries to duck the chair propped in the corner, but slides into the ring post. Jerry hits a Stunner? Wat? Lance wins with a random cradle.
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Back to Tammy. She was known as the Kliq Chick, but wanted to be pushed on her own talents. She was happy to be released from the WWF. She started drinking after that and talks about being suicidal after her father and niece died. This seems a bit...exploitative.
The last few shows have been weird. They don't really seem to be pushing storylines and instead have just been showing the last PPV in chunks. In case you were wondering, there is a wiki devoted to Tammy's feet still online.