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So not worth it
I don't know guys. Big Jonny coming back "Cena was why I left and Cena is why I'm back," Cena breaking down for "the first time," admitting the Rock never beat Cena, Cena beat Cena, Cena's "I'll win at any cost" mentality, announcers and Cena alike gradually, finally acknowledging more and more the anti-Cena chants.. I really think he's prepping for his turn and is truly entering this match with being a heel in mind. The Rock is after all, super baby face with the crowd.

You are only setting yourself up for dissapointment my friend.


I don't know guys. Big Jonny coming back "Cena was why I left and Cena is why I'm back," Cena breaking down for "the first time," admitting the Rock never beat Cena, Cena beat Cena, Cena's "I'll win at any cost" mentality, announcers and Cena alike gradually, finally acknowledging more and more the anti-Cena chants.. I really think he's prepping for his turn and is truly entering this match with being a heel in mind. The Rock is after all, super baby face with the crowd.

edit: Cena and Punk should be a heel mega duo/tag team, so smarks can cry.

Two-Man Power Trip v2

Not gonna happen.


Maybe it's because I just watched the promo for Austin/Rock at WrestleMania 17 and am watching that match right now on the WrestleMania stream, but I can't let go of the idea of Cena turning because he's as obsessed as Austin was.

Man watching the promo for that match gives me chills. There was so much raw emotion from both men.


There have been multiple great opportunities in the past to turn Cena heel and WWE never pulled the trigger on it. If they don't pull the trigger now then Cena will never turn heel, this is really the most optimal situation they'll ever get for such a thing.


Watching Sunflower's stream, Paul London was the fan Flair hit during that Undertaker/Flair feud buildup at X8. Never noticed that before.
Big E Langston needs a new finisher badly.]
He's got personality. He doesn't really have a gimmick except, strong Black guy. he could use a new outift and gimmick. But I really can't stand the company's pigeon holing must blacks into the same stereotypical characters. Big E reminds me of Ezekiel Jackson who reminds me of Ahmed Johnson. I like Kofi and Truth but WWE just sort of stereotypes Asians, Hispanics, etc. Even poor Sheamus.


He's got personality. He doesn't really have a gimmick except, strong Black guy. he could use a new outift and gimmick. But I really can't stand the company's pigeon holing must blacks into the same stereotypical characters. Big E reminds me of Ezekiel Jackson who reminds me of Ahmed Johnson. I like Kofi and Truth but WWE just sort of stereotypes Asians, Hispanics, etc. Even poor Sheamus.

I'm always mildly stunned when people remember Ahmed Johnson.

Kofi being held back is the one that really bugs me, if they gave him a push he could be great.

Still can't believe Goldberg never appeared in TNA. I think I sorta respect him for that.

Didn't he pretty much just quit wrestling in general after he and Brock had the ten minute staring contest at Wrestlemania?
I'm always mildly stunned when people remember Ahmed Johnson.

Kofi being held back is the one that really bugs me, if they gave him a push he could be great.

I'm an old head since Rock'n'Wrestling. JYD, SD Jones, Kamala (groan), Butch Reed, Ron Simmons (I marked when he won the WCW championship), etc.

Kofi could definitely be a cross over character. Prime Time have potential but no one in creative will know how to book and write for them.

Poor Primo and Epico (and Hunico). Seriously, the takeaway from Mania is they have to invest in their characters. I'd say TNA with Roode, Aries, Daniels, Kaz, Bully Ray and a few others are more fleshed out and interesting. Their problem is Aces and Eight, Hogans being involved in story lines and lack of strong faces (Hello, James Storm!).


There have been multiple great opportunities in the past to turn Cena heel and WWE never pulled the trigger on it. If they don't pull the trigger now then Cena will never turn heel, this is really the most optimal situation they'll ever get for such a thing.
They had more popular charaters in these earlier times - Edge, Taker, Triple H, Batista, they were able to take over if need be if they did ever decide to at that point. He was heavily booed in 2006, and it's been seven years. They don't have those types of characters right now so it's much more difficult. Can he? Sure, but they've been him up so much while pushing down others, there's very few who people take seriously. I'd guess Sheamus and Del Rio would be inserted in that spot if it came down to it (injury or went heel). They would have to have those two in particular go over Cena for us to take them seriously as the top babyfaces.


Shaemus could definitely work as a top baby face in place of Cena. He's respectably charismatic and his matches are respectably entertaining in my opinion. Daniel Bryan is still pretty wickedly over and he could be one of the top face stars if he and Kane ever break up as a tag team. If they can jump start Ryback's momentum again, he could also make a decent top face (admittedly he has the most work to do).

The big elephant in the room is CM Punk, if WWE can just accept that fans will never boo him he could easily be the face of the company in the same way Austin was. (Punk could crap in a box of puppies on live TV and there would be a CM Punk chant). It will never happen, but I'd kind of like to see Taker/Punk end in a Hart/Austin kind of way where Taker has Punk beat but Punk never actually gives up.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Was it bad that I was watching a lamp of Raw on my tablet while I was at the actual event?


Shaemus could definitely work as a top baby face in place of Cena. He's respectably charismatic and his matches are respectably entertaining in my opinion. Daniel Bryan is still pretty wickedly over and he could be one of the top face stars if he and Kane ever break up as a tag team. If they can jump start Ryback's momentum again, he could also make a decent top face (admittedly he has the most work to do).

The big elephant in the room is CM Punk, if WWE can just accept that fans will never boo him he could easily be the face of the company in the same way Austin was. (Punk could crap in a box of puppies on live TV and there would be a CM Punk chant). It will never happen, but I'd kind of like to see Taker/Punk end in a Hart/Austin kind of way where Taker has Punk beat but Punk never actually gives up.

Sheamus has for sure been better in the ring and out than Cena for the past two years or so. He has chemistry with everyone and while most of his matches end in a Bro Kick OUTTA NOWHERE, that's a lot less offensive than Cena eating 3 finishers and outside interference from 2 people only to pop up and hit the FU and jump around and laugh. Sheamus sells that he's been in a fight and always looks like it after every match. The only guy Cena has had good matches with for the past 3 years is Punk. Sheamus has had enjoyable and competitive matches with Show/Henry/ADR/Dolph/D-Bryne/Claudio/Wade/Cody/Sandow. Cena just eats them up and laughs.


Sheamus has for sure been better in the ring and out than Cena for the past two years or so. He has chemistry with everyone and while most of his matches end in a Bro Kick OUTTA NOWHERE, that's a lot less offensive than Cena eating 3 finishers and outside interference from 2 people only to pop up and hit the FU and jump around and laugh. Sheamus sells that he's been in a fight and always looks like it after every match. The only guy Cena has had good matches with for the past 3 years is Punk. Sheamus has had enjoyable and competitive matches with Show/Henry/ADR/Dolph/D-Bryne/Claudio/Wade/Cody/Sandow. Cena just eats them up and laughs.

Ugh. That time Cena ate all of Zigglers finishers (and Big E's lame one) and still won with a single FU was infuriating.


Ugh. That time Cena ate all of Zigglers finishers (and Big E's lame one) and still won with a single FU was infuriating.

Remember that this happened two weeks in a row. Ziggler managed to do his signatures and finishers 7 times with a Big E finisher and Case shot but Cena busted out of every single one of them. What a shit.

Cena's best match I've seen in a while is the match against Punk a few weeks back.

Sheamus has been in a lot of great matches. While the Bro Kick is annoying, it's seemed to lighten up the past couple of months. I haven't really seen him win off of that except in squash matches (3MB). People are now moving out of the way and getting out of the ring. I really like his matches against Barrett and Cesaro but the Shield matches have been great. I want Sheamus to get story lines and not be a Cena 2.0.
The only thing that could douse the flames of my hate for Cena just a bit is if he beats The Rock by cheating. Chair shot while a ref is down, feet on the ropes, holding the tights, something....


...he doesn't actually turn heel. He celebrates just like normal, and comes out on Raw the next night and delivers his typical promo. Then with his first TV match post-WM he starts to change his wrestling style a bit. He would still do his whole Cena shtick, but add a few heel tactics to it. Holding until the 4 count, winning by count outs, pulling hair, holding tights, cheating in general, etc. Anytime people would bring it up, he'd just play it off and cut a typical vanilla Cena promo. Babyface in promos, but a weasel in the ring. Basically he'd be playing a phony douchebag because he realized that cheating to win was WAY easier than fighting clean, and without that change he wouldn't have won THE BIG ONE. All of this would build for months until someone like Punk called out his hypocrisy with a scathing promo causing Cena to snap and come clean on why he's turned into a complete toolbox.

From there every Cena feud would be relatively fresh, and crowd reactions would be all over the place. Hell you could even do Rock/Cena III with an entirely new spin on it, or Cena/Punk again with both guys in completely different roles. And if Orton turned heel again, you could maybe get Cena/Orton one more time with both guys trying to out-heel and hurt each other, but Cena's putting all the blame on Orton.

Troll Cena. Troll Cena is the ONLY way to redeem the guy at this point.


Troll Cena is exactly how I'd like to see him go heel.

Do heelish things, but keep his stupidly annoying face persona (perhaps exaggerate it a little)


I almost want to say that Punk's "Best in the World!" gimmick he ran with the last half year would have maybe worked better with Troll Cena.

But that would imply that someone can do something better than Punk.
Troll Cena seems cool but I already consider him a troll.

No, the BOOKING of Cena is trolling, not the character. Completely different things. I want to see Cena himself become a troll, and not just with his stupid grin. I want him to actively troll wrestlers and the crowd in the ring while acting like everything's the same in promos. Releasing new merch that's WAY over the top with the "Hustle Loyalty Respect" stuff even though he's nowhere near following that mantra anymore.


No, the BOOKING of Cena is trolling, not the character. Completely different things. I want to see Cena himself become a troll, and not just with his stupid grin. I want him to actively troll wrestlers and the crowd in the ring while acting like everything's the same in promos. Releasing new merch that's WAY over the top with the "Hustle Loyalty Respect" stuff even though he's nowhere near following that mantra anymore.

Good point. His booking is godawful.


Hey guys what if Punk beats Undertaker with a Stone Cold Stunner which causes Austin to return to set up Punk vs Austin at WM30

ey ey ey?
Hey guys what if Punk beats Undertaker with a Stone Cold Stunner which causes Austin to return to set up Punk vs Austin at WM30

ey ey ey?

He can do that while still losing to Taker.
I actually thought he made a good face. I was sold after "Kevin Nash LOL thought he was dead".

He seemed like a tryhard during that whole phase. Plus it was clear that he was still being booked as a heel during the HHH feud. I was on Hunter's side the entire time.


He seemed like a tryhard during that whole phase. Plus it was clear that he was still being booked as a heel during the HHH feud. I was on Hunter's side the entire time.

Well making Punk a straight up face is a bad idea anyway. He works best when he's an Austin/Rock guy who acts like a heel but just attacks other heels.


I almost want to say that Punk's "Best in the World!" gimmick he ran with the last half year would have maybe worked better with Troll Cena.

But that would imply that someone can do something better than Punk.

plenty of people can do plenty of things better than Punk
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