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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Legit (shook) question - Punk's shenanigans late last night - was he actually booed severely, and has real heat? Or did people cheer him? Be honest. I don't want to watch a whitewashed highlight reel from WWE.
That's because you're a Punk hater.

I was actually hyped to see Punk return after that promo and match at MitB. You can go back to those threads and check my posts, I won't Amirox anything. But when HHH is the voice of reason in your feud, then something is off. Punk was acting like a straight-up heel.


So not worth it
Legit (shook) question - Punk's shenanigans late last night - was he actually booed severely, and has real heat? Or did people cheer him? Be honest. I don't want to watch a whitewashed highlight reel from WWE.
they were chanting his name.
Good point. His booking is godawful.

Troll Cena is the only way I'd find him interesting. Having him turn heel in a standard way would still be boring as hell. I want him to become MORE self aware, tell even MORE bad jokes, MORE over the top inspirational speeches, MORE random Warrior screaming and kissing babies, over the top underdog promos. Just Cena hamming it up on the mic and being an undercover asshole in the ring. Have Zack Ryder and whoever else confront him on his change while Cena acts like he has NO IDEA what anyone's talking about.

I've seen the light. Troll Cena is the only way.


So Mick Foely is being bumped from the TV airing of the Hall of fame in favor of Donald Trump.

im not the least bit surprised about this.
helped legitimize stars like The Rock and put his body at risks to create better matches

not as important as having a venue for the first few WMs..

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Do people still think Punk doesn't get treated well enough?

When has Undertaker EVER let someone look this good in the leadup? What other guy do they let pin Cena clean? What other guy do they let say whatever he wants to on the mic?


Troll Cena is the only way I'd find him interesting. Having him turn heel in a standard way would still be boring as hell. I want him to become MORE self aware, tell even MORE bad jokes, MORE over the top inspirational speeches, MORE random Warrior screaming and kissing babies, over the top underdog promos. Just Cena hamming it up on the mic and being an undercover asshole in the ring. Have Zack Ryder and whoever else confront him on his change while Cena acts like he has NO IDEA what anyone's talking about.

I've seen the light. Troll Cena is the only way.

Doesn't he do this with the fans half the time anyway? He usually ignores the boos, even if all you can hear is boos, and addresses everyone like they're all part of the Cenation.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Do people still think Punk doesn't get treated well enough?

When has Undertaker EVER let someone look this good in the leadup? What other guy do they let pin Cena clean? What other guy do they let say whatever he wants to on the mic?

Taker didn't like that he doesn't wear suits either, keep that in mind


Troll Cena is the only way I'd find him interesting. Having him turn heel in a standard way would still be boring as hell. I want him to become MORE self aware, tell even MORE bad jokes, MORE over the top inspirational speeches, MORE random Warrior screaming and kissing babies, over the top underdog promos. Just Cena hamming it up on the mic and being an undercover asshole in the ring. Have Zack Ryder and whoever else confront him on his change while Cena acts like he has NO IDEA what anyone's talking about.

I've seen the light. Troll Cena is the only way.

This this this! So much this.


Cheer for the guy who does video packages. He is nothing short of a miracle worker.

That person make's me cheer for HHH... even if they're shoved down my throat!

Troll Cena is the only way I'd find him interesting. Having him turn heel in a standard way would still be boring as hell. I want him to become MORE self aware, tell even MORE bad jokes, MORE over the top inspirational speeches, MORE random Warrior screaming and kissing babies, over the top underdog promos. Just Cena hamming it up on the mic and being an undercover asshole in the ring. Have Zack Ryder and whoever else confront him on his change while Cena acts like he has NO IDEA what anyone's talking about.

I've seen the light. Troll Cena is the only way.

I want Cena vs Batista to happen now.
Do people still think Punk doesn't get treated well enough?

When has Undertaker EVER let someone look this good in the leadup? What other guy do they let pin Cena clean? What other guy do they let say whatever he wants to on the mic?

Because he's not getting Cena-levels of camera and promo time and feuding with The Rock and didn't debut a new belt with sXe on it and he hasn't hand-crafted WWE ice cream bars and doesn't have all the belts and isn't tag champs with Daniel Bryan and etc


Because he's not getting Cena-levels of camera and promo time and feuding with The Rock and didn't debut a new belt with sXe on it and he hasn't hand-crafted WWE ice cream bars and doesn't have all the belts and isn't tag champs with Daniel Bryan and etc

I never thought of it this way, you bring up a good point Professor Beef. Punk is getting robbed!


Cena's best matches were with Angle,Guerrero and Edge. So basically we're done seeing good Cena matches...:(

I actually had a dream that Kurt Angle interrupted the Cena/Rock match at WM this weekend. Then the three feuded for awhile. But my dream used the shitty remix of Kurt Angles theme where it repeats at the start.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I turn my back to mess around with my new toy.. and the stream goes from Mania 18.. to 22?

Apparently it turned into a Wesley Snipes thread, I'm sorry. I'm doing the best I can to keep it up. What's your toy?


Because he's not getting Cena-levels of camera and promo time and feuding with The Rock and didn't debut a new belt with sXe on it and he hasn't hand-crafted WWE ice cream bars and doesn't have all the belts and isn't tag champs with Daniel Bryan and etc

To be fair

Punk's stuff usually played second fiddle to Cena's feud-of-the-month for damn near all of the time he was champ

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
To be fair

Punk's stuff usually played second fiddle to Cena's feud-of-the-month for damn near all of the time he was champ

Yeah. That casts a very big shadow over his 'historic' title reign. Shows you how much the title means, eh.
Doesn't he do this with the fans half the time anyway? He usually ignores the boos, even if all you can hear is boos, and addresses everyone like they're all part of the Cenation.

He doesn't though. They're playing Cena completely straight. Despite what some people may think, Cena isn't trolling at all. He ignores the boos because they tell him to cut normal babyface promos, and says bad jokes because Cena isn't funny. In my vision of things, he ignores any boos because in his mind THEY DON'T EXIST. Troll Cena cuts obscenely corny jokes to troll, Troll Cena wouldn't even pause for "Cena sucks" chants or acknowledge the split in the audience, Troll Cena keeps right on trucking with a wink and a nudge, Troll Cena quotes Abraham Lincoln before holding someone's tights to get a win, Troll Cena claims he's a role model for the Cenation before randomly killing Tyson Kidd because "He looked at me funny," Troll Cena does the Five Knuckle Shuffle AFTER a win on a downed opponent because he forgot to do it during the match, Troll Cena ties his sneakers while his partner desperately needs a tag then tags himself in after his partner does all the work, Troll Cena actively shills merch except not in a playful way like DX, etc.

Troll Cena™ is the only way to Cena.


I really wish Rock was full on Hollywood Rock for this feud. They blew through everything good before WM27 when Rock wasn't even wrestling. Hollywood Rock would definitely save Twice in a Lifetime.


To be fair

Punk's stuff usually played second fiddle to Cena's feud-of-the-month for damn near all of the time he was champ

Yeah, that bugged the crap out of me. And then when he finally wasn't overshadowed by Cena, his legitimacy as champ was getting ruined by having Shield constantly bail him out.


I was actually hyped to see Punk return after that promo and match at MitB. You can go back to those threads and check my posts, I won't Amirox anything. But when HHH is the voice of reason in your feud, then something is off. Punk was acting like a straight-up heel.

I missed the whole Amir0x debacle. What did he do?
Bearers skin looks too big for him there

I rink I'm the only person in the world that likes Big E's finisher

Its stupid but most moves don't look painful anyway

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I missed the whole Amir0x debacle. What did he do?

Short version - called people liars when they weren't, edited their posts with mod powers to turn them into liars. And...other stuff. A lot of other stuff.


I thought people called HIM a liar, he said he wasn't, then he went back to edit HIS own posts to make it seem like he wasn't a liar.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I thought people called HIM a liar, he said he wasn't, then he went back to edit HIS own posts to make it seem like he wasn't a liar.

I'm pretty confident in my memory that he altered other peoples' posts as part of it. Mighta been both!


Wade Barrett cannot catch a break.
In a perfect world he'd be selling hot dogs with Cesaro.
Troll Cena is the only way I'd find him interesting. Having him turn heel in a standard way would still be boring as hell. I want him to become MORE self aware, tell even MORE bad jokes, MORE over the top inspirational speeches, MORE random Warrior screaming and kissing babies, over the top underdog promos. Just Cena hamming it up on the mic and being an undercover asshole in the ring. Have Zack Ryder and whoever else confront him on his change while Cena acts like he has NO IDEA what anyone's talking about.

I've seen the light. Troll Cena is the only way.
I agree completely with you here and have been pushing this approach for Cena for a while now.
Commentary team has to sell it for that concept to work, though... and sadly they seem to have no interest in doing that.
Paul Bearer's sons are pissed about what WWE did on Raw, saying that what was pitched to them was not what happened:

Michael Moody said:
If anyone is wondering, yes WWE did come to us wanting approval for tonight's storyline. The way it was presented to us was ok. Seeing it on screen was a different story. I don't even know what to say.

Daniel Moody said:
Totally different.

Uh oh.
Do people still think Punk doesn't get treated well enough?

When has Undertaker EVER let someone look this good in the leadup? What other guy do they let pin Cena clean? What other guy do they let say whatever he wants to on the mic?

Did Punk ever beat Cena clean? Cos I really can't recall that.


So not worth it
Doesn't sound like it was different, just that they didn't expect it to be so real.

Don't think there's much to uh-oh about, storyline is over anyways.


Did Punk ever beat Cena clean? Cos I really can't recall that.

Well I think he was talking about Money in the Bank where Punk beat Cena in the cleanest way the WWE would allow him to beat Cena.

edit: The whole Undertaker shows that the attitude era and the olden days of wrestling wouldn't work today.



ECW on TNN 10/1/99

LATE BREAKING NEWS: Raven and Dreamer got into a fight in the locker room. Joel "Never before in Detroit Rock City has a man looked this pretty" Gertner and Joey Styles break the news that Mike Awesome will defend his title tonight. Joel's tag lines are getting lamer and lamer by the week.

Mike Awesome vs Rhino ECW Championship

The first title defense for the new champ. I used to be such a Rhino mark. And Rhyno. I think it was mostly from Paul E. screaming RHYYYNNNOOO and GORE GORE GORE. He was never the same after his neck surgery, but he was definitely one of my favorites during the Invasion. I think he pinned everyone besides Austin in a month span or so. Awesome hits a lariato and his walk up back elbow. He then dumps Rhino to the floor and does a dive where his head goes under the guard rail.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Back in the ring, Rhino gets out of a powerbomb and hits a spinebuster. He also does a diving headbutt, Benoit style. Big German suplex from the champ. Awesome Bomb through a table on the floor. Poor dudes. I hope Paul E. paid them extra for stupid bumps like that. Lol. Or just wrestling at all. Frog splash for the win. Title retained.

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A clip of Sunny plays and Joey wonders who put that in the show.

Big Sal vs Spike Dudley

Fucking again? This is either the 3rd or 4th time. Just so they can have a 2 minute or less match to get over the Giant Killer thing. They could at least have him beat other giants once in a while. In fact, this was shown as one move. They showed clips of Spike hitting the Acid Drop on dudes and came back mid Acid Drop. Little Guido hit the ring and now this is a handicap match. Or a singles match. I'm not sure. I have to be honest in saying I never cared for Spike. Not in ECW, not in WWE, not in TNA. I liked Spike and Molly, but that's about it. And getting murdered by Mike Awesome. Spike beats the FBI by himself with little issue.

Joey and Joel announce that Sunny will be making her ECW return next week. They then play a RVD hype video.

CW Anderson/Bill Whiles vs Doring/Roadkill

This is from Anarchy Rulz. Interesting to see Lita without implants. This isn't the kind of match that should be on a PPV anyway. I think it might have been a dark match, actually. I don't understand how Doring or Wild Bill got jobs in ECW. They're both pretty fucking awful. Roadkill won with a splash.

Tommy Dreamer vs Tajiri

Tommy is in street clothes because he came to fight. How can you tell the difference between street clothes and his wrestling gear? I'll tell you. His wrestling gear is a black shirt and black athletic pants. His street gear is a gray shirt and great athletic pants. Totally different things. One is for wrestling. The other is for fighting. Tajiri hits his hand spring elbow, but Tommy hits a slingshot splash. For a dude with a terrible back, he sure didn't seem to have a problem doing stuff like that. I think he tried a moonsault, but he got crotched. Tajiri went for the baseball slide, but Dreamer moved. Tommy then did one to Tajiri.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

A kick to the dome sends Tommy to the floor, but he gets back in the ring and puts Tajiri in the Tarantula. Dude has a Borked back, remember, yet he can do all of this stuff and goof off against a guy like Tajiri. Makes sense. They brawl into a penalty box. They get back to the ringside area where Tommy spits beer in Tajiri's face, mocking the mist. It's hard to believe that this guy is in such terrible shape that he shouldn't be walking, let alone wrestling, when he's spent most of the match on offense goofing off and mocking his opponent. Tommy hits the DVD, but Corino pulls the ref out. Corino and Francine get in a cat fight that ends with her hitting a pedigree. Raven comes in and DDTs Tommy. Tajiri hits a basement dropkick and pins Dreamer.

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I really don't understand anything with Dreamer on this show. At the start, they said Tommy was in a terrible mood because he and Raven got into a fight before the show started. Then he comes out to the ring in "street clothes" because he's there to fight, not wrestle. He also has 2 bulging discs and can barely walk. Despite all of that, he spent 80% of the match goofing off and trying shit like slingshot splashes and moonsaults. He also did a hanging sit up. And never once sold his back being in pain.
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