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Spider from Mars

tap that thorax

Should be a decent Divas match at ER, for once, assuming they get more than 6 minutes.


6 minutes? 4 tops


Ugh.... pretty terrible show tonight... if not for chatting it up with the dude next to me I would've been bored out of my mind. After it went off the air Cener hung out with the 3 wish kids and hobbled off without his shoe. Fandango came out with Summer for some more fandangoing and that was that...
I don't know, Reigns really does have a great look for a wrestler

But it's early days for him, like Batista in the early to mid 2000s, he's still in the learning stage, while Ambrose/Rollins have been wrestling since they were teenagers.

ohh shit i completely forgot his tattoo was smaller lol
for the new page

First Round of the WrassleGAF KoC2 Tourney

D-Lo Brown (beanman25) vs Ultimo Dragon (sf2fanatic)

D-Lo b. Ultimo Dragon @ 11:58 via Lo-Down with a match rating of 77%

British Bulldog (CrunchinJelly) vs Owen Hart (Mr. Luchador)
Owen Hart b. British Bulldog @ 17:35 via Spinning Heel Kick with a match rating of 91%

Steve Austin (BIONIC-ARRRMMM!!) vs Brodus Clay (HarryDemeanor)
Brodus Clay b. Steve Austin @ 16:00 via piledriver reversal into pin with a match rating of 82%

Kurt Angle (gurudyne) vs Genichiro Tenryu (Pristine_Condition)
Kurt Angle b. Genichiro Tenryu @ 14:54 via powerslam with a match rating of 85%

Second Round of the WrassleGAF KoC2 Tourney

Inoki (Perspicacity) vs D-Lo Brown (beanman25)
Inoki b. D-Lo Brown @ 16:32 via enzuigiri with a match rating of 86%

Disco Inferno (Sunflower) vs Mitsuharu Misawa (Mr. Sandman)
Mitsuharu Misawa b. Disco Inferno @ 13:14 via Emerald Frozion with a match rating of 90%

Updated brackets

Apologies if there is some background noise. I accidentally left the mic on.
I still say that Cena needed the win more than the Shield. They don't have a PPV match coming up, after all.
This new Professor Beef Personality Pack DLC is the worst.
Like I said, I've just finally faced the facts. Cena is the most decorated champion in wrestling history, and is legit the greatest wrestler in the world.

How is it that Ricardo's striking looks better than 90% of the rosters? This is what happens when you take strike battles out of wrestling. Everyone throws punches as bad as The Miz. They should send the whole damn roster down to Dory Funk's school so he can show them how to throw a right.

Like I said, I've just finally faced the facts. Cena is the most decorated champion in wrestling history, and is legit the greatest wrestler in the world.

I've just finally faced the facts. Cena is the most decorated champion in wrestling history, and is legit the greatest wrestler in the world.

I've just finally faced the facts. Cena is legit the greatest wrestler in the world.

Cena is legit the greatest wrestler in the world.

the greatest in the world.



NeoGAF's smiling token!
How is it that Ricardo's striking looks better than 90% of the rosters? This is what happens when you take strike battles out of wrestling. Everyone throws punches as bad as The Miz. They should send the whole damn roster down to Dory Funk's school so he can show them how to throw a right.
Excuse me? You must be forgetting that the Undertaker is the best pure striker in the WWE. If anyone should be teaching them the difference between a left jab and a right cross it should be Mark Calaway.
If you aren't in the WWE you don't exist.
If you aren't in the WWE you don't exist.
Duh. The WWE is the top wrestling company in the world. It's where every "indy darling" wants to go to whether they want to admit it or not, and they bring in the most money because they're mainstream. If other companies were as good or had a comparably quality roster, then you'd have an argument.

Cena is your wrestling god, IWC. It's best to face facts and welcome him with open arms, like me. After all, how many of you sat through all of Raw just to watch Cena's match, and watched Cena's segments and promos?
Wilful ignorance on the part of masochistic fans who watch and complain each week, yet never actively seek an alternative. Who gives a shit what they think? Not I.

In other news, Randy Orton has the best powerslam in the business. Also, would it kill Michael Cole to properly call a T-Bone Suplex?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Wilful ignorance on the part of masochistic fans who watch and complain each week, yet never actively seek an alternative. Who gives a shit what they think? Not I.
I'm just here for the diva aftershow. I have seen a couple of the NJPW matches you've posted before though, they were good.


I agree. His beard is gross now. He should have kept it at the length it was around late summer/early fall of last year. Now it is ratty and disgusting. Sandow should give him tips on how to trim a large beard.
Cena is your wrestling god

Current WWE is not that bad

NXT, Saturday Morning Slam, Superstars, Smackdown(the actual Smackdown section not the RAW recaps that take half the show) are great shows and I like most of the PPVs they always have at least 2 good matches.


RAW sucks most of the time though there are times where the show is decent. Anything with Cena though i can't stand, this Cena era has lasted way too long and it looks like its not gonna end anytime soon

EDIT: oh forgot Main Event too matches actually get time on this show.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
DBry is trying to shoot for mountain man, but he just looks like creepy nerd in his basement.

Jay has the best 'wild' beard.
Current WWE is not bad

NXT, Saturday Morning Slam, Superstars, Smackdown(the actual Smackdown section not the RAW recaps that take half the show) are great shows and I like most of the PPVs they always have at least 2 good matches.

RAW sucks most of the time though there are times where the show is decent. Anything with Cena though i can't stand, this Cena era has lasted way too long and it looks like its not gonna end anytime soon

Like I'm gonna track down NXT to watch wrestlers get used well before getting called up to get jobbed out. False hope
Like I'm gonna wake up on Saturday morning to watch babbys first wrasslin
Like I'm gonna find out when and where Superstars is shown
Like I'm gonna watch Seagull Pop: The Series

Ain't nobody got time for that. NJPW for real wrestling, Raw so I can appreciate NJPW even more, Impact for Bully Ray + the Aries/Roode/Daniels/Kaz/AJ angle, WrassleGAF gifs + recaps for everything else.
Drew McIntyre seems so uncomfortable in his current gimmick. Loved the look on Ambrose's face as 3MB interrupted them, half amusement, half "who the fuck are you guys?".

Also, if you're going for a 'wildman' beard and can't get it to Brody levels, just don't bother;

Like I'm gonna track down NXT to watch wrestlers get used well before getting called up to get jobbed out. False hope
Like I'm gonna wake up on Saturday morning to watch babbys first wrasslin
Like I'm gonna find out when and where Superstars is shown
Like I'm gonna watch Seagull Pop: The Series

Ain't nobody got time for that. NJPW for real wrestling, Raw so I can appreciate NJPW even more, Impact for Bully Ray + the Aries/Roode/Daniels/Kaz/AJ angle, WrassleGAF gifs + recaps for everything else.

Meh there is little effort to find or watch these shows. I don't watch them live. I would watch japanese wrestling but its too confusing for me to jump in and once there's a paywall im done.

LOL Impact you watch TNA or whatever its called now. I gave TNA too many chances and ill never watch it again regularly. Some of their blunders were entertaining to watch one of the highlights for me was that Sting vs Jeff Hady match where he was drugged out and stumbled through the match. The TNA Monday Night Wars . Also that one time that guy freaked out on here during a TNA PPV and committed account suicide. I don't care what storyline is going on or who it involves its gonna end STUPID. I can't believe that promotion is still alive or has no competition. But yeah fool me once....


Probably the most brutal brainbuster in WWE history. These Velocities are way better than ECW. The first episode had an almost 15 minute cruiserweight match between Kidman and Tajiri. And Hugh Morris as a jobber. And Jamie Noble in 10 minute matches.
Probably the most brutal brainbuster in WWE history. These Velocities are way better than ECW. The first episode had an almost 15 minute cruiserweight match between Kidman and Tajiri. And Hugh Morris as a jobber. And Jamie Noble in 10 minute matches.

Velocity was fucking awesome when it started.


I remember 2003 being the real golden age. The Spanky/Paul London/Akio/Bill DeMott Cruiserweight Kill period. Can't find a complete pack of them, though.
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