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Jay Briscoe is the NEW ROH World Champion

That's incredible! Totally unexpected! I'm cool with a shakeup in the title picture.

Sounds like I need to hunt down the Elgin/Lethal match from tonight. Actually, based on online reactions, it was a really good show overall. So happy to see ROH getting their shit together again.


Meanwhile in CZW, this this tag match between the Sumerian Death Squad and OI4K is awesome.

Wrestling fans win this weekend.

OI4K win with an assisted spike piledriver and will go on to face BLK-OUT.

Sami Callihan vs Brian Kendrick is next.



Jay Briscoe is the NEW ROH World Champion

It seems like everyone missed the end of the match who watched the ippv. Sucks for them because I read that
Steen kicked out at 2 supposedly. So don't know if that was a botch or intentional for storyline reason.


It seems like everyone missed the end of the match who watched the ippv. Sucks for them because I read that
Steen kicked out at 2 supposedly. So don't know if that was a botch or intentional for storyline reason.

Maybe the stream blackout was part of the angle? So the world wouldn't see ROH screw Steen.


Callihan is selling his leg injury that he forgot to sell in the Evolve main event.

This match is actually a good brawl....surprising from Kendrick.
There wasn't anything dodgy about the finish that I could see, except
Jay kicked out of the Package Piledriver while the locker-room stopped SCUM from rushing the ring, but Hardy broke through and tried to hit a Twist of Fate on Jay, however, Steen kicked him low and tossed him out of the ring! Jay then kicked Steen in the gut and hit the Jay Driller, but Steen kicked out at 2! Jay went for it again, but Steen locked in a crossface! Jay nearly tapped, but made it to the ropes, he caught Steen charging at him, hit a BIG release German, followed by a lariat and the Jay Driller to score the 3-count


Oh shit son.

It's about to get on. Panes of glass, barbed wire and did he say gusset plates?


Masada vs Jun Kasai is up as soon as they prepare the ring!

Well, that looks like a suitably insane set-up. MASADA's gotta take a few big bumps, right? I mean, it's Kasai. He's a legend.

Also, in regards to Grizzly Redwood, the LAW guys mentioned;

"Spoke to some people at ROH tonight – Grizzly Redwood is not at the show tonight but wouldn’t say that he was done – matter being reviewed"


ROH show was awesome, but they still could benefit greatly from shortening their shows by a half hour. Crowd gets fatigued by all the spots and no-selling.

The ass on Matt Taven's valet girl is fucking insane. I think I missed a good half of the TV Title Match because I was transfixed on the glory of dat booty.


Masada went for a powerbomb or something, but Kasai's bloody body slipped through his hands (it looked like a safe landing, but still a botch) and he got the win.

Christina Von Eerie assisted Masada in the victory and they appear to be alligned now.

Kasai is doing elbow drops on the chips of glass in the ring after the match.

Some insane spots in this one.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
how you gonna have a deathmatch without the most popular CZW SUPERSTAR



I don't even know if there is a card for this event.

This is what they have on the website:

On Friday, April 5th, the world's only LIVE MONSTER MAYHEM spectacular makes it's foray into the world of late night television. After being snubbed by that chowder-head David Letterman, the chaos will be brought to you LIVE at the stroke of midnight, and broadcast all over the entire world via iPPV. Beat that NBC!

Your host LOUDEN NOXIOUS is your host as we bring you the action with such Big Battel stars as







Stupid Minion Tricks

Plus Kaiju Grand Champion AMERICAN BEETLE


Will DR CUBE ruin the late night festivities and take home the Grand Championship? Tune in and find out.



ECW on TNN 12/10/99

We're shown clips of Sabu being held back from hitting the ring to attack RVD. RVD decides to dedicate his next match to Sabu. During the match (which was against Kamala!), RVD stupidly went to the Eagle's Next and got brained with a chair.

TO THE BACK. Fonzie starts to do a promo about what he's going to do with RVD and Sabu when Francine freaks out that Raven is banging his head against the wall. Tommy stops him and told him he did the right thing. Fuck Raisin. Whiny bitch.

We're shown clips of Corino getting laid out at a shitty concert. He's now in the ring with Joey and Joel. He rants on hardcore wrestling and hardcore music. Limp Bizkit are hardcore? Steve likes bands like NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, and Brittney Spears. This brings him around to shitting on Dusty Rhodes for starting hardcore wrestling. Dusty is there! Scratching his tits. Steve shit talks until Dusty comes to the ring. He has no respect for Dusty. Slap! Bionic Elbows for everyone!

via Imgflip GIF Generator

What the hell, they taped Hardcore TV and TNN at the same time? That's kind of weird. And then they showed all the highlights of the show before it will even air.

TO THE BACK. Justin Credible cuts a promo about his match with Sandman tonight. He's the master of the cane. Lance is going to sit this one out tonight I think.

Uganda vs Spike Dudley

Uganda is Kamala. I think. I can't tell if it is the real Kamala or not. Regardless, Spike wins in 20 seconds. Spike's gimmick as the giant killer is really dumb since he can beat 300 pound dudes in 20 seconds, but can't win a match against someone his own size.

2 Cold Scorpio vs Mike Awesome ECW Championship

TO THE BACK. RVD talks bout Sabu and how he's going to keep beating dat ass.

Scorpio is back from a tour of Japan. Man, Scorpio is a big dude. I don't think I realized how big he was to be flying around like he did. They're in a weird theater, so dives aren't really the same. The ring is right up against the stage. He does some anyway, but they're basically just standing moves. Scorp is in the crowd. Awesome runs and jumps over the guard rail. A number of chair shots with those big wooden kid. Scorpio does a backflip bump for a lariato, but actually lands on Awesome.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Superkick and a big splash, but Awesome kicks out. Moonsault. Mike turns a spin kick into a one armed powerbomb.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Jazz was about to get powerbombed when Scorp hit a cross body. Another super kick. Super Awesomebomb for the win.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Justin Credible vs The Sandman

Jason revealed before the match that he stole Sandman's cane. Just revealed he has a big dick. Sandman came out with a broom instead. Lol. He goes after Jason, but Justin hits a baseball slide. Were Jason and Justin brothers at some point? Sandman can't get his cane, so he gets a ladder instead. He doesn't bring it into the ring, he just climbs it on the stage and drinks. When it gets in the ring, Justin gets whipped into it. Hot shot into the ladder. Slingshot leg drop on the ladder. Sandman gets a table into the ring with quite a bit of effort. Justin locks on a sleeper, when Rhino shows up and GORES both men through a table.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Lance comes in and hits a dropkick into a chair. Justin makes the pin. Tommy comes out for a save. CAT FIGHT! Rhino is back out and is going to piledrive that YAK, but Dreamer stops him. Lance hits another chair dropkick, this time on Tommy.

TO THE BACK. Tommy asks why Raven wasn't out there to help. Raven says he's only going to help Tommy, but not Sandman.


Straight up, nothing I've seen in about 4 months of ECW has come near the honest enjoyment I got out of Positively Kanyon. Nothing has come even close so far.


WWNLive fucked up the Kaiju Big Battel broadcast. Multiple super hot mics, constant freezing and lag on the stream

WTF is up with this shit. RF Video ran a perfect stream for CZW in the same building? WTF?

Edit: They've finally fixed the mic issues, about 40 minutes into the iPPV...and it's not freezing anymore but come on guys, you have to get your act together.


Is Shine a good way to dip my toe in if I haven't watched much women's wrestling? Or should I watch the upcoming Shimmer event?
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