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Gotta love Reed's double powerslam;



Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Bring back MVP and give him the Big Gold Belt or the Dubya Belt and I will go back to watching regularly.

I wouldn't mind any of the four returning to help put over new talent. I know Dreamer would be willing; not so sure about MVP or RVD. Rhodes, Barrett, Cesaro, and the like could use a nice bump in the card from the likes of RVD.
Today is a brighter day. The Scene is broken up, and a thick layer of grease has been rinsed from Dragon Gate.

And Davis is staring daggers through MechaShiva (at least, I think that's him)

Wait, Trent? Trent who?


Not watching DGUSA, but hoping for a good show. <3 Dragon Gate.

Glad that the ROH show last night was quite good based on Internet reaction. Sounds like at least 3 matches were worth checking out. (Elgin/Lethal, Wolves tag match, Steen/Briscoe)

Why do people dislike Lethal? From what I've seen of him in the ring, he's pretty talented.


Why do people dislike Lethal? From what I've seen of him in the ring, he's pretty talented.

His finisher is absolutely stupid even by indy standards, but really, its that for the longest time he was the blandest of bland indy guys and when he was booked as angry, serious wrestler, not a single person believed it
Why do people dislike Lethal? From what I've seen of him in the ring, he's pretty talented.

He's fine in the ring, his match with Elgin last night was excellent, but his character has been really poor in ROH. The build to him vs Steen was pretty unbearable, imo, but a lot of that was on Cornette's booking and the way Lethal was playing his character.


Looking at some HHH pics on Twitter from the HOF ceremony...he's looking pretty rough these days. Age will do that, I guess. Those forehead lines...man.


His finisher is absolutely stupid even by indy standards, but really, its that for the longest time he was the blandest of bland indy guys and when he was booked as angry, serious wrestler, not a single person believed it

He's fine in the ring, his match with Elgin last night was excellent, but his character has been really poor in ROH. The build to him vs Steen was pretty unbearable, imo, but a lot of that was on Cornette's booking and the way Lethal was playing his character.

Fair enough. From what I've seen, his acting isn't the greatest. However, as an in-ring performer, he seems very solid and entertaining. He could be a good baby face if he would just take a few acting classes.
I wouldn't mind any of the four returning to help put over new talent. I know Dreamer would be willing; not so sure about MVP or RVD. Rhodes, Barrett, Cesaro, and the like could use a nice bump in the card from the likes of RVD.

MVP left because Vince kept telling him to dumb down his warcrate, but he still left on good terms thanks to Johnny Ace.
No, he's mostly working DTU (kind of like the CZW of Mexico, in the good and the bad) where he's holding or was holding their jr hw belt. He also wrestles for IWRG, the biggest indy in mexico

Oh, hes japones del mal tee reminded me of perros del mal.

the guard rail is going to fuck someone tonight.
what a long ass week it has been, oh well made the wait for mania that much easier.

Had to have a tech come in and look at our printers this week. I did a triple take when I saw his name on the the report slip

Chris Benoit
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