Oh, hes japones del mal tee reminded me of perros del mal.
the guard rail is going to fuck someone tonight.
Now it is time for Akira Tozawa vs. Ricochet.
This will be awesome.
I want to see more of her butt
is that wrong
Are you there live, Sandman?
Tozawa needs to be the next DG USA champion.
please tell me this is on youtubeSome New Japan gifs, definitely check out KES vs Nakamura & Ishii and the Devitt vs Alex Shelley match - Shelley is such an underrated technical wrestler. Would love for him to be able to show that style off more often.
Huge suicide dive from Shelley;
Devitt kicks Shelley's face off with a big dropkick on the floor;
Awesome backdrop driver to Tomohiro Ishii from Davey Boy Jr;
Ishii escapes the clutches of Davey Boy Jr, only to run into Lance Archer and the Killer Bomb!
Amen to that.
Best match of the weekend so far.
Sounds like Bob Backlund is giving his speech as his heel character in the WWE.
It's 10:35 and Bruno hasn't even started yet? This might go past midnight
It's 10:35 and Bruno hasn't even started yet? This might go past midnight