ECW on TNN 12/17/99
Joel "The ladies love me in Virginia, because I'm always so smooth up in ya" Gertner and Joey do a show run down. Rhino/Skip vs Impact Players for the number one contendership.
TO THE BACK. Impact Players are looking through Skip and Rhino. I feel like Justin was just something that Paul wanted to prove to himself that he could take any WWF jobber and make him a "star". Not that he was bad, but he certainly wasn't a company leading heel by any means. But really, ECW was always just as bad as TNA about picking up former WWF/WCW talent as soon as they became available. The main difference being that they usually didn't stick around too long and were mostly used to put someone over. But still. DeVito-WWF jobber. Justin Credible-WWF jobber. PN News-WCW jobber. Raven-WWF manager, WCW jobber. RVD-WCW jobber. So on and so on.
TO THE BACK. Chris Chetti tells Nova he's ready to come back tonight. Nova won't let him. He's going to team up with Kid Kash instead. Kid Kash reminds me of Snoop from The Wire. Chetti accuses Kash of looking at his ass. Wat.
New Jack vs Tony DeVito
Oh look, another released WWF dude is now in Da Baldies. PN News is gone and replaced with Grimes with no explanation. I guess they just figured one huge fat white guy is the same as another. Your normal New Jack weapons display. Jack wins with a top rope guitar shot. He pulls a fork out and is about to get stabby, but the other Baldies attack. They staple Jack's ear. After the break, they're still in the ring and calling anyone out. This brings out Mike Awesome!
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Mike Awesome vs Vic Grimes ECW Championship
I can't tell if Awesome is a face or heel or if it even matters. Grimes does a top rope lariato. German suplex to Grimes! That fat fuck. Jesus. Get control of yourself. I never understood how dudes in a profession that is highly active and requires you to work out could be so fat and out of shape. Tope from Awesome. Grimes tries to do a dropkick against the railing, misses, and his head CRACKS off the floor.
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It was gross. Awesome Bomb off the apron! To a 400 pound dude.
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Judge Jeff shit talks after the match, which brings out Spike. Acid Drop! Spike Dudley: Lays out Mike Awesome with one move, can't beat Little Guido.
TO THE BACK. Danny Doring is cutting a promo in the shower. With the disgusting Elektra. What kind of asshole wears sunglasses and a chain into the shower? Danny pulled back the wrong curtain, so we got to see that Roadkill showers with his hat and suspenders on. Francine comes in to take a shower, but leaves claiming she didn't see anything. Elektra threatened to cut Doring's dick off.
Joel then showed up in a towel in the booth with Joey.
Dave Marquez vs Super Calo (!) vs Ikuto Hidaka
Super Calo! Freshly released from WCW. Marquez is wearing what I would describe as a full body version of Zack Ryder's old half tights. It's a body suit with one leg and one arm missing. This is a huge mismatch of styles. There isn't a singles match up in here that would work. Sabu comes out with his crutch and beats them all up. Good, because this was sucking. He puts all 3 through a table at the same time. He can barely walk, but he can run, jump off a chair, balance himself on a rope, and then jump off the rope.
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Impact Players vs Rhino/Chris Candido Number One Contenders Match
Match starts with Justin and Rhino. It doesn't work out well for poor Aldo. Lance and Skip get in the ring and Skip gets the better of Lance right away. New Jersey Jam! Justin hits a big superkick on Skip. 1996 WWF represent! Skip DDTs Aldo on a chair. Rhino comes in and Rhino Press Slams Justin, Warrior style. Big spinebuster to Lance, but Skip was right in the way of the camera, ruining the shot. You know what else ruins shots? The hard cam being so low that it looks like 5 rows of MST3K are watching the show. Lance jumps to the top in one bound and hits a back elbow.
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YAK FIGHT! Justin hits Skip with the cane, then Rhino accidentally GORES Skip.
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Justin makes the pin. They're face Dreamer/Raven at Guilty as Charged. Sandman comes out. They all leave Jason, who gets caned repeatedly. Justin comes up from behind and hits Sandman a few times. Lance accidentally gets hit. White Russian Leg Sweep to Justin. Rhino shows up and GORES Sandman through a table.
TO THE BACK. Raven is being a whiny pussy again. Francine really understands what Raisin is going through.
A list of WWF/WCW guys on this show: Justin Credible, Raven, Chris Candido, Tony DeVito, Super Calo, Vic Grimes.