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Thats cool Rock took his ball and went home.

Time for Cena to shine! (this is going to be a long two weeks).
i didnt watch it. but, was there really alot of booing during the main event? i want to hear some audio.

'Boring' chant during the Main Event at Wrestlemania. People who claim to be there live saying that there were boos all the way through the Cena/Rock 'respect' moment, which we didn't hear on TV.

30 for 30s are really good, no matter the subject, I get sucked in. Wild because different directors and different stories! They have a high bar of quality. Would love to see one on wrestling.

The Real Rocky one was good, as was the one on Matt Hoffman. Catcher's Hell was just scary, that poor bloke!!


I'll give props to Dwayne for being so disgusted with the product that he cut and run.
Any self-respecting fan should follow his lead.

It's the fact that Dwayne DOESN'T need the money that he left. If he needed the money, he would have simply pretended he had no pride or soul like the other 50+ year old rejects that continue to hang around and gone through the motions so he could get another "part-time payday check" vs. Brock next year.

Dwayne is better than the travelling Cena sideshow circus. So is CM Punk... that's why he's leaving too.


Maybe Rocky realized the end to WM was as lame as everyone else thought it was.

Also, Brock coming out and wrecking a guy from the main event to set up a future match? Doesn't this sound awfully familiar to last year?


i didnt watch it. but, was there really alot of booing during the main event? i want to hear some audio.

I went to Mania. Cena was booed, Boring chants broke out during the match, there was a bit of a pop when Cena won (and an apathetic reaction from the rest of the crowd) because surprisingly there were a decent amount of adult male Cena marks (a few were right in front of me, ugh) and then a chorus of boos as Cena saluted the Rock and Rock held his hand high. Just a terrible reaction, really should have closed the show with Punk/Taker.


I have no self-respect! What Raiders fan could?
Hey, I'm a Bills fan. I'm right there with you.

Although it should tell you something that I will gladly delude myself as a fan of a go nowhere, do nothing team like the Buffalo Bills and actually WATCH their games (while hoping they lose) yet have lost all shred of desire to watch the WWE product on a weekly basis.


I went to Mania. Cena was booed, Boring chants broke out during the match, there was a bit of a pop when Cena won (and an apathetic reaction from the rest of the crowd) because surprisingly there were a decent amount of adult male Cena marks (a few were right in front of me, ugh) and then a chorus of boos as Cena saluted the Rock and Rock held his hand high. Just a terrible reaction, really should have closed the show with Punk/Taker.

But the major built up match for the show wasn't Punk/Taker. They didn't build that for over a year.


i thought it was somewhat ridiculous to set up a Wrestlemania match a year in advance when they did it last year. none of the Kane embrace the hate stuff, or Zack Ryder changing the tire stuff mattered because it is already predicted to be dumped with Wrestlmania around the corner.


it's probably best Rock bailed out, maybe now they realize they should push people who genuinely love the business like Punk, Bryan, Cesaro, etc. and not rely on bums that are only in it for the payday and put in -100% effort

also, lol @ redoing an entire show because a part timer left.
Why would you blame guys like The Rock for them not giving Cesaro a match? Dude was jobbing to Ryback and Miz the past two months. Bryan has been stuck in the dead tag division role and having solo matches that were usually losses and that wasn't changing with or without Rock. Punk had one of the biggest pushes in the longest time, and he's somehow in a worse spot because of The Rock.

I am curious where they look now for future WWE title contenders with guys like Undertaker, The Rock, Triple H, Jericho, and, for the time being, Lesnar out of the picture. Somebody will be shoehorned into something and it'll be as awful as ever. Don't blame the Legends on the WWE's ineptitude and terrible booking with the midcard and main event scene.

I think the issue is, no one was really hyped for Rock/Cena the first time around.
Ask the fans in Miami that went to see the Rock's return.


But the major built up match for the show wasn't Punk/Taker. They didn't build that for over a year.

Common sense should just say that Taker should go last at this point. His matches have been pretty much the best matches of the last five WrestleManias and the crowds are usually dead after his matches.


I saw GI Joe 2 today. It was probably better than WM even though I didn't watch WM.

Why do they insist on scheduling all of these main events a year in advance? I don't want to see that Brock vs Rock. I want to see something new and interesting a month away from WM.


Why can't Wrestlemania be about building new stars and how much getting a shot at the belt on the biggest stage of them all means to said new stars?


I saw GI Joe 2 today. It was probably better than WM even though I didn't watch WM.

Why do they insist on scheduling all of these main events a year in advance? I don't want to see that Brock vs Rock. I want to see something new and interesting a month away from WM.

Pretty much this. WrestleMania main events should be booked when Royal Rumble wraps up, not 24 hours after the last WrestleMania.


From a fan report last night:

"- Cena was booed out of the building by the hardcore crowd. Loudest boos of the night. Rock came out to a great pop. One note that I don't think was caught on the broadcast. When Cena threw his hat for the first time someone threw it back, and when Cena threw it a second time he asked the man who caught it to not throw it back. Funny. This match was very good live, but the amount of finishers used took everyone out of it. Cena's win was met with boos, as was the hug. Once we saw Rock having a swan-song moment, we cheered him. Overall, anything involving Cena was met with enormous boos."
Taker-Punk really does show how shitty Cena Rock was. Both had predictable outcomes but one got there in an entertaining fashon and put on a good match, The other was a steaming pile of shit.

I agree. The Punk vs Cena match was pretty shitty compared to all the rest holds The Great One showcased last night.
The Rock v The Zombie!



TNA will win by default. I keep saying this. Nobody hears it.

the last time i watched TNA, i think Hogan and Ric Flair were slapping each others naked chests all bloody. I heard rumors of Joker Sting being awesome, but I dont know what came of that.


From a fan report last night:

"- Cena was booed out of the building by the hardcore crowd. Loudest boos of the night. Rock came out to a great pop. One note that I don't think was caught on the broadcast. When Cena threw his hat for the first time someone threw it back, and when Cena threw it a second time he asked the man who caught it to not throw it back. Funny. This match was very good live, but the amount of finishers used took everyone out of it. Cena's win was met with boos, as was the hug. Once we saw Rock having a swan-song moment, we cheered him. Overall, anything involving Cena was met with enormous boos."

I had a feeling something happened with the hat throw when they conveniently cut away from Cena after the hat throw and it took him a while to do his normal shirt-toss.

WWE was trying pretty hard to cover up how much Cena wasn't cheered.


Gambling is terrible. Now I have to look at all these Cena avatars. It wasn't gambling anyway, who even thought there was like a .5% chance Cena would turn heel?


Why can't Wrestlemania be about building new stars and how much getting a shot at the belt on the biggest stage of them all means to said new stars?
Because Vince is lazy.
Because Vince doesn't want to have to book a big WrestleMania main event because it's easier if one is already set in stone.
Because Vince doesn't want to put anyone new over that could threaten or jeopardize Cena's spot.
Because Vince doesn't want the talent getting over on their own and getting a big head and potentially asking for more money that could instead go to bringing back nostalgia acts.
Because Vince is a genius and he knows what we want better than we do, damn it.


Common sense should just say that Taker should go last at this point. His matches have been pretty much the best matches of the last five WrestleManias and the crowds are usually dead after his matches.
His last "bad" match was with Henry in 2006. Just wasn't working out. But I do agree, he almost always has these impact, memorable WM matches no matter who he's facing.


I had a feeling something happened with the hat throw when they conveniently cut away from Cena after the hat throw and it took him a while to do his normal shirt-toss.

WWE was trying pretty hard to cover up how much Cena wasn't cheered.

I do remember Cena talking to a guy asking him not to throw his hat back being caught on camera last night. I thought it was funny.


I don't remember if this was mentioned here or in the WM thread, but I do like how Undertaker has effectively turned into the RPG Super Boss of WrestleMania

I do remember Cena talking to a guy asking him not to throw his hat back being caught on camera last night. I thought it was funny.

Yeah, the broadcast caught that part.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Gambling is terrible. Now I have to look at all these Cena avatars. It wasn't gambling anyway, who even thought there was like a .5% chance Cena would turn heel?

People bet on hope. Hope has failed them.


I'll admit. When Cena turned to the crowd at the beginning of the match, actually recognizing the boos, then when he mocked the People's Elbow, there was a part of me that really thought maybe he was going heel.

But then I remembered that thats just how Cena trolls.


formerly cjelly
I hope last night convinced the Rock that he's above this shit. He doesn't need WWE. Especially to put over fucking Cena. He's better than that and if he did get on a plane and leave then good on him.


Here is an interesting thing for everything to think about.

When The Undertaker finally retires, Wrestlemania will be just another PPV. The show has lost a bit of steam since HBK retired and when Undertaker finally goes, they will have no one to give that Wrestlemania performance people expect.


I'll admit. When Cena turned to the crowd at the beginning of the match, actually recognizing the boos, then when he mocked the People's Elbow, there was a part of me that really thought maybe he was going heel.

But then I remembered that thats just how Cena trolls.

Yeah, a couple of people I was with yesterday all legitimately thought the heel turn might be happening with that Cenation Elbow.
I'll admit. When Cena turned to the crowd at the beginning of the match, actually recognizing the boos, then when he mocked the People's Elbow, there was a part of me that really thought maybe he was going heel.

But then I remembered that thats just how Cena trolls.

Yes! I forgot all about this, but that was my feeling too.

"Oh, maybe he is going heel..."


Here is an interesting thing for everything to think about.

When The Undertaker finally retires, Wrestlemania will be just another PPV. The show has lost a bit of steam since HBK retired and when Undertaker finally goes, they will have no one to give that Wrestlemania performance people expect.

I would like to think Cesaro or Barrett could give a great performance but they aren't going to get that chance!
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