They totally fucked themselves then. They should've booked some of these newer guys into great matches a few years ago. It would've been an effective way to showcase their ability while we still had matches that included The Rock, Edge, Undertaker and so on. It will be weird once Undertaker is gone but that's totally Vince and co.'s own fault because they failed to give these newer guys a chance. I would've liked Dbry, Cesaro, Sandow, Barrett, Ziggler, Punk, Sheamus (etc) booked in matches against each other with a great storyline. Or I would've liked to see them challenge one of The Rock, Jericho, Undertaker, Brock, and/or HHH so they can at least be put over. These horrible old timer matches are boring. It was cool back then but none of this crap means anything now since half of them are only on Raw three times a year.