Continuing my ECW Hardcore TV re-watch...
ECW - Hardcore TV, Episode #002 - April 12th, 1993
We kick off with Jay Sulli & Stevie Wonderful at ringside hyping up the TV Title Tournament. Wonderful introduces the guest commentator, it's 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert. Jay Sulli interrupts and says he isn't the real guest commentator and we get a clip of Terry Funk in Quantum Leap. This is the same angle they opened the first show with. Huh? Funk comes out and says he doesn't care for Gilbert or his perrier water and pours it down Gilbert's shirt, who runs to the back screaming "It's ruined!". Funk throws it to the commercials and we're back with...
Johnny Hotbody vs Glen Osbourne - TV Title Tournament, Round 1 Match
Hotbody, "weighing 300 pounds, including his ego", jaws with the fans while we wait for 'The Beast' Glen Osbourne, who looks like he's in an 80's trash metal band. Osbourne left ECW later this year, despite being pushed pretty heavily. They start things off and Osbourne easily gets the better of Hotbody, hitting some nice short-arm lariats before taking Johnny to the mat with a headlock takedown. Osbourne charges, but Hotbody trips him up and he goes head-first into the top turnbuckle. Hotbody whips him into the ropes and hits a vertical suplex for 2. He grabs a headlock, but Osbourne powers out and pushes Hotbody into the ropes, who responds with a knee to the gut. He picks Osbourne up and charges him into the turnbuckle before hitting a nice German suplex! That was almost like a Chaos Theory. He gets a 2 count and throws Osbourne to the floor, hitting a suplex on the concrete and a flying forearm off the apron! He rolls Osbourne back in and locks in a sleeper. Osbourne fights out and whips Johnny into the corner, he bounces out and goes for a lariat, but Osbourne ducks and Hotbody nails the referee! He kicks Osbourne low and hits a piledriver, but the ref is still out of it, so he places Osbourne up top and goes for a superplex, however, Tommy Cairo comes down to the ring and pulls Hotbody to the mat! Osbourne hits a pathetic splash, the ref revives and counts the 3. Glen Osbourne advances. Pretty good match in all honesty, lame finish.
Larry Winters & Tony Stetson vs Samoan Warrior & Chris Michaels
Tag action next as the no.1 contenders Winters & Stetson take on some jobbers. Winters & Stetson don't have a team name, so I shall dub them 'The Mullet Squad'. Winters & Michaels start off. Michaels uses some cheap heel tactics to gain temporary control, but Winters hits some big armdrags before tagging in Stetson. Winters hits Michaels in the gut and Stetson comes off the ropes, going for a swinging neckbreaker, but Michaels falls backwards away from him, obviously expecting an etirely different move, lol. Stetson hits a gutwrench slam and throws him over the ropes, but Michaels tries to skin the cat and barely manages it. Wonderful puts it over as a "great maneuver", but Stetson hits a clothesline sending him to the floor. Stetson tags in Winters and they hit a double vertical suplex. Making quick tags they really work over Michaels, until he counters an Irish whip on Stetson and the Samoan Warrior knees him in the back. The warrior tags in and Stetson tries to ram his head into the mat but, of course, the Samoan has an incredibly thick skull. He throws Stetson into the corner and hits a lariat, but when he goes to follow up with another Stetson avoids it and the Warrior does a hilarious oversell. Winters tags in and hits a nice side-body drop on the Warrior before clotheslining him to the floor. He grabs Michaels and drags him into the ring, kicking him in the gut before picking him up so Stetson can hit an assisted leg-drop off the top rope and Winters can score the pin. Nothing special, nice finish though, despite the fact that the Samoan Warrior never tagged out.
Funk interviews the winners post-match, but Hunter D. Robins the 3rd interrupts and The Super Destroyers jump Winters & Stetson and they brawl to the back!
We get a short commercial with Johnny Hotbody letting everyone know that you can host an ECW event! "Call this number and Johnny Hotbody and the whole ECW will be in your town, whether you want us there, or not!"
The Sandman (c) vs The Kodiak Bear - ECW Heavyweight Title Match
Funk interviews The Sandman. He sounds so coherent, I'm not used to this. We also get the same video package played last week. In the ring, The Kodiak Bear waits to job. Kodiak Bear tries to run for Sandman, despite being the larger of the two. They finally lock up and Sandman forces him into a corner, but gives a clean break. Sandman gets a quick roll-up for 2 and Kodiak rolls to the outside, frustrated. He tries to work the Sandman's arm, but the champ reverses and wrenches on a wrist lock. Kodiak rolls them into the ropes and then tries to choke Sandman. He throws him into the corner and hits a splash, before Irish whipping him to the other corner. Sandman avoids the 2nd splash attempt and hits a lariat to the back of the head, the 'Hang 10' drop-kick off the top rope, a poor springboard crossbody and then locks in the Sandman Sleeper to force Kodiak to tap. Meh.
'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert vs J.T. Smith - TV Title Tournament, Round 1 Match
The final match of round 1 here, as booker Eddie Gilbert takes on J.T. Smith. Gilbert goes straight at it, throwing big punches at Smith, who tries to fight back but is thrown to the floor. Gilbert picks up a chair and hits Smith hard across the back, getting big boos from the crowd! He runs Smith all the way to the arena wall and slams his head into the concrete, before grabing the ring bell and hitting Smith with it. Gilbert celebrates, but Smith's not out of it yet and fires back with some big punches! Gilbert runs back in the ring and begs off when Smith approaches, only to eat a short-arm clothesline out of the corner. J.T. Smith hits a nice fall-away suplex before going up to the top, but he takes too long and Gilbert avoids the moonsault! Gilbert hits him with a series of lariats and then a nice one-armed snapmare, before dropping the elbow, but Smith avoids it and whips Gilbert into the ropes. He floats over and Smith goes to suplex him back in the ring, but in mid-air Gilbert pulls some brass knuckles from his tights and hits Smith right between the eyes, landing on him and getting the 3-count to advance! Gilbert played the heel role really well here and they did a good job of getting Smith over.
'Ironman' Tommy Cairo vs Super Ninja
We join this one in progress as the Super Ninja rakes Cairo's eyes before hitting an Irish whip into the corner and...raking Cairo's eyes. He hits a few chops and another Irish whip before trying for something that just results in Cairo dunking him on his head. Tommy covers him for the 3-count, but before the ref can finish counting Johnny Hotbody hits the ring and starts brawling with Cairo, who wins via DQ.
Terry Funk & Todd Gordon put over the semi-finals of the TV Title Tournament, next week on Hardcore TV and that's a wrap. Fun episode. I actually enjoyed Gilbert vs Smith and Hotbody vs Osbourne a lot more than I was expecting.