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A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
John Laurenaitis, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, RVD, and Carleton all return to form a new faction of IDK some mid carders + John Laurenaitis.


Shelton's mom is the only time Shelton has ever been interesting. Shelton's mom was more entertaining than the majority of the schlock WWE currently puts out.
Look how happy Shelton is...

Yeah a whole slew of em hit US Netflix a month or two ago. Highly recommend the one "Broke" - it's about athletes losing allll their money.

+1 on this. Broke is excellent. I don't know if this was first or second season but you should also watch Pony Excess. It was fascinating how little of fucks were given in the quest for a national championship


I know they'd never do it, but it'd be pretty awesome if the crowd just walked out once Cena has his segment.
It should happen. Real fans that respect this business would walk out.
(Unfortunately, most of those fans have already left.)


It should happen. Real fans that respect this business would walk out.
(Unfortunately, most of those fans have already left.)

Most fans that go to WWE shows these days don't respect the business. They're there to see Cena, Sheamus and Ryback.


pwinsider said:
Since we've had a lot of people who have asked, CM Punk's leg is really banged up from Wrestlemania, but he's scheduled for Raw and is backstage at TV.


pwinsider said:
One source close to The Rock is saying that the reason he is not at tonight's Raw is that he told people that he was hurt in last night's match against John Cena and he is going to get it looked at. It's a story making the rounds, take it as such. None of the workers we spoke has heard it. More as we hear it.



Update from Dave:

The latest report I'm getting from WWE creative backstage at Raw tonight: The Rock watched a replay of his slingshot into the corner at WrestleMania last night and cringed so hard that he strained his neck.


ok, besides Cena winning.............. what are the rest of the outcomes of WM??

Miz won the IC title from Barrett in the pre-show

The Shield beat Big Show, Sheamus and Orton when Show refused to help Orton after Orton "stole" a tag-in opportunity from him.

Henry vs Ryback was fucking terrible. Henry won, but Ryback managed to get Henry up for a Shellshock after the match.

Team Hell No retained the titles, beating Ziggles and Big E. Langston looked strong as a mofo, and Bryan got to stand in the middle of the ring and chant YES! along with the crowd.

Del Rio retained against Swagger. No MITB cash-in.

Punk vs Taker was fucking great. Taker won. Easily the best match of the night. By FAR.

HHH beat Brock Lesnar.

The 8-man mixed tag match was canceled for time.

They showed like four or five promos for the Rock/Cena match during the show, and Diddy "performed".


The only thing better than Taker losing the streak to Cena would be for him to lose it to Triple H on Attempt #4.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
FYI last night John Pollock and Wai Ting from the LAW were seated near some of Rock's family in the audience, they mentioned that this was his last match due to his schedule being too hectic and that it was just too much for him. Take that as you will.
Ryback losing was the dumbest thing because I don't even understand the logic. I understand HHH winning, he's an asshole and he's been the losing babyface in the feud. Why did Ryback lose?


Unconfirmed Member
Whooooole lot of Lil Jimmies in the crowd tonight. And I'm sitting next to a mom with a little kid and teenage girl both decked out in Cena garb, complete with foam hand.

I'm 6th row on the floor right behind commentary.
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