It really doesn't matter at all.Sounds like you're saying it doesn't actually matter if he has a first name or not, which is probably the same thought Vince had. The chants will be the same no matter what.
Rusev used to be Alexander Rusev.
Alexander Rusev
Antonio Cesaro
Adriane Neville
Oh my god, it is all guys whose names start with an A.
it's not too late to make him "Riley"
it's not too late to make him "Riley"
Kane and Diesel are nicknames though. As is The Rock. I'm talking strictly about about people with names and WWE just taking half of it away because uh... marketing?
Why stop there? Call him "Endeavored."
Notable single name wrestlers:
Does "The Undertaker" count?
Yokozuna, although that's a title and not his actual name I guess.
The Rock
The miz
The undertaker
The Undertaker used to be Kane the Undertaker
Remember when they changed Val Venis' name to just "Big Valbowski"?
He's still Rob Van Dam I think.Is RVD still Rob Van Dam or is his actual name RVD now
Look at this dope artwork of Jun Kasai and son
Much better than midnight material.
That sounds awesome
They all had first names too.
David Batista
Jerry Kane
Courtney Diesel
Jack Undertaker
Dominic Yokozuna
Gregario Rock
Franklin Miz
Billy Gun -> Mr. Ass -> Billy
Rocker Dropper -> Fame-Asser -> ? Did he ever rename his finish?
People are forgetting Christian in this name discussion. Can't say I blame anyone, since it's Christian, after all.
People are forgetting Christian in this name discussion. Can't say I blame anyone, since it's Christian, after all.
Diesel was his name actually. Kevin Nash went unnamed in his first few appearances.
I'll admit to not being too keen on Roman Reigns at first, but those few weeks after the Rumble where they dropped the cheesy crap and seemed to just let him be, he won me over. I'm a fan of that cocky confident facial expression Reigns, signing autographs during matches, etc. It was really fun to watch. Even him smiling and enjoying getting destroyed was fantastic from a character point of view.
This is the true story... of three black guys... picked to be in a together and get jobbed out... to find out what happens... when people stop being polite... and start getting real...The New Day.
I watched some more ECW One Night Stand last night. I was expecting far worse commentary during the Awesome/Tanaka match. Styles lashed out for a minute at the beginning and maybe once more during the match, but I was expecting him to bad-mouth Awesome all match. Meh.
Anyway, that match was crazy and great. Don't get me wrong -- I don't think there's any place for that kind of match in 2015 and beyond, but it was fun in simpler times before Benoit killed his family and I saw League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis. Also, if that's how wrestling was all the time it would be boring... like if guys kicked out of finishers all the time or something, right?! HAHAHAHAHA. -_-
So yeah, fun event. I think I have one match to go.
There's always a time for brutal chair shots to the head, Zach.
I'm going to pretend I didn't read that.
What about Mr Perfect
People are forgetting Christian in this name discussion. Can't say I blame anyone, since it's Christian, after all.
What about Mr Perfect