Why did no one tell me there was an Iron Sheik documentary on netflix
It's on netflix now?
Why did no one tell me there was an Iron Sheik documentary on netflix
Do you think that AJ Lee was given an Asian surname because the WWE knows that her male gamer fanbase only like WOC who are Asian?
Why did no one tell me there was an Iron Sheik documentary on netflix
Did Heyman put over Rude? Because I feel like Rude put over Heyman. And Madusa.
Heyman ain't do shit. Colonel put over Austin better.
Why you so hateful, man? There should be a "learn to enjoy" seminar with you.
What about Z Gangsta? First name Z?
Short for Zachariah
Would watch...if I knew how
Did Chyna have a last name? WAS Chyna her last name?
Did Chyna have a last name? WAS Chyna her last name?
I watched ICW last week.
I feel like I haven't been missing anything.
Just signed up for HBO Now.
Great compliment to Netfflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu.
I think I've built the perfect on demand TV subscription.
Amazon Prime
WWE Network
Netflix : $8.99
Hulu : $7.99
HBO Now : $14.99
Amazon Prime : $8.25 (per month of $99)
WWE Network : $9.99
I pay around $50 per month, less if I don't like WWE programing at the time.....and the Network would be the first thing I drop because NXT is also on Hulu.
Sounds like cable
Ryback is going from strength to strength and Curtis Axel is doing great. Both obvious success stories.Heyman is death for anyone but Brock.
CM Punk: Retired, attempting suicide by punches in UFC
Cesaro: 5th wheel behind Nattie, TJ, the cats, and the headphones
Ryback is going from strength to strength and Curtis Axel is doing great. Both obvious success stories.
how was the chris jericho podcast on network ?
It was a delayed effect. You have to give things time in wrestling, you know?Axel and Ryback didn't start getting better until well after Heyman was done with them
The Undertaker used to be Kane the Undertaker
Remember when they changed Val Venis' name to just "Big Valbowski"?
Ryback is going from strength to strength and Curtis Axel is doing great. Both obvious success stories.
how was the chris jericho podcast on network ?
Complete waste of time. Don't bother. Nothing interesting was talked about, Jericho tried really hard to get Cena to talk about him. Pretty pitiful.
GamerGatezilla once again showing his true colors...
GamerGatezilla once again showing his true colors...
Is this someone that the #gamergate proponents routinely heckle? I can only imagine it is since it's a woman.
You guys don't seriously think I'm a GamerGate loser, do you?
You guys don't seriously think I'm a GamerGate loser, do you?
I honestly do. You went on a tear against Anita Sarkeesian once and there were a lot of eerie coincidences. I think you are a less extreme one but still damaging.
If not though I'm willing to listen.
Yes. We also think you are into Robocop 3 more than you let on. You POS.
i'm legit shook
nobody can be into robocop 3
I honestly do. You went on a tear against Anita Sarkeesian once and there were a lot of eerie coincidences. I think you are a less extreme one but still damaging.
If not though I'm willing to listen.
i wont lie, i'm a bit sad/depressed thinking some of you guys put me in the same category with people who harass and threaten women on a daily basis
meh, i didn't care for her at first because her methods for making her points were honestly really poor and she seemed amateur. but after seeing all of the shit that gets thrown her way i've reversed my stance because, holy fuck, there's a lot of really fucking awful people out there and i'm stunned (in a positive way) that she's kept going . that and the quality of the work she's been putting out has gotten better and she generally seems a lot better at making good points.