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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


Fuck Pepsi.



Yesterday I took my grandparents 3 hours north to watch my sister play some softball games, since she goes to college so far away that these are the closest games she has to us for the rest of the season.

This is about how it went:


Started running from 3rd base, stumbled, fell, and laid there for a good 10 minutes. Trainer thinks she probably either tore or sprained her LCL. Afterwards, couldn't put any weight on it, couldn't even straighten it, has her leg heavily wrapped kind of bent. Probably done for the season. Also, her team kind of sucks and she's the second best player they have, so they're also probably done for the season.

Then we drove 3 hours back, this time bringing my step-dad with us because my mom stayed up there to take her to the doctor today. On the way, we listened to the Pacers/Thunder game on the radio and looooooled at how amazing the Pacers's radio team is. So unprofessional. The color guy, Slick Leonard, is in his 80s, been doing it for 30 years, and was drunk as fuck. The PBP guy, Mark Boyle, has been doing it for 25ish. Together, they BERRIED the fuck out of OKC. Frequently calling guys on the team stupid, saying their FT% would be embarrassing even for a middle school team, Slick would sing during their free throws, they messed up the scores and then went on a tangent about how they were mad they weren't on the floor for games anymore, Slick randomly brought up the jump ball rule in NCAA for no reason at all, he was just bored. It was pretty amazing.


You seriously sporting a Miz av? That's amazing if so, I don't think anyone else here ever went that far.

Honestly? Kind of, yeah :). Always liked the guy, then randomly did it after I played in a local FGC tourney in NJ. The streamer noted "Biz" is close to "Miz", so played his theme song whenever I play. Later I needed an av so MS Painted one up real quick. Wanted something, but not pic related and I *am* awesome, soooo...

So, in a long roundabout .... yeah.

I still like Miz and think he's better / serves a purpose and some of the hate he gets is a bit much, but also I really just never changed the Av.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Day 1 for me. I've seen 4 of those fucking movies along with 2 seasons of a television show. I may as well ride it out.

That's how I feel about Dynasty Warriors...yeah...I'll get the new one day one...because I just do.


Day 1 for me. I've seen 4 of those fucking movies along with 2 seasons of a television show. I may as well ride it out.

honestly i'll probably see it just to see how much of a shit show it ends up being

for what it's worth i actually think i enjoyed terminator salvation more than terminator 3. terminator 3 is automatically worse for me because the first act of the movie exists pretty much entirely to shit on terminator 2's ending


I don't know why they didn't start one week earlier. That would have been the Raw after DX: In Your House and started the build for HBK/Undertaker at the Rumble.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Goldust is pretty much proto attitude era. Hell some of the Bret matches at the end of 1995 are showing off some classic Attitude era spots, plus Diesel turning into the first first (Big Daddy) Cool Heel.


The difference in tone between mid 90's WCW and mid 90's WWF is pretty staggering.

WWF didnt get out of the 80's until 1997.
I always think it starts for WWF in the late 1996 time frame. Mostly due to the Nation of Domination forming and the Austin and Bret feud just heating up. Also, Pillman's gun segment was in November. So November '96 for them sounds about right.


KotR 96 is the Austin 3:16 promo.

WM 13 is the Austin/Bret match.

Dec 15 1997 is the Vince promo on "good guys and bad guys" basically officially recognizes attitude era.

It's one of these three, but I'm probably going with KotR 96.
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