Sounds like it's more a Steam issue than an MK issue
100% agree. Kane vs Taker was never a classic matchup, but the whole Kane/Undertaker storyline that built up to that match was honestly some of the best stuff WWE has done in my opinion. When Taker came back and basically said "fuck all this" and said he'd fight Kane, I was jacked.
WWE too often takes the approach of putting a new guy in matches with perceived 'top' talent, thus supposedly elevating the new guy by virtue of the company he's now in. However, that only works if the talent in question is worth a damn - I'd argue that the Rollins match did a lot for Neville, but the Ziggler match didn't.
So Since Naomi turned, are the Usos turning too? Or are they just going to pretend Naomi isn't married to Jimmy like how they pretend Brie isn't married to Bryan anymore?
Or how they don't acknowledge that Cena, babyface of the company, is dating the top heel diva.
Well they never acknowledged that to begin with, but they've spent months saying how Naomi and Jimmy are married like how they spent months talking about Brie and Bryan's relationship.
Well Total Divas acknowledges Cena/Nikki. That's canon.
According to Dave Meltzer, Bryan is "not doing good" and has been hidden in tag matches and backstage segments as a result. Meltzer also stated he would not be shocked if Bryan dropped the IC Title soon due to being in rough shape.
Vince was right to put Reigns in the Mian Event at WM over Bryan.No other way to say it.
Kotal Kahn is the fucking MAN.
You're literally the first guy I've seen express anything positive about him. (I havent touched him yet). Thankfully, my main from last game hasn't been messed with too much.
You're literally the first guy I've seen express anything positive about him. (I havent touched him yet). Thankfully, my main from last game hasn't been messed with too much.
I play for looks, not to win. He's a dope-ass dude. I wouldn't touch the MK thread with a ten foot pole - I like to keep games fun, not overanalyze. Unless it's Life is Strange. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
If it ever works properly, I'm all in with Cassie with that fatality.
WWE is fine with forgetting that Ziggler won the Survivor Series on his own. It was the spot that was always booked for Roman. It might as well have been Benoit that won that Survivor Series with the effort they have gone to completely retcon it.I think the weirdest thing was that last night they same soooo close to pointing out that Ziggler was top talent but then fumbled at the last second. Big Show was reminding Kane about Survivor Series and how he punched Cena because it was Best for Business, they could have taken this a step further and pointed out that Ziggler still managed to overcome the Authority at that point, so maybe Kane should address that threat by taking the match and laying down.
Sounds like it's more a Steam issue than an MK issue
Shame Noob Saibot didn't show up in MKX :/.
lol, it isn't. It's a High Voltage Software issue. Remember the team who originally did Zone of the Enders HD and another team had to rescue it to make it playable? Same team.
Lots of missing people. I gotta admit though I really, REALLY like that NetherRealm made the women a hell of a lot more normal looking in this one and less like a crew of strippers. There was a crazy imbalance last time. Now it feels so much more accessible.
Lots of missing people. I gotta admit though I really, REALLY like that NetherRealm made the women a hell of a lot more normal looking in this one and less like a crew of strippers. There was a crazy imbalance last time. Now it feels so much more accessible.
The issue is that Valve's Stream download thing isn't getting the files out to people. I don't see how this is a Netherrealm/High Voltage issue. Oh wait, Valve can do no wrong.
Oh wait, even if the streaming is 100% Valves fault, the PC netcode of both MK9 and Injustice is unplayable anyway. Shocking that.
I will say this, MKX is doing extremely well sales-wise, people are going bananas for it. Bodes well that Injustice 2 is going to have some dollars behind it.
Has the online netcode for PC even been properly tested yet? Last I heard the PC stuff was still in complete disarray
Vince was right to put Reigns in the Main Event at WM over Bryan.No other way to say it.
Vince was right to put Reigns in the Main Event at WM over Bryan.No other way to say it.
Obligatory "gaming side is weird" post.
Bloodborne, a niche PS4 exclusive game, is pacing Dark Souls 2, a niche multiplatform game, in sales. And yet there's this guy on gaming side who's claiming that if From Software retired the "Dark Souls" series it would abandon a ton of fans despite the fact that all of the evidence says most Souls fans probably jumped to PS4 anyway and that the "Souls" series doesn't need to ride the "Souls" name to success.
To have the reasoning powers of a 16-year-old. Ahh. Those were the days.
Obligatory "gaming side is weird" post.
Bloodborne, a niche PS4 exclusive game, is pacing Dark Souls 2, a niche multiplatform game, in sales. And yet there's this guy on gaming side who's claiming that if From Software retired the "Dark Souls" series it would abandon a ton of fans despite the fact that all of the evidence says most Souls fans probably jumped to PS4 anyway and that the "Souls" series doesn't need to ride the "Souls" name to success.
Whoa. That is totally unfortunate if true.
Put the IC title on Neville at Summerslam.
At this point, I think he's the best actor in pro wrestling, period. Utterly believable and he makes the cheesiest dialogue work.