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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


WWE.com said:
Dolph Ziggler was supposed to compete against Seth Rollins before Kane was coerced into taking his spot, but you didn’t really think Dolph Ziggler would deprive the WWE Universe of Dolph Ziggler, right? Taking a page out of his old teammate John Cena’s playbook, The Showoff issued an open challenge that ended up being answered by England’s own former NXT Champion Neville.

The two workhorses did not disappoint, clashing in a dream match the likes of which even the most fervent corners of the Internet Sports-Entertainment Community didn’t think would happen for another few months. Neville’s breathtaking 450 Splash off the barricade seemingly handed him the win on a platter, though experience ultimately won out when a reeling Ziggler evaded the Red Arrow and hit the Zig Zag for the victory. Sheamus immediately spoiled the party, pulverizing Neville with one Brogue Kick and, after a vicious scrap with The Showoff outside the ring, taking Ziggler down with another.
Pro Wrestling NOAH “GLOBAL TAG LEAGUE WAR 2015“, 4/23/2015 [Thu] 18:30 @ Best Western Hotel Sendai

(1) Yoshinari Ogawa & Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Hitoshi Kumano & Captain NOAH
(2) 3WAY Match: Atsushi Kotoge vs. Daisuke Harada vs. Hajime Ohara
(3) Takashi Sugiura & Genba Hirayanagi vs. Maybach Taniguchi & Kenoh
(4) 10 Man Tag Match: Lance Archer, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Shelton “X” Benjamin, Brian Breaker & Taichi vs. Chris HEro, Colt “Boom Boom” Cabana, Super Crazy, Jack Gamble & Jon Webb

(5) GTL B BLOCK Match: Takeshi Morishima & Mitsuhiro Kitamiya vs. Akitoshi Saito & Quiet Storm
(6) GTL A BLOCK Match: Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste vs. Daisuke Sekimoto & Kazuki Hashimoto

TMDK vs sekimoto and bootleg hashimoto should be fun


The show was one of the least watched episode of Raw in the modern era that was not during football season or a non-holiday show, doing 3.66 million viewers, down 23% from the same week one year ago.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Part of Bret being a mark for himself means he's also not going to let himself have a bad match. So he will forcefully drag you through a good one, kicking and screaming.


FGC Waterboy
I can't find it, but apparently there is a picture of Bayley doing the Rainmaker Pose at NXT.

The Hugmaker needs to be her finisher, stat.


With that 5 month gap from WM to SS, let's have Trips control the main product and see how the ratings turns out when he's in charge.

Grab his NXT writers (+ Mercury and Jimmy Jacobs) and we're good to go.
I always get a blast out of watching the English dub of the old Hong Kong martial art movies. They get the posh of posh to dub all the voices, it's even better when it's 1 or 2 people doing all the voices.
British Jackie Chan VA > American JC VA

I can't stand the American voice actor(s), it sounds like he's doing a shitty JC imitation. The British dubs just have his characters speaking normally as they should be.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
By Police Story 3, Jackie is just doing his own English voice which kind of makes it all the weirder that everyone else has all these super British voices. I don't like Uncle Bill or May's English voice at all. I watched 1 and 2 in Cantonese. I don't know if 3/Supercop even exists in a non-dubbed format on blu-ray without importing from overseas.

And the best part about Police Story 3 is the random 2pac songs in the US release
Also what's dope is Big Brother/the crimelord guy has a copy of Tetris for the Megadrive which is super rare even back then.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
And then in First Strike, which people don't know is Police Story 4, the English dub just says 'fuck it! Call him Jackie Chan!'

So Ka Kui Chan to Kevin Chan to Jackie Chan.


With that 5 month gap from WM to SS, let's have Trips control the main product and see how the ratings turns out when he's in charge.

Grab his NXT writers (+ Mercury and Jimmy Jacobs) and we're good to go.
Would never work with Vince.
PCW burying Nash on Facebook
Unfortunately we are unable to confirm Kevin Nash for our show next week. He actually was booked by Wales Comic Con (who we trust 100%) and in the contract it was agreed he could fly coach class and upgrade himself as many do. Now Nash wants a $10,000 business class flight and we can not afford that kind of money. I tried to step in to resolve but he chose to ignore me after replying to my first email. Rather than put my efforts in to trying to beg somebody to come who does not want to, I have acted fast and confirmed a huge former world champion as his replacement. I will announce at 1pm TODAY. Any Questions will be answered tonight so please hold back until we release all details of the event. Trust us its a rare treat for this man to wrestle and to get him to the UK is a very big last minute coup. I pride myself in my ability to deliver and I do seem to have had a rare run of bad luck with people who tear Quads too easy, but I know the replacement is more than suitable and hopefully you feel the same. So 1pm today here we announce who the replacement is and as per normal don't worry if you have combos etc all will be sorted out when we announce the next name.
Fludder's an idiot, but fuck Nash. Not sure how anyone could possibly defend such an unprofessional, carny fucking attitude. Only good that can come of it is to dissuade British promoters from wasting their time by booking the cunt.
Punk isn't going to bail on his VERY REAL training to go to some carny PHONY wrestling show friend reptilescorpio. Not even to spite K-Nash.

He can totally take a day break! AJ is retired, they could go over for the weekend, have some high tea and be back smashing out MMA's or whatever Monday morning no problem!
Phil's as much about the money as his colleague Nash.

It's just that he's shorter, and that makes it ok.

Haha, yeah, that's what makes it OK. Ridiculous. Punk may be all about the money, but he also seems to be a man of his word and I'd like to think that he wouldn't agree to a deal, only to then try to pull some carny-ass bullshit a week before the event, hoping the promoter's hands are tied and that they're forced to accede to his petty demands. Punk has no track record in that regard, but Nash? LOL.

Glad PCW found a suitable replacement. Superior, some might say.
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