Jushin Liger will wrestle until the end of time, it'd be amazing if they secretly passed his legacy/gimmick over to a new wrestler one day.
I'd be okay with that. Kind of like the Tiger Mask character.
Jushin Liger will wrestle until the end of time, it'd be amazing if they secretly passed his legacy/gimmick over to a new wrestler one day.
Sorry for wanting help fellow Americans stay employed.Didn't know this thread was full of Xbots. No bueno, Wrasslegaf.
Sorry for wanting help fellow Americans stay employed.
Depending how good new Halo is...maybe I will get an Xbone for Christmas. Plus it works with SlingTv which I assume PS will never have.
I'd be okay with that. Kind of like the Tiger Mask character.
Depending how good new Halo is...maybe I will get an Xbone for Christmas. Plus it works with SlingTv which I assume PS will never have.
Sorry for wanting help fellow Americans stay employed.
Which Americans? The console is manufactured in China.
Sorry for wanting help fellow Americans stay employed.
Yeah, but they don't name him Jushin Liger II. They never let on that the gimmick has passed over haha. I'm sure internet will work it out eventually, but it'd be funny. They'd have to transition it carefully so he didn't suddenly become super agile again. You could even make a storyline where he consumes the FIGHT SPIRIT of some other wrestler and rejuvenates like Doctor Who...
Do you really think we have manufacturers in these threads?
We're talking about white collar jobs.
If I get Halo 5 it will be a used copy and I'll only play it for the story. The beta for Halo 5 didn't impress me at all and Master Chief Collection made me believe 343 is surprisingly incompetent. I feel sad saying all of this, because I was once a hardcore fanboy of this franchise.
Errrrrm. Maybe redbox rental will serve my needs.
Do you really think we have manufacturers in these threads?
We're talking about white collar jobs.
And here is everyone's favourite finisher being hit on Liger.
Just an average day in the life of Jun Kasai;
Also, Fujinami's booked his son in a match against Minoru Suzuki. Oh, and the balls on BJW booking a Strong main event for Sumo Hall instead of a deathmatch. Hope it pays off, would love to see the Strong division become BJW's main focus.
I kind of think at this point, Playstation has more people working in the US than Japan.
I think it's more an indictment of the ISEC, they praised Dean, ignored Seth and buried Roman. The only reason Seth got away with it(it being a currently successful heel run) was because no one expected much out of him.Are we sh*tting on Dean Ambrose now that Perspicacity isn't here?
I need details!
I'll give Xbox credit where credit is due though, they've done a respectable job of rehabbing the Xbox One's image. The always-on-DRM no-used-game bullshit they were going to do before it launched plus the run of third party games being noticeably inferior on XB1 should have been deadly poison to the system. But they managed to turn things around and at least make the Xbox One not shitty.
This being said, I don't think there's any way in hell the Xbox One catches up to the PS4 at this point.
Xbox was almost unstoppable and they fucked it all up.
Although WWE has not made an official announcement, Daniel Bryan has been pulled from all advertisements for the remainder of the current WWE European tour.
As we reported yesterday, Dave Meltzer noted on the most recent edition of Wrestling Observer Radio that Daniel Bryan has been working hurt, and continues to struggle with health issues stemming from his injury last year. Meltzer added WWE has been trying to protect Bryan as of late by booking him in 6 man tag matches, and he has not wrestled on Raw in 2 weeks.
And if you bought into the tone of a zillion articles and internet popular opinion, it was DOA on launch.
But things are alright. We have games everywhere for everyone. So we all win.
Mattrick's direction really fucked it bad. The first impression is so important. Always-on would have been fine had they not said it how they said it. Absolutely fumbled the communication.
Honestly I'm not seeing games being noticeably inferior on either system, and we have DF threads vomiting up that both of them have their share of inferior titles, but I've yet to give a shit personally, and I've yet to hear of Real People giving a shit as well.
You say there's no way for the Bone to catch up but I'm not seeing why not - unless some serious exclusives, a big run of them, show up, the Bone is holding its own pretty much just fine, regardless of sales numbers being different, they're still a cornerstone of what gaming is in America, and likely will remain there for quite some time just due to their name presence.
I think a lot of it boils down to us being gamers, and not people who actually know how shit works. We like to pretend we do, but we're pretending. Just like that paragraph above that I wrote. I'm just pretending. What would I know? I'm a goddamn real estate mogul, not a kideo game marketer.
I was never going to give Microsoft any of my money anyway, not after the debacle I had with their hardware last generation, but they've done very little with the One so far to make me regret my stance. Sunset Overdrive was tempting, but then I played it for half an hour at a friends house and realised it wasn't for me.
I think a big problem is lack of exclusives on both sides. I really don't feel like I need to own both consoles at this point in the generation, or for the foreseeable future.
Neville couldn't have come up at a better time. His fans are more militant than Danny Bryan's so you know they'll occupy the sh*t out of Raw. Bryan should just pass the Yes Chant over to Neville.Yikes
Halo 4's single player is alright, multiplayer not so much. I will say this though, Halo 4 visually is pretty stunning and I'm shocked 343 got that much juice out of the 360.
Neville couldn't have come up at a better time. His fans are more militant than Danny Bryan's so you know they'll occupy the sh*t out of Raw. Bryan should just pass the Yes Chant over to Neville.
Halo 4 isn't bad when it's mixed in with other much better Halo games.
The main thing about MCC was that it took them like 6 months to make it so that I could play in a party with my friends without having to jump through a bunch of wacky hoops. There were times where it just straight up didn't work. It pains me to say it but I don't even feel like picking the game up anymore, even if it actually is mostly fixed.
What comedy duo can we pair Neville width to get insanely over? He needs a catch phrase. Can't do it on ability alone.