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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


This honestly makes sense, but I don't think he'd get much heat from it at this point. Crowds just don't react to him anymore
Well, despite being a "heel," I don't think Kane's done anything particularly dastardly. Plus, he has that thing going for him where wrestling fans respect his tenure, making him have to work twice as hard to get heel heat.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You people wonder why OT wrestling threads are so "shit" when you assholes make FUD filled crap like that.

They pulled him from the tour and judging from Meltzer (the real one, not Meltzerz) and Alvarez, there's a serious problem. I don't think it's that crazy to see a Bryan retirement is on the horizon, which sucks, because I enjoy him. Mix that with Aguayo Jr's death and I think a LOT of wrestlers are questioning if they're truly doing ok.

Yeah. Can't even take that thread seriously when Sunny tries to spin the whole thing like it's Bryan's fault for being a hippie or something.

I didn't do that. You're reading too much into it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That stuff about "seeking alternative medicine" like hippie stuff, was only a Total Divas storyline. It's giving out misleading information.

I said refused traditional medical treatment, and clarified in an edit. Boo hoo.


I didn't do that. You're reading too much into it.

Your entire statement about him refusing traditional medical treatment and seeking out alternate procedures?

Entirely false since traditional medical treatment had no clue what was going on with him.

That alternate procedure was the only thing that worked. His only other option was to never get the strength back in his arm.
Legit disrespectful to the man's craft and contribution to what he's done for da industry. Some shameful shit to poke fun at a man's possible retirement.

EDIT: Actually legit read the OP. Ehhh nvm.
If people want to see a troll, here's a troll:

Daniel Bryan is definitely still going to be wrestling in WWE in 2020 and alive in 2025 at the rate he's going with his cool and smart and good ridiculous moves


Total Divas and WWE Raw Superstar Daniel Bryan

Listing Total Divas before WWE star

He refused traditional medical treatment with his injury and seeked out alternative procedures to help him, and some of us worry this may be part of the root of the issue.

Not including your edit right next to this line and hiding it at the bottom of your post

Whether this is a result from his return showing him still wrestling in a dangerous and daredevil style, or perhaps an anti-vaccination issue remains to be seen

I don't support anti-vax but this is unnecessary

-all of the images used for bryan-

There's some definitely mean-spirited stuff in your OP, Sunny


Come on, he's been on Total Divas more than he's been on the Supershow over the past year. Sunflower's billing is accurate imo
I think we need a formal brand split between WrestlingGAF and BigDudesHuggingFor12MinutesAndHoldingDownAnyoneWithActualTalentBecauseThey'reBelow6'4"AndDon'tLookLikeAGreekGodAndFuckTheInternetFansWhoDemandToSeeActualTalentOverThisStaleBullshitBecuaseDespiteOurRatingsConstantlyGoingDownWeCanStillDrawADead(YetPaying)CrowdInCorpusChristieGAF


I think we need a formal brand split between WrestlingGAF and BigDudesHuggingFor12MinutesAndHoldingDownAnyoneWithActualTalentBecauseThey'reBelow6'4"AndDon'tLookLikeAGreekGodAndFuckTheInternetFansWhoDemandToSeeActualTalentOverThisStaleBullshitGAF

Well this is Vince McMahon WrasslinGAF and not WrestlingGAF, so you could argue that that split is already there.
There's some people who are going to be real happy when Bryan retires and, as far as I can tell, it's entirely because they dislike his fanbase. Which is pretty sad. It's also sad that one of the greatest mat technicians of his generation had to turn into a glorified high spot to get over, which undoubtedly impacted his health.
The fans could stand to shut up, but I don't see how anybody could be happy with the Bryan saga. He spent his career doing dumb dangerous stuff, got 20 concussions, got a major neck injury, was told to stop with the dumb dangerous stuff, and didn't. It's hard to look at the inevitability that is his career being shortlived and think it's anybody's fault but his own, and it's sad. Dude could've and should've been a star for the next 15 years, but it's hard to see any alternate universe where he even lasts for 5 more.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well this is Vince McMahon WrasslinGAF and not WrestlingGAF, so you could argue that that split is already there.


Just put me on ignore if you don't like what I say. It's honestly that simple.

There's some people who are going to be real happy when Bryan retires and, as far as I can tell, it's entirely because they dislike his fanbase. Which is pretty sad. It's also sad that one of the greatest mat technicians of his generation had to turn into a glorified high spot to get over, which undoubtedly impacted his health.

I have a hard time believing there are people who will legit be happy to see Bryan retire. I really do. He's given a lot to wrestling and he's been delightful when all cylinders are firing. I think all of us were disappointed to see his feud coming out of the best Cinderella story in wrestling to turn into a Kane feud.

Anyone who likes wrestling probably likes Daniel Bryan, and I find it hard to hate him, and hard to believe others do, even with his fanbase being a little...obsessive.


I have a hard time believing there are people who will legit be happy to see Bryan retire. I really do. He's given a lot to wrestling and he's been delightful when all cylinders are firing. I think all of us were disappointed to see his feud coming out of the best Cinderella story in wrestling to turn into a Kane feud.

Anyone who likes wrestling probably likes Daniel Bryan, and I find it hard to hate him, and hard to believe others do, even with his fanbase being a little...obsessive.

Agreed. I was generally sad when the "Bryan vs The Authority" story line didn't end with WrestleMania 30.


I also don't think it's that big of a deal. A century's worth of pro wrestling has shown us that everyone is replaceable. From Hackenschmidt to Gotch to Thesz to Sammartino to Savage to Hogan to Austin to Johnson. Fin Balor is coming, and everyone will forget about Bryan soon.



Just put me on ignore if you don't like what I say. It's honestly that simple.

I meant the real Vince, not you.

I think a lot of what you say for the most part is pretty good. Though sometimes content gets lost in translation through the delivery. Like with that Bryan post. I'm hoping you didn't mean for it to sound the way it did, but you can't deny that that wasn't how it ended up sounding before the edits.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe they won't be happy that a man's career is coming to an end before it's time, but they'll be happy because they'll get to engage in their favourite sport; baiting fans of the thing they don't like.

Stop baiting me, Boots. I legitimately enjoy Bryan and I don't know how else to express that.


Bryan seems like he would pull a Kurt Angle/Ric Flair and go somewhere else to wrestle if the WWE wants him to stop...just without the money and drug problems.
I have a hard time believing there are people who will legit be happy to see Bryan retire. I really do. He's given a lot to wrestling and he's been delightful when all cylinders are firing. I think all of us were disappointed to see his feud coming out of the best Cinderella story in wrestling to turn into a Kane feud.

Anyone who likes wrestling probably likes Daniel Bryan, and I find it hard to hate him, and hard to believe others do, even with his fanbase being a little...obsessive.

I think we can name at least 3 from this very thread who would have started OT threads to celebrate Bryan's retirement, not what he's been able to do, not his body of matches, if Bryan announced his retirement due to injury.


If anything I think the Bryan fanbase would migrate to Sami Zayn

I think it depends who initially gets the bigger push but thinking about it you are probably right; Balor can get over more with looks alone and Sami can play that everyman who is impressive in the ring dealio.

Man its exciting to think about those two guys going at it on the big stage but holy shit its equally as terrifying to think how horribly they could be fucked up, Sami especially.


I think it depends who initially gets the bigger push but thinking about it you are probably right; Balor can get over more with looks alone and Sami can play that everyman who is impressive in the ring dealio.

Man its exciting to think about those two guys going at it on the big stage but holy shit its equally as terrifying to think how horribly they could be fucked up, Sami especially.

I think Balor is going to get pushed to the fucking moon when he comes up. He has #TheLook and the body paint shit is going to sell a fuck ton of merchandise.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Balor's incredibly marketable. I'm curious how many of the ideas were completely his, and how many were the WWE machine planning for the future. He can sell EVERYTHING. It's really pretty much perfect how his designs are. Whoever came up with it all, the entire breadth of the associated images with his brand, really needs a promotion.

Using Aguayo Jr death to promote Anti-Daniel Bryan threads is a heel move. Boo! boo that op!

Oh come on now. I think Aguayo Jr's passing took a lot of "younger" (30s) wrestlers to really look at themselves and wonder if they could be next. Seriously.
Balor will be fine, but I still think Sami's already seen the best moment he'll have in the company (him winning the NXT title and that celebration)


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Guys I want Dean Ambalamps to take up a Stryker gimmick.



Was thinking about this over lunch while digesting food and the Bryan news. WWE's roster has taken some fairly massive hits in the last 4 years.

--Edge is gone
--Christian is basically gone
--Beth Phoenix is gone
--Del Rio left
--Punk left
--AJ is gone
--Bryan might be done

That's five world champs right there.
Sami's going to fight Rhyno soon and then probably go after Owens again. I don't think Charlotte has been on TV since she lost the rematch with Banks?

About to have another Zayn vs Owens match, probably in the May special.

Charlotte hasn't been on NXT for a couple months now.
Maybe they're getting Charlotte ready for the main roster, eh?? I hope to see Zayn there before anyone else too.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright guys I admit this thing to you.

The listing E! first thing...was a jab at Bryan. A rib, if you wheel, daddeh.


Maybe they're getting Charlotte ready for the main roster, eh?? I hope to see Zayn there before anyone else too.

I think Zayn is going to get called up by the next Royal Rumble. I think his feud with Owens and (hopefully) second title reign are going to be his last major storylines in NXT. He's got another 6 months left in NXT at minimum. Charlotte and maybe Balor are going to get called up by Summerslam.
Alright guys I admit this thing to you.

The listing E! first thing...was a jab at Bryan. A rib, if you wheel, daddeh.

If you wanted to pull a rib, you would've also posted that pic of all the champs posing (Bryan, Punk, Beth, Ryder, Dolph, Bourne and Kofi)

Seriously, that pic will never not be funny/sad again
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