The New Day literally clap in a manner that is conductive only to 'New, Day Sucks'
It's a trap
How long until we see Hiro in Nxt?
kind of like Kurt Angle's YOU SUCK part of his theme song
And John Cena suuuuucks in his theme.
Finn is one of those guy who just screams main eventer and I think HHH and to lesser extent Vince know that. So when ever he debut on raw he gonna be pretty big.
This happened at mania.And John Cena suuuuucks in his theme.
This happened at mania.
Cena entering the final steps into becoming Kurt Angle.
Alcoholism is next
Those are some shity seats
I have the top comment on this video. The comment is a wrestling joke. I suggest you watch at least most of the video before looking at the comment.
Those are some shity seats
Cole confirmed that he will be back at the announce booth on Raw this Monday.
I think they should've brought Barrett out there again for commentary instead of Saxon.
I don't believe that fan is wearing an official Wolfpac t-shirt.
Feel bad for the little kids on the side who are just trying to enjoy the show.
LOOOOOOOOL selling is,a dead art
Job,and,boomer back,as well
LOOOOOOOOL selling is,a dead art
EDP is an Eagles fan. Eagles fans can't afford officially licensed merchandise, lack any semblance of respect for women or children, and are generally detestable subhuman creatures who may survive a nuclear apocalypse like roaches but we should conduct a test to see.
Eli 4 lyfe.
Brandon Galvin: Throughout your career you've competed in some of the most high-risk and ground-breaking matches. TNA is often looking to try new types of matches. Is there a different variation or completely new type of stipulation that you think fans would want to see in TNA?
Jeff Hardy: Stipulation as in match wise? There's always room for that. I have an idea but I haven't pushed it yet. I asked the guy in TNA that does the ring work if there was a way to spin the ring like WCW did back in the Universal days. It would spin around so I got to thinking, and I asked if he could put a ring on a thing that would spin to make it go around and around, make it go faster and slow it down. A rotating match to pull off in the future, where you start the match and at a certain time it's going to start to rotate and go faster and faster. If you could pull off spots while the ring is rotating would be awesome in itself. Anything is possible if people are willing to attempt to pull it off and get over the fear of trying. I'm willing to try anything.
what the christ
Cole's gonna get his revenge on Brock, you'll see!
EDP is an Eagles fan. Eagles fans can't afford officially licensed merchandise, lack any semblance of respect for women or children, and are generally detestable subhuman creatures who may survive a nuclear apocalypse like roaches but we should conduct a test to see.
Eli 4 lyfe.
what the christ
Props to the 5 year old for not standing down
I actually recorded Bryan's Mania entrance. I should've recorded Cena's too since the crowd was noticeably singing along.
Where is this proof of this?
Man, this thread gets real negative sometimes its hilarious. A bunch of Brian Mann's in here.