Oh, I forgot to rant about EVOLVE, didn't I? Right, well I didn't watch Friday's show live because fuck your 9PM EST bell-time that sees me staying up till five in the goddamn morning, tired as fuck. Not the best way to appreciate a show. Then, lots of people asking Gabe the next day when the VOD will be up...no answer. Just hours to go until the next live show and no sign of the previous night's VOD...no response from Gabe. Showtime rolls around (7PM EST, much better for your international audience). There's video packages playing. Two of them. On repeat. For about 30 minutes, as the show's starting late. Yep, it's EVOLVE all right. Show finally kicks off with just a disgraceful women's match between Santana & Andrea, who is the drizzling shits, capped off by an awful-as-fuck SoCal Val angle no one gives a shit about. Gabe tells me off for GIF'ing his show, lol. Then, the show has to take an unplanned intermission because of internet issues - turns out, the dingy shithole of a venue they're running (and have drawn maybe a hundred fans to, if I'm being generous) has equally shitty internet. I give up at this point, but apparently the audience at home and the crowd in attendance are kept waiting for a fucking HOUR for shit to resume. Well over 24hrs after the debacle, the VOD for either show is not yet available. L-O-L.