Is Roman Reigns even a person if his head is shaved?
He becomes a samoan Luther Reigns

Is Roman Reigns even a person if his head is shaved?
He becomes a samoan Luther Reigns
He becomes a samoan Luther Reigns
I still can't believe they're making Kane the focus of a Seth Rollins title reign.
What happened?I want to thank Bean Breath for mentioning my demise 7 days ago. It was nice to be acknowledged.
Ziggler with short blonde hair was the best he ever looked.
Not when it was brown though.
Isn't it more dangerous for kids to try copying moves that require strength? A kid might lift someone up halfway and then drop them due to lack of strength.
What happened?
How is that crowd not hype for that?The funniest thing about WWE when they remove match types or moves to 'prevent accidents' or whatever is they always ignore the thing that actually IS the most dangerous part about their jobs. The schedule.
Work in off-seasons, and I bet you'll find a lot less dead wrestlers.
Did you see how easily Itami's son lifted his brother into position for the GTS?
Its amazing to think how long Mark Henry has been around.
I don't know what that is but welcome back.I was banned for asking if we were done complaining about HOW expansion.
All this talk about Roman Reigns, Luthor Reigns & Test has for some reason reminded me of Tyler Reks.
Well, the WOTW Night Two card is looking pretty stupid.
Page vs. Watanabe? Duuuumb. Page is meh and Watanabe is just lame so far.
Elgin vs. KUSHIDA? WHAT? I thought Elgin vs. Naito was bad...
Naito vs. O'Reilly? Less stupid then Naito/Elgin, but O'Reilly is just so goddamn bland.
Roddy Strong vs. Tanahashi? ...Okay, you get this one.
I don't know what that is but welcome back.
BJW crowds are loud, they just don't get off their seats like it were the 90s.How is that crowd not hype for that?
I look at that Elgin/Naito match and just wonder who Naito pissed off.
What if Okada wins the ROH title tho
Remember when vickie made Ziggler cut his hair for a "New and improved" version of him? shit was weird.
Naito's probably going to give Elgin the best match of his career, so from an ROH perspective that's a good match-up. Same goes for Naito vs O'Reilly. But, truth be told, the ROH roster is just a bit too shit to do anything but mostly devalue the New Japan talent, especially guys like Naito who won't be at all protected. Also, no way Okada does the job.
Incidentally, I like Daniels. I kinda like Kaz. But The Addiction have been severely underwhelming - I'd argue that the World's Greatest Tag Team put on more quality matches in their ROH run than The Addiction have, yet for some reason Kaz & Daniels seem immune to the abuse that got so heavily heaped upon Shelton & Charlie.
Incidentally, I like Daniels. I kinda like Kaz. But The Addiction have been severely underwhelming - I'd argue that the World's Greatest Tag Team put on more quality matches in their ROH run than The Addiction have, yet for some reason Kaz & Daniels seem immune to the abuse that got so heavily heaped upon Shelton & Charlie.
How Sinclair managed to talk NJPW into the partnership is still the most baffling thing to me. What has been gained from it? Gedo getting to have Maria dance on his table while he throws money at her? All of their major gaijins from recent years came on their own and hadn't been 'ROH guys' in years.
I think I'm going to start chronologically watching WWF again. I don't really care about including the '97 RAWs in my beautiful, horrible journey. I'm down with just watching the RAW highlights and then grading the full PPVs.
I'm still holding out for the '97 Nitros before watching any more WCW, though. v_v
So what do you guys think? Good idea? Bad idea? No one cares?
How Sinclair managed to talk NJPW into the partnership is still the most baffling thing to me. What has been gained from it? Gedo getting to have Maria dance on his table while he throws money at her? All of their major gaijins from recent years came on their own and hadn't been 'ROH guys' in years.
Seems like he plateaued before even winning the GHC title then proceeded to coast. Just means Kenou can take over the faction.
Why are the WOTW shows on fucking weekdays? Is RoH that low tier now?
Addiction is pretty funny because they look like broke down drug addicted con-men.