NJPW can't work with GFW because Jarrett I'd going to work with triple A. And new japan works with CMLL
How Sinclair managed to talk NJPW into the partnership is still the most baffling thing to me. What has been gained from it? Gedo getting to have Maria dance on his table while he throws money at her? All of their major gaijins from recent years came on their own and hadn't been 'ROH guys' in years.
Sucks that Morishima has to retire, but I can't say that I'm going to miss him. He's been completely forgettable for most of his career from what seems like lack of trying going by his failed WWE tryout and some of JR's opinions on him as well as me just watching him. Seems like he plateaued before even winning the GHC title then proceeded to coast. Just means Kenou can take over the faction.
I think I'm going to start chronologically watching WWF again. I don't really care about including the '97 RAWs in my beautiful, horrible journey. I'm down with just watching the RAW highlights and then grading the full PPVs.
I'm still holding out for the '97 Nitros before watching any more WCW, though. v_v
So what do you guys think? Good idea? Bad idea? No one cares?
Okay, this has potential, as long as Gedo isn't in the ring.
NJPW can't work with GFW because Jarrett I'd going to work with triple A. And new japan works with CMLL
Naito's probably going to give Elgin the best match of his career, so from an ROH perspective that's a good match-up. Same goes for Naito vs O'Reilly. But, truth be told, the ROH roster is just a bit too shit to do anything but mostly devalue the New Japan talent, especially guys like Naito who won't be at all protected. Also, no way Okada does the job.
NJPW can't work with GFW because Jarrett I'd going to work with triple A. And new japan works with CMLL
Someone didn't watch Devitt vs Gedo leading up to Devitt's match with Okada.Okay, this has potential, as long as Gedo isn't in the ring.
Someone didn't warch Devitt vs Gedo.
Jay Briscoe vs. Okada for the ROH title also makes sense, but I dunno if NJPW will let Okada put Briscoe over.
I was most surprised that Watanabe didn't have a regular place with ROH - seemed like that would be a major sticking point of their deal, as he's had such an underwhelming excursion compared to Hiromu (27 matches vs 115!!).
NJPW isn't exactly adverse to misusing talent itself.
NJPW can't work with GFW because Jarrett I'd going to work with triple A. And new japan works with CMLL
NJPW isn't exactly adverse to misusing talent itself.
Just a month or two ago this "tour" was going to be the Bullet Club and two or three Japanese guys. So ROH didn't really have an incentive to help New Japan out. Given how much more interest there is this year I wouldn't be surprised if ROH is willing to book Tanaka or Komatsu. Assuming they both don't go to Mexico as a tag team or something.
I've been slowly doing the same - started out in 97 watching some bootleg Raws alongside the PPVs. Its rough early in 97, Vince is kinda unbearable on commentary, they are still shedding a lot of the New Generation stuff and the wrestling is intensely boring most of the time. The payoff is great though, you get to see the small bits of the Attitude era come together slowly but surely. I just imagine Vince watching ECW tapes, inviting them in for a few shows and saying to himself "I'm going to do that!".
I'd just hold out for the 97 Nitros. I'm just about finished with WCW in 94 and my God is it terrible.
Well, I'll give you Naito, but Dorada's just started full-time and KUSHIDA was set for a big push until he concussed Ibushi and Ricochet fucked off to Lucha Underground before giving him his win back.
Yeah, I think I'll start up the '97 Rumble and see how I feel. And yes, wrestling in '94 and '95 is, overall, so bad. It's so strange that it's sandwiched between '92/'93 and '96/'97, which are overall the best times for me.
Well, I'll give you Naito, but Dorada's just started full-time and KUSHIDA was set for a big push until he concussed Ibushi and Ricochet fucked off to Lucha Underground before giving him his win back.
The funniest thing about WWE when they remove match types or moves to 'prevent accidents' or whatever is they always ignore the thing that actually IS the most dangerous part about their jobs. The schedule.
Work in off-seasons, and I bet you'll find a lot less dead wrestlers.
Can't see Tanaka going to Mexico, they're building him to be a heavyweight, I think. Komatsu will probably do what Hiromu Takahashi has; go to Europe for a few months for that technical wrestling, then head to CMLL.
I'm glad NJPW punishes people for injuring others.
Just like they pulled back on Naito's push for getting a bad reaction from smarks. Then they did the fair thing and pulled back on Okada when he got booed for attacking AJ... Oh...
Dorada is an NJPW full timer now? Huh.
They clearly need new heavyweights but Tanaka would be super small. He's 2 or 3 inches shorter than Naito or Goto even. He could get there but its going to several years of 'supplements'.
They clearly need new heavyweights but Tanaka would be super small. He's 2 or 3 inches shorter than Naito or Goto even. He could get there but its going to several years of 'supplements'.
Dorada should have run through every single Bullet Club junior. Like this guy is this CMLL big shot who's won everything there is to win. Instead, he just shows up to lose to MegaWeaboo with no build-up and promptly goes back to the 'who cares' opener trios.
And I know someone was saying Nakamura was untouchable on Gaf, but his match with Nagata recently was super underwhelming.
And it wasn't Nagata's fault.
Someone here said it best. ROH should do a special attraction match with Richards vs Shibata. Instant 5* classic.
"I grew up playing games on my PC," Cena added. "Texas Instruments, Commodore 64… I was a huge PC gamer growing up, so this is big. Not only for our fans, but for me personally as well.
Agreed, Nak deserved a lot of flak for that match, but people mostly wrote it up to Nagata's age. Nakamura is fantastic, but he can also go off the boil in a big way. I think the last truly great singles match he had was the G1 final.
-Mil Muertes defeated Prince Puma in the final match of the taping to become the new Lucha Underground Champion.
-A Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods match took place featuring Big Ryck, Aerostar, Fenix, Bengala, King Cuerno, Sexy Star and Jack Evans.
Fenix won the match and the Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods which is supposedly a title shot.
-Johnny Mundo defeated Alberto El Patron in a match taped for the finale.
-Vampiro and Pentagon, Jr wrestled a hardcore match which was described as awesome. Pentagon picked up the win, and the bout featured a flaming table spot at one point.
Agreed, Nak deserved a lot of flak for that match, but people mostly wrote it up to Nagata's age. Nakamura is fantastic, but he can also go off the boil in a big way. I think the last truly great singles match he had was the G1 final.
What about vs. Ibushi at WK9?
Perfectly good waste of Nakamura.
RevPro > ROH. Nakamura vs Ricochet will probably be better than most matches on the ROH/NJPW shows.
Here are some big Lucha underground Spoilers for the season finale show. Be warned:
Lucha loves there gimmick matches. So much so from one set of tapings they took one from Vince Russo that he did in TNA.
Plus no season 2 announcement. The question is will it get the funding to do a 2nd season?