Is this a work or a shoot?
It's a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot.
Is this a work or a shoot?
Apparently not considering they managed to put Bryan in a feud with HHH and put him in the WM30 main event in a month
And it's fine to do that. It's management's duty to say "How do we work with what the fans are feeling" as opposed to "The fans want this - give them this" - it's a lot more complex and takes a lot more work to build something out of it as opposed to give someone a result.
ah, here we go!OH BABY
Guess moose is going to the G1 lol
It's still laughable to believe that it was only smarks booing Batista. Guess theSilverSuperdome was loaded with 70,000 smarks.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, night 1 of Global Wars will be an iPPV!
I want to watch it but it's probably again in the middle of the night.
It's still laughable to believe that it was only smarks booing Batista. Guess theSilverSuperdome was loaded with 70,000 smarks.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, night 1 of Global Wars will be an iPPV!
Yep, packed to the brim with smarks. Now, if only WWE could get those normal fans who go to house shows and lose their shit over Roman Reigns to buy tickets for PPVs, then there wouldn't even be a problem!
Batista was a heel by then and it was correct for the purposes of the story being told for fans to boo him.
Smarks were the ones booing Batista at the beginning, when he was a face, because he wasn't Daniel Bryan.
I'm just saying, how about giving him a leg to stand on? Seth-kun is just a puppet leader and paper champion, out there every night peddling lies. Again, clearly by design, but the heat could be so much hotter.
Imagine how good his promos would be if what he said rang true, like a Ric Flair or Floyd Mayweather? What they say actually has weight behind it. Why? Because love them or hate them, everything they're saying is carrying a certain truth behind it.
Let Seth-kun collect some bodies. Give the man some real ammo. Don't trade wins with RKO, make him a notch in the belt and build some mystique.
Basically what I'm saying is, I miss Ric Flair.
As someone who only picked up wrestling at the beginning of last year, the only thing I saw in Batista was a guy who was too old, too slow, and who lacked a certain spark. He did eventually get his feet back under him, and I was actually starting to like him by the time Wrestlemania came around. But that doesn't mean fans didn't have every reason to reject him at the time... especially since many of them, like me, didn't have the nostalgia of his better days.
Fans want what they want. It's silly to suggest they're the ones at fault.
00:30 in the UK, 01:30 for Euro land. Not too bad, especially for a Friday night.
Batista was a heel by then and it was correct for the purposes of the story being told for fans to boo him.
Smarks were the ones booing Batista at the beginning, when he was a face, because he wasn't Daniel Bryan.
Garbage. Bryan was hot with EVERYONE. Every crowd, every show.
Apparently the Raws up until Batista officially turned heel were smark loaded as well.
Problem is, heel champions that win end up being cheered by the crowd. Even Mark Henry during his Hall of Pain era was getting cheered after he beat up Jim Ross. Fans cheer winners, regardless of how they win (heel or not). Lesnar is an example of that as well - the dude beat the Streak and still got cheered w/in 6 months. Its why Reigns would rock as a heel - make him that dominant but a heel, and he ends up getting massive cheers within a year.
The entire "crowd dictating what WWE does" is a double edged sword. I actually think they should have gone forward with Reigns winning the belt if it was solely the ardent fans who were booing him; the precedent set by Bryan is good on an occasional basis - but not a consistent basis. Also, as the recent events have shown, WWE was correct to not bank on Bryan for a second WM - something that I've not seen admitted by many in this thread who have been crapping on Reigns and WWE.
Love the idea that a cabal of "Smarks" attend tv tapings while the regular folk attend house shows.
Heels need to do more despicable heinous shit
Heels need to do more despicable heinous shit
Love the idea that a cabal of "Smarks" attend tv tapings while the regular folk attend house shows.
More things like Rollins threatening to kill Edge pls
More things like Rollins threatening to kill Edge pls
Heels need to do more despicable heinous shit
Heels need to do more despicable heinous shit
No threatening. He should've done the stomp
This. People blame Heyman for not doing enough with Cesaro, when the reality was they were presenting Cesaro as a heel but having him do almost nothing heelish. He was arrogant. That was it. Seems WWE struggle to book anything but the cowardly heel.
It's still laughable to believe that it was only smarks booing Batista. Guess theSilverSuperdome was loaded with 70,000 smarks.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, night 1 of Global Wars will be an iPPV!
Heels need to do more despicable heinous shit
This. People blame Heyman for not doing enough with Cesaro, when the reality was they were presenting Cesaro as a heel but having him do almost nothing heelish. He was arrogant. That was it. Seems WWE struggle to book anything but the cowardly heel.
Rollins almost killing edge was pretty bad.Jericho smashing HBK's face into a TV and punching his wife was the last despicable/heinous this right?
So good.
I don't understand what this post has to do with what I said.
Rollins almost killing edge was pretty bad.
Maybe it's just me but if you strip away patriotism (from both sides) Rusev has just done a kick in the ding-ding and that's it. Other than that, he's a really inspirational, feel-good story.
Keep in mind I haven't watched WWE after Mania really, so I have no idea how they handled him post-loss.
No threatening. He should've done the stomp
Jericho smashing HBK's face into a TV and punching his wife was the last despicable/heinous thing right?
So good.
They probably intended Jericho's alcoholism stuff to CM Punk to be heinous although it turned out to be more laughable than anything. Didn't he slip on the floor when he smashed Punk's head with the bottle lol?
Cena has done more despicable heel things than Rusev has during their feud.
They probably intended Jericho's alcoholism stuff to CM Punk to be heinous although it turned out to be more laughable than anything. Didn't he slip on the floor when he smashed Punk's head with the bottle lol?