This isn't me being hyperbolic. Does anyone like Chris Jericho in 2015?
Despite being a smark favorite back in the day, Jericho is the ultimate corporate kiss ass. While I've seen 'chosen one'/'face of the company' guys like Nash or Austin criticize the WWE in one manner or another, Jericho always seemingly nods and thinks 'good idea, boss!'
Every time he comes back it's to put somebody young over. This would be a good thing you might say. Not when it's obvious that's all he comes back to do. The intentions are good but the outcome does nothing for the other star and only hurts them. Instead of putting them over, a star with momentum usually ends up having it completely halted by a 1-2 month long feud that gives them nothing in the end because beating Jericho means nothing. A Jericho feud is a 2 month long squash match.
Hasn't been entertaining since 2010. And that's stretching it. 2009 at the absolute latest.
His dismissal of the Bill DeMott story by saying 'I had it worse.'
His music that is ridiculously lame even by 80s Metal Tribute band standards.
His phony as fuck podcast hosting.
Jesus. I'm sorry you've actually watched all of 9.
I've seen everything from 12 onward in its entirety
I noticed a lot of negativity about WM online. Why? WM was a blast this year. Extremely fun and playful, especially Sting vs HHH. Match of the forever. Danny Bryan won a title after sleeping for the whole match while his opponents killed themselves, Rusev had a majestic entrance, Roman didn't win, Sting was great, Brock smashed, Rollins left as champ. I can't see any reason how people could be upset at anything on the show besides that terrible Taker/Bray match. Bray was just awful. Millennials really dropped the ball on this show. All those part timers blew them away.
Some people will be negative no matter what, I s'pose
¡HarlequinPanic!;158514964 said:my only wish was that stang took the time away from the ring to get a hair transplant.
like punk did after his match with taker
This isn't me being hyperbolic. Does anyone like Chris Jericho in 2015?
Despite being a smark favorite back in the day, Jericho is the ultimate corporate kiss ass. While I've seen 'chosen one'/'face of the company' guys like Nash or Austin criticize the WWE in one manner or another, Jericho always seemingly nods and thinks 'good idea, boss!'
Every time he comes back it's to put somebody young over. This would be a good thing you might say. Not when it's obvious that's all he comes back to do. The intentions are good but the outcome does nothing for the other star and only hurts them. Instead of putting them over, a star with momentum usually ends up having it completely halted by a 1-2 month long feud that gives them nothing in the end because beating Jericho means nothing. A Jericho feud is a 2 month long squash match.
Hasn't been entertaining since 2010. And that's stretching it. 2009 at the absolute latest.
His dismissal of the Bill DeMott story by saying 'I had it worse.'
His music that is ridiculously lame even by 80s Metal Tribute band standards.
His phony as fuck podcast hosting.
This is all true, lol.
Also, Mania 31 was the very definition of fun and playful. If you really start to break it down and analyze it, I feel like the show becomes worse and worse... but I'm not gonna do that. Brock going Summerslam 2014 on Reigns' ass was enough to send me home happy.
Why did someone draw cat ears and whiskers to Sarah Connor's face?
27 and 29 I'd definitely agree. Can't comment on 1-5 and 11 as I haven't seen them in full. No fucking way is it better than 12, 14, 15 or 16. And 28 isn't even that bad other than Bryan and Sheamus getting fucked over.9 isn't even bad. It gets such a bad rap. I'd take 9 over 1-5, 11-16, and 27-29.
Can I sub to your newsletter?NXT was really boring this week. Really boring.
That's my hard hitting analysis.
27 and 29 I'd definitely agree. Can't comment on 1-5 and 11 as I haven't seen them in full. No fucking way is it better than 12, 14, 15 or 16. And 28 isn't even that bad other than Bryan and Sheamus getting fucked over.
Maybe I should revisit 9 though.
Anyway welcome back sir. I watched all of The Sopranos for the first time in your absence. Fuck hearing Tony and his breathing though. That shit was obnoxious.
Seth-kun leaving Mania as champion, thus completing my triumph over friend Heel, makes Mania 31 top 5 all time at least.
2 and 4 are easily the worst Manias. Four is longer but at least has a neat ending. Two is shorter but has nothing worth watching on it.
I saw the twinkle in Seth-kun's eye and the fire within just like you did, Chamber. Reminded me of a prime Chuck Liddell. Sometimes you have to play devil's advocate to make the victory for your friends even more fulfilling.
I look forward to doing the same in kideo game form, laughing at your failures in Bloodborne.
Me playing Bloodborne =
Something something get good.
All kidding aside, is this your first souls game?
Hey, y'all
Glad to be back in this wonderful, women positive thread after all that ugly misogyny with last month's threads. A real shame all that ugliness was exposed. Happy to see that Bean is back, as the community really needed him.
I feel like I watched a different match than the rest of the internet when people talk about HHH and Sting. It was super boring, lacked structure and storytelling and it seems like everyone is just getting off on old man run ins.
I feel like I watched a different match than the rest of the internet when people talk about HHH and Sting. It was super boring, lacked structure and storytelling and it seems like everyone is just getting off on old man run ins.
back when i made my debut i didn't shake anyone's hand, notice that DM never came after me for it, now i'm not saying he's scared of me but he probably knows i'd beat that old ass if he ever tried anything
I feel like I watched a different match than the rest of the internet when people talk about HHH and Sting. It was super boring, lacked structure and storytelling and it seems like everyone is just getting off on old man run ins.
Agree 100%
Chris Jericho in 2015 would make 90's Chris Jericho sick to his fucking stomach.
Dude is like Adam Sandler. Happy to work absolute garbage just to keep earning the big bucks for the least amount of effort possible.
Yes, getting murdered as expected.
That ain't no Sarah Connor. The GOAT:
Yes, getting murdered as expected.
Vicar Amelia is berrying me
You should try guarding.
Punisher (2004)
Vicar Amelia is berrying me
Someone recommend something for me to watch. No wrestling, must be on Netflix (any region) or youtube, I must be able to fall asleep to it and pick up at a later time. Show or movie or series or whatever
Vicar Amelia was my toughest fight. Until I got to Rom. Fuck that fight and all its cheap bullshit.
Also, welcome back Stro.
Damn, you're still working through that? You're an animal.Season 7 of How I met Your Mother.