Yeah, NXT has been dragging a bit, it's really not helping being on the same day as Lucha as I'll watch that first and NXT won't be as good. Wrestlemania weekend killed a lot of its momentum.
The special coming up should help though.
I'm sure there's smark conspiracy theorists already writing up their "Vince told Triple H to make his show shitter and stop showing up the main roster" blog posts as I type.
"Hey everyone dress smart. Expect the women. You gals just show up in your ring gear. As the new WWE diva's we got to start objectifying you ASAP"
Girl on the right is goregous.
KC Cassidy and, yeah, she's pretty stunning;
Girl on the right is goregous.
Yeah, NXT has been dragging a bit, it's really not helping being on the same day as Lucha as I'll watch that first and NXT won't be as good. Wrestlemania weekend killed a lot of its momentum.
The special coming up should help though.
This whole thing seems only half thought through.
What if it thought you were lonely and was going to hand out the olive branch to befriend the Spider Kingdom behind the fridge?
It's just part of the growing internet/twitch/youtube culture. Everyone thinks everything should have a mandatory price tag attached to it. That everything you do is worth some kind of money. No one should write FAQs for free or play games on a stream for free. No one should do it just for fun or because it's something they want to do.
I'm waiting to get paid for my gifs.
Trips and the new NXT signees;
I think some people deserve money for the things they do in these fields, just not like this. Especially not with a cut not in favor of the creators at all.
That's what the donation button was for. If people felt they did an amazing job, they donated. Some might say that's not enough but look how much people on twitch make purely off donations. I know the dude behind Falskaar got offered a job at Bungie when he was 19 just because of the mod being such a higher quality product.
This is insanely fucked up. Like this is worse than anything EA has done in years.
I have absolutely no problem with people wanting to charge for things, that's up to them if they feel their time is worth that. You don't have to buy it if you disagree.That's what the donation button was for. If people felt they did an amazing job, they donated. Some might say that's not enough but look how much people on twitch make purely off donations. I know the dude behind Falskaar got offered a job at Bungie when he was 19 just because of the mod being such a higher quality product.
This is insanely fucked up. Like this is worse than anything EA has done in years.
I have absolutely no problem with people wanting to charge for things, that's up to them if they feel their time is worth that. You don't have to buy it if you disagree.
Wordpress doesn't have enough characters to stop my conspiracies.
Do wrasslespiracy people still wear tin foil hats or just R-Truth merch?
They have no right to charge for things when they're taking something from another creator for their creation.
No they dont, but I didn't say that.
Absolutely, I was talking about the mod/other content creators, not Beth (sorry if that wasn't clear).Well I won't be buying anything from Bethesda as long as they keep their %'s. 75% for the convenience of using their game as a platform is a fucking joke.
It is set by the publisher though, so other outlets may be more realistic.
R-Truths greatest character was taken from us before he got good merch.
EDIT: Speaking of merch, insert Coin have new MGS gear.... Mother of fuck I'm weak.
Just got this e-mail from one of the Kickstarter projects I backed.
Sunflower, have we discussed the interview Jim Ross did with HBK, where HBK basically said everything that people like JesseEwiak, Heel, you, and I have been saying for years about ISEC vs. pro wrestling fans?
That's really cool. women devs have been getting pushed away from doing it for so long, it's going to take a long time to make things better and any incentive to keep people in the kideo business is important.
is it this?
EDIT: New Page
I googled this and the only result I could find was on, but it makes it sound like she's ponying up the cash for it herself rather than just raise awareness of it, which is doubly awesome.
and also
Valve letting people sell mods (and then probably take a cut of it) feels dirty as fuck to me
Valve letting people sell mods (and then probably take a cut of it) feels dirty as fuck to me
WWE 2K15 mods will cost more than the actual DLC.
WWE 2K15 mods will cost more than the actual DLC.
I'll get WWE 2K15 when its $10 on sale, and then mod it with a full retelling of the New Generation.
Tessa's pretty good. She already uses the slingshot suplex anyway, might as well go full-on Tully. I would not be at all surprised to see her in NXT within a year or two. Also, for someone trained by Mad Man fucking Pondon, Mary Dobson's a hell of a lot better than you'd expect.