this weeks Review a Wai is on Lockdown 2007, I'm listening to Konnan trying to sell an "electrified steel cage match"
Russoooo baybaeee
Listened to the episode and loved it. "Electrifyyy the steel cage!"
this weeks Review a Wai is on Lockdown 2007, I'm listening to Konnan trying to sell an "electrified steel cage match"
Russoooo baybaeee
So who's the Past, Present and Future here in wrasslegaf?
I'm the Brad Maddox of wrassling gaf.
Stuck between a time paradox of present and future.
Who makes these decisions? And I enjoy Dalton Castle as well, RoH desperately needed something DIFFERENT.
Is...that a ventriloquist there on the back? At least a Cunt is on the poster.
Which pinball you play? FX2 or Arcade or both? I love the fuck out of Arcade.
Zen Pinball all day. I would get into Arcade but them table packs are expensive as shit.
Inuyasha fan fiction author Jpeeples as been got
Batman is stingWill Batman save Sting?
The Dark Knight is currently airing on the superstation
clearly this was the offending post:
Zen Pinball is lame because most the tables look so ridiculous that it distracts from the game.
The South Park pins are ok on it though.
I like Zen's stuff because it's pinball that can't be replicated IRL - which TPA does the reverse for me, nearly complete accuracy and recreations. Best of both worlds.
So, was strobogo perma-banned?
So, was strobogo perma-banned?
Actually he changed his username and decided not to post so much in our community anymore.
Actually he changed his username and decided not to post so much in our community anymore.
How WWE let mia yim go to TNA I'll never know
EC3 as a character is one of the few guys that WWE let go that seems like a mistake. Until he's in the ring, and then you realize why he got cut.
I reinstalled 2k15 just to remind myself of its faults as a 2k16 announcement looms.
...Holy shit, worse than I remembered. And remember how they didn't include the WCW/NXT packs as part of the season pass? Holy shit.
What if the PC version is modded enough to be the greatest wrestling game in 15 years? With all the DLC included from the start. Sid!
Too be fair it's specifically called a showcase pass, not season pass so you get what you pay for.I reinstalled 2k15 just to remind myself of its faults as a 2k16 announcement looms.
...Holy shit, worse than I remembered. And remember how they didn't include the WCW/NXT packs as part of the season pass? Holy shit.
Don't talk mess about my best bud Stro!I hate to say it but...I hope so. So negative.
Looking forward to stro and softgels in an electrified steel cage match.
EC3 is pretty great. Campaigning to become champ in 2015. These fucking graphs. LOL.
So, The Rising in TNA...
Needless shot of Josh Matthews in the TNA announcer's room.
TNA is on to something with the Mathews face cam. Kids love Twitch so just let him be there the whole time asking for donations and making sound effects.